Last updated 2 years ago
Catalyst Swarm needs resources to reward crucial and important community engagement besides sessions and events.
Creation of a Catalyst Swarm Treasury to reward extraordinary and important services from the Community for the Community
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst Swarm Operations.
Creation of a Catalyst Swarm Treasury to reward extraordinary and important services from the Community for the Community
Fulltime Community Members, Community Advisors, Funded Proposers, Proposal Mentors & Catalyst Experts, Cardano Ambassadors
The Catalyst Swarm is an Assembly of highly engaged and dedicated Catalyst Community Members. By organizing recurring Community Events, Sessions and Workshops we provide an environment for the Community to meet and to connect with each other, to share ideas and to build powerful and impactful collaborations
Next to our Events, Sessions and workshops there are many tasks which need to be done on a daily basis. Many of those tasks are not directly linked to the events but require constant engagement.
This proposal aims to reward those engagements and efforts
BTW.. we think many people here think that we work for or with IOG or the Cardano Foundation.. spoiler... we do not. We are simply a bunch of Community members serving the Community
Fun Fact.. it's almost 9 months now Swarm does his stuff.. with Fund 6, we received our first rewards in November 2021 after months and months of volunteering and paying by our own for the tools and services we need, to support the community..
But well, let's have a look at some parts which are currently not covered by our Event proposals.
(A) Catalyst Swarm - The Maintainers
Discord | Twitter | Telegram | Email - Communications
To stay in constant contact with the community requires a lot of time and commitment but provides a lot of value to the community. To provide fast and direct communications allows the community to act in an environment where all kinds of questions and requests are taken seriously. We are always responsive to our community which always allows us to
We keep the Community up to date for relevant happenings and events within the larger community and we take care to announce relevant Catalyst happenings to the Community.
We are there for our community, and this only works when being present all the Time.
Those engagements are currently not rewarded. We would like to change that and enable some resources to pay the maintainers for their engagements
Documentation and Website
Another part of our activity which is currently not rewarded are the services needed to maintain the documentation of the Catalyst Swarm via github and gitbook. As the Swarm tracks his engagement via github, we have another workside which requires a constant engagement. The documentation of the Catalyst Swarm is a crucial part of our evolution as we are able to conserve our history and progress as well as our failures and challenges.
To maintain the Website requires less time, but is after all an important piece as well. Currently we don't have any resources to pay for a designer who could help us to put the site in a nice shape, we do what we can by ourselves, but well.. we are not there yet.
(B) Catalyst Swarm - The Networking
One of the most beautiful parts of the Swarm is definitely to build and maintain a whole environment of human based relations and ideas. What really gives Swarm its beauty is the fact that we communicate, coordinate and collaborate with various individuals, groups and projects within the ecosystem. What is Swarm other than the idea of Impactful collaborations.
Catalyst School, Eastern Town Hall, WADA, Gimbalabs or QA DAO are some of the projects we feel really close to and do whatever we can to support them on their journey. Newcomers often reach out to us, asking for guidance and orientation. By being well connected within the community we are able to forward people directly there where they can use their potential and transform those into real impact.. It's all a matter of our environment which allows us to flourish our skills.
(C) Catalyst Swarm - The Incubator ? Hell Yeah
Catalyst School & Eastern Town Hall are beautiful examples of how Swarm actually produces real value. At first there are just some people meeting each other, recognizing alignment in their visions and starting to build relation and trust. Out of this trust powerful collaborations take place and whole projects emerge out of this process. The greatest reward is to see that those projects become independent and stable by their own, but we would like to reward all the efforts whi
(D) Catalyst Swarm - The Management
Well, as you can imagine we have a bunch of stuff to coordinate and manage all the things and stuff between, git, website , communications, events, sessions, collaborations and whatnot.. again a part which is currently not rewarded. To keep the whole structure running and organized requires again a nice bucket of time every day and week which we would like to see rewarded when the community agrees on the value of these engagements
(E) Catalyst Swarm - The Architecture
And here we come to the really tasty part…
Out of all these activities and operations, the Swarm has a kinda very nice picture about the ecosystem and the community. This allows us to sensor and identify gaps and lacks and to initiate together with the Community solutions to fill those gaps to come up with solutions and to be a very active co creator of our environment
Here we will add some more details as it is a really beautiful part
For the CAs..
As we know how we assess and rank proposals we won't give you a hard job to do by assessing this proposal. When assessing right now, you might ask yourself the 3 golden CA questions: What is theImpact, Auditability and feasibility of this proposal. Let us try to elaborate on those points
Does this proposal effectively address the challenge's purpose ?
Well.. the Challenge in which we placed this proposal is called the Miscellaneous Challenge which means that.. Well, yeah, it means that we have 5 stars ?
Given the Experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully
Ha, here we go… 5 Stars again. This Proposal is already successfully implemented, since several months even. and it also ( fortunately ) never stops his successful implementation. Check our servers, events and sessions, our website and github, text us wherever you want to check if we are responsive and available as we say. .. a great way to measure our success: Many of us left their Day job to engage full time in the ecosystem, we are funded proposer, proposal mentors and referrers, Community Advisors and veteran Community Advisors, we are elected Members of the Catalyst Circles and member of the Catalyst Circle Admin Team.. ah and we are Challenge Team Members as well.. and SPOs.. and Cardano Ambassadors.. So I guess we have all we need to move forward and to ensure that the community funds, when we receive them for this proposal, are well invested.
Last Point on which you will rank this proposals
The Information provided is sufficient to audit the progress and the success of the proposal.
Well, what do you expect us to write here.. some KPIs and OKRs, Milestones and a roadmap ? Well what we can tell you is that we are quite convinced that after more than a half a year of volunteer based but successful services to the community we won't stop. We wil move on to provide our services… for a long long time. We will continue to track and documentate our Servers and sites, we will move forward to engage full time in the community ( now as we are funded in Fund 6 we even can life on that ) and we will stay where we came from.. the community.
Said that, let's speak about rewards.
The Miscellaneous Challenge has a total Budget of 200.00 USD worth in ADA available.To give at least 10 Proposals the possibility to receive funds we won't apply for a huge junk from this budget. We think that when we receive some rewards, we are already far better positioned than some long months ago.. without any rewards/Funds.
We think it's ok when we ask for the following Budget: We calculate this Budget to reward those engagements over the next 3 months after getting ( hopefully ) voted and funded. So From January to March 2022
(A) Catalyst Swarm - The Maintainers - 2000 USD
(B) Catalyst Swarm - The Networking - 1500 USD
(C) Catalyst Swarm - The Incubator - 1500 USD
(D) Catalyst Swarm - The Management - 1500 USD
(E) Catalyst Swarm - The Architecture - 1500 USD
Total Budget: 8000 USD
Go and stay in Contact with us
Thanks for supporting us to support you :)
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Fulltime Community Members, Community Advisors, Funded Proposers, Proposal Mentors & Catalyst Experts, Cardano Ambassadors