Last updated 3 years ago
How can we audit funded projects after finalization?
Letting the Challenge Team perform an external and independent audit process of projects achievements
This is the total amount allocated to Project Audits by Challenge Teams.
Letting the Challenge Team perform an external and independent audit process of projects achievements
Strong academics and 25+ years of proven experience in architecting and developing software solutions. Got a project funded on F6.
Project progress and finalization are measured by KPIs, progress reports and Zoom meetings. Although that works perfectly, it's based on trust of the team with no external and independent auditability of the outcomes delivered by the project.
With the existence of Challenge Teams from Fund 7 and that the initiative has been really successful so far, we have the perfect group to address the task. Since they already have the responsibility to track key metrics of funded projects, we can increase their duties with an incentive mechanism.
Give the challenge team the responsibility to audit externally completed projects of their corresponding challenge and come up with a brief report. They can perform this task by themselves or hire someone externally.
In compensation they will receive a fixed amount per project of approximately US$ 300 (see assumptions below)
This proposal is conceived as an experiment for the first Challenge Teams of Fund 7. If it is funded and gives us good results it can be extended in the future.
Estimating that each external audit process costs US$300 and that 150 projects will be funded in Fund 7, the total budget for this project is US45.000.
The author of this project won't receive any funding, since all funding should go to challenge teams.
The success of the initiative should be tracked by the following metrics and analysis:
This proposal was elaborated by Rodolfo Miranda. His Linkedin profile can be find at
His background includes a MS EE degree at Stanford University and more than 25 years of successful work experience in both large multinational companies and owned startup projects. His main activities involve architecting, developing, and implementing large scale software solutions for the Telecommunication Industry. He leads multi-disciplinary and multinational teams in the Caribbean and Latin America.
More than 40 years of self-taught programming with advanced knowledge on many coding languages. Lately, he was engaged in blockchain technologies and joined Cardano community where he:
Strong academics and 25+ years of proven experience in architecting and developing software solutions. Got a project funded on F6.