Last updated a year ago
Documentation of philosophical debate and discussion around Cardano requires support to be sustainable.
Resource the documentation of philosophical debate and discussion around Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Ekphrasis Gitbook.
Resource the documentation of philosophical debate and discussion around Cardano.
QA-DAO have a combined 50 years' experience in supporting, documenting, auditing, and engaging independent communities such as Catalyst.
Academic and philosophical activity about Cardano is an important way that Cardano gains recognition and legitimacy in the wider world. It is a significant "way in" to involvement; for many people an academic or philosophical article or video, or a mention in the footnotes of an academic thesis, is the first way that they ever hear about Cardano. It is therefore important, for posterity and as a potential tool for onboarding, to collate together relevant mentions in the academic and philosophical literature in an accessible, open-source repository. This is also a useful resource for the Catalyst community itself, providing context for discussions and a reference tool for anyone interested in learning more about the thinking behind Cardano.
QA-DAO's Ekphrasis GitBook has been providing this useful service since June 2021; but continuing to do this requires resourcing. We also want to publicise Ekphrasis GitBook more widely, so that people within and outside Catalyst become more aware of it as a resource.
Documenting the philosophical background of Cardano is a valuable service which is beginning to gain attention and traction within the community; so although it does not align with any other Fund 7 challenge, it is one of the miscellaneous small efforts which give vital support to onboarding of new people, increased knowledge and understanding, and the overall growth and development of the community.
Project aim and outline
The aim of this proposal is to fund maintenance of the Ekphrasis GitBook for 3 months, from Feb to April 2022. This assumes a single maintainer who collates materials relevant to the philosophical background to Cardano - academic articles about Cardano, videos discussing significant ideas, philosophical publications, etc - and tracks daily activities.
The GitBook maintainer will also regularly post links to updated content on Catalyst and Swarm servers on Discord and Telegram. In-context links will also be posted in Town Hall chat where appropriate.
A part of the proposal budget has been set aside for social media engagement, so that the Ekphrasis GitBook can achieve a wider reach, and can provide insights into Cardano on social media such as Reddit and Twitter.
We will also share Ekphrasis GitBook material directly with a Philosophy In Pubs, ( a network of community philosophy groups in the UK, so they can use it as background for some of their own meetings. Additionally, if QA-DAO's fund 7 proposal Penny Lane Liverpool Philosophy Hub is successful, ( , the Liverpool branch of Philosophy In Pubs will use the Ekphrasis Gitbook as a resource for a series of philosophical discussion sessions aimed at onboarding people and creating a community hub centred around philosophy.
Economic sustainability
QA-DAO ( is seeking GitHub sponsorship ( and will also explore StakePool Operator sponsorship. The long-term aim is to become independent of Project Catalyst funding. As it takes time to build up sufficient sponsorship, this proposal seeks to fill the gap.
Whilst the Ekphrasis GitBook content is open-source, the maintenance is currently the work of QA-DAO. But through this proposal, (and possibly also the related Fund 7 proposal Penny Lane Liverpool Philosophy Hub), we plan to move to a shared maintainership by the Catalyst community itself, with a distributed process of soliciting and reviewing submissions.
Timeline/roadmap, and definitions of success
Prior to funding
Ekphrasis Gitbook began in June 2021 and has been maintained since.
At 3 months (Feb - April 2021)
Over the course of its funded period, Ekphrasis Gitbook will
6 months (May - July 2022 - after the end of the project)
12 months (Aug 2022 - Feb 2023)
Regular updates over 3 months (21 hours/month) to add content
$50/hour for 63 hours (21 x 3) = $ 3,150
Promotion, engagement and communication on social media: Twitter, Telegram, Youtube, Discord, Reddit, JISCmail (academic mailing list network in the UK with several philosophy lists) plus one Town Hall breakout room during the course of the project
2 hours/week for 3 months = 24 hours = $50/hour for 24 hours = $ 1,200
Total: $4,350
Risks and mitigation
Risk of low levels of engagement with the material: There is a community of interest beginning to build within Catalyst around philosophy, including Swarm breakout rooms, and a Discord channel on art and philosophy. We will mitigate the risk of low engagement by connecting with this developing network. We will also run an After Town Hall breakout room during the course of the project to raise awareness of the Ekphrasis Gitbook, generate interest, and explain the pathways for people to get involved with it. We will also use social media, and academic networks such as JISCmail (the main academic mailing list network in the UK) to build the GitBook's connections within academia.
Relevant experience
Stephen Whitenstall (@swhitenstall) has 30 years' experience in business, community and academic projects. Stephen has a First Class Honours degree in philosophy, and was drawn to Cardano by an academic interest in distributed governance. He set up QA-DAO ( in April 2021, and created Ekphrasis GitBook ( in June 2021, which he has maintained since then to document the philosophical underpinning of Cardano. He also develops, maintains documentation and provides technical project management support for Catalyst Swarm; has been successfully funded in funds 5 and 6 for several significant projects around community engagement, auditability, recordkeeping and transparency; and is currently the representative for Catalyst Co-ordinator (Funded Proposers) in Catalyst Circle v2.
Vanessa Cardui (@CallyFromAuron) is a community engagement professional with a background in archives and records, and over 20 years' experience of supporting independent communities such as Catalyst to document themselves, collate material and make it accessible. She is currently leading on the QA-DAO fund 6 proposals Homeless Hub and Oversight of Catalyst Circle
Ekphrasis GitBook is a project of QA-DAO (, an ongoing open source project that provides support for the Cardano Project Catalyst Community. Ekphrasis GitBook's project documentation will follow QA-DAO ideals of open-source transparency and auditability.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
QA-DAO have a combined 50 years' experience in supporting, documenting, auditing, and engaging independent communities such as Catalyst.