Last updated 4 years ago
NFT images can be difficult for the average consumer to access, downloading files from IPFS is not as intuitive for the average consumer.
Create a mobile app that ingest wallet address' and downloads linked NFTs for storing and organizing on the users device.
This is the total amount allocated to Mobile App: NFT/Token Gallery.
Create a mobile app that ingest wallet address' and downloads linked NFTs for storing and organizing on the users device.
Travis Yatsko: 6+ yrs Software Engineer, SPO, TPM
Jia Yang: 6+ yrs SpaceX Engineer
Ismael Munoz: PhD, 6+ yrs Engineer
NFT consumers that are seeking a dedicated solution to view and share their collection.
This free application would allow for convenient access to a users NFTs and Tokens. The application would take a users wallet address and query the blockchain to access the users NFT collection and associated metadata. Integrations would be made with Apple Photos, Google Photos, and other third party storage applications to allow users to share their collection with others and create gallery albums to be used on digital picture frame devices. For the users privacy, no data would be collected or stored remotely.
Our goal would be for the application to be easily findable through SEO optimization on the web and app stores. The service will also be broadcast through twitter, our stake pool (FYTO Pool) delegators, as well as planned Cardano community events we host. Additionally we are seeking to run smaller marketing campaigns to attract new Cardano community members who may not have the knowledge to access files through IPFS.
As the Cardano Ecosystem grows and new NFT consumers enter the market, the need for a streamlined solution to access, store, and share NFTs will increase.
Line Item Budget
Engineering: $4,000
Marketing campaigns: $3,000
One Month - Finalized architecture and UI/UX using Googles Flutter Framework.
Three month - Release MVP that accesses user wallet and displays NFTs/Tokens. Run a micro campaign with the goal of generating 100 downloads on iOS and Android.
Six month - Release V2 with multi-wallet support and integration with 3rd part photo applications. Run a campaign targeting 1,000 downloads on iOS and Android.
Six months on - On going maintenance and additional campaigns.
One year - Reach 5,000 users on iOS and Android.
Defining success
Success would be achieved through the release of the application on iOS and Android, with the possibility of releasing a web and MacOS app. Reaching 5,000 total downloads would serve as the primary KPI at the one year mark.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Travis Yatsko: 6+ yrs Software Engineer, SPO, TPM
Jia Yang: 6+ yrs SpaceX Engineer
Ismael Munoz: PhD, 6+ yrs Engineer