Last updated 2 years ago
Without ongoing funding, the CC Admin Team cannot fulfill its role in supporting the functions and operations of the Catalyst Circle.
Provide remuneration for the CC Admin Team to support the functions and operations of, and transitions between the Catalyst Circle
This is the total amount allocated to CC Admin Team Scope Expansion.
Provide remuneration for the CC Admin Team to support the functions and operations of, and transitions between the Catalyst Circle
The Catalyst Circle Admin Team (CC Admin Team) is composed of driven and active community members from diverse backgrounds
The roles and contributions of CC Admin team members include: Veteran Swarm Members, Community Advisors, Veteran Community Advisors, Funded Proposers, Stakepool Operators, IdeaFest and Governance Day Hosts, and ADA Holders.
The CC Admin team is the administrative arm of the Catalyst Circle. Its primary functions are to:
Like the Circle was born out of a need for communication between key stakeholder community groups within Catalyst, the CC Admin team was created to facilitate, track, and record interactions within the Circle itself. We strongly believe that this is the exact type of grassroots organizing and social development that Catalyst is designed for: a group of like minded individuals identify a problem, band together, and work to solve that problem. By stepping up and fulfilling this role, the CC Admin team allows the elected Circle members more time to focus on finding solutions to community identified problems, rather than spending that time completing tasks which are administrative or operational in nature.
Initially, CC Admin team members fulfilled the necessary functions on an interim and voluntary basis, however, this was deemed as unsustainable due to the significant amount of time and effort required. Moreover, CC Admin team members are expected to have a significant amount of accountability, not only to each other but also to the larger community; a level of commitment that we do not believe can be sustained on volunteerism.
We also started out with thinking that we would only need one facilitator and one secretary to cover the entire Catalyst Circle but we learned very quickly that we needed to bring on more people on board, to ensure continuity and coverage. That is why we have expanded the team to 3 secretaries and 3 facilitators. True to Catalyst, we are constantly learning, iterating, and experimenting with innovative ways to work together in pursuit of our mutual goals.
For the reasons explained above, and for many others we probably forgot to list, we are requesting that the Catalyst Community provide CC Admin team members a modest stipend for their efforts in delivering critical support to the Circle.
Member duties and responsibilities
Due to the emergent nature of the CC Admin team, current members have been self-identified or selected via the Swarm and Project Catalyst networks after seeking for additional ways to support and participate. This approach was necessary to ensure that the tasks were completed appropriately and on time. In order to continue providing services, these members will stay on while we introduce a new system for selecting the CC Admin team.
Starting with the election of CCv4, we are proposing to move to an election process similar to that of the Catalyst Circle, whereby CC Admin team members will submit their name for nomination and the winning individuals will present their case, and then be selected by the community. We believe that this is the most fair and open way for interested community members to be provided the opportunity to participate on the CC Admin team should they so choose.
All CC Admin team members, existing and future, are expected to:
Each member also has the responsibility to:
Roadmap (6 months) November 2021 - April 2022
November 2021
December 2021
March 2022
Accomplishments of Admin Team version 1
Risk Assessment
Budget breakdown:
Admin staff - Facilitators: $7500 (2500 x 3 Facilitators)
Admin staff - Secretaries: $7500 (2500 x 3 Secretaries)
Internal/external communication and organization tools: ($1000)
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
The Catalyst Circle Admin Team (CC Admin Team) is composed of driven and active community members from diverse backgrounds