Last updated 3 years ago
GameChanger users requested lots of features that have been addressed, but we're delayed on other key features we want to prioritize.
We have listened to you GameChangers! And we propose to focus on the features that you've requested the most.
This is the total amount allocated to GameChanger: Most required features.
We have listened to you GameChangers! And we propose to focus on the features that you've requested the most.
We have made GameChanger, our product is a highly humanized and gamified wallet. We are committed to newcomers, students and builders.
Extended relevant experience:
Cardano already has a highly humanized and gamified wallet commited 100% to lower the entry barrier for students, entrepreneurs, junior developers and people in general around the world. It's called GameChanger and it's primary goal is to allow people focus on what really matters rather than loose attention on infrastructure, language complexities and high level coding skills requirements.
GameChanger current key features:
Extended problem statement:
Having community tools such as wallets, plural voices on how client blockchain software should be like, is a key factor for true decentralization and overall protocol strength.
We aim to be really disruptive, we're offering you, Cardano Community, a very innovative, powerful and unique wallet.
GameChanger Wallet (mainnet and testnet ) has been live since July 2021 without VC, token launch, etc, fully supported only by our users as many other community projects; and like ourselves, this "GameChangers'' want to harness better Cardano's potential by having a better user experience and push wallet limits even further. We have listened, and we are committed to improve for them, we just need a bit of support to better focus on these development efforts.
Current Status / Technical Information:
It's important to clarify that unlike other wallets in the ecosystem, GameChanger Wallet offer users the ability to combine several Cardano features at once into single transactions, for sustainable blockchain usage and reduced fees. The wallet builds this complex low level transactions, not the dapps. We take the hard work to allow dapp builders focus on building faster and easily they projects. Sometimes we have been referred as an easier cardano-wallet-cli web alternative.
Multi-output sending with multi-asset support for each of this outputs, plus native asset minting plus metadata, all at once and at users hands through SmartSend and NFT Creator UIs, the Playground (our integrated IDE) and the dapp connector. We have a more complex codebase in order to combine all the protocol features in such a free and creative way for our users. This is why our development efforts are not trivial, and every single decission we make, affects the overall project in complex ways.
Key features/goals:
Bug fixes:
Use cases and customers:
All this backlog has been constructed after obtaining user feedback on real life use cases. Some examples are:
Generic use cases that will benefit from this:
With the storefull model, users will mitigate mnemonics exposure, driving more liquidity through GC/Cardano ecosystem
With this spending password flow, all dapps integratig GC will benefit from a better UX, allowing bypassing the Dapp Cart at will, for a faster, instant, dapp connection.
With the core rewrite, better paving the way for HW support, users will feel more secure don't having to rely exclusively on mnemonic flow. Consider supporting our specific HW proposal.
Meet the team:
Meet the team:
Adriano Fiorenza is Entrepreneur & Senior Full Stack Developer with 10+ years of experience in IOT and software development. Founder and the main Lead Developer behind GameChanger Wallet, participated in 1st gen Plutus Pioneer Program and is currently contributing as Core Team member at
His Linkedin profile can be found at
Javier Ribó, Technical manager working in the flight industry and for the past years has successfully built and scaled different projects.Also worked for more than 7 years in the Hosting & Cloud industry. Currently going through the "Emurgo Developer course" Batch 52 & contributing to GameChanger Wallet as Senior Developer.
His Linkedin profile can be found at
Roberto C. Morano is a systems integrator and DevOps advocate with over 15 years of experience. Ex-Emurgo DevOps Lead. Gimbalabs Co-Founder. Dandelion Founder and Operator. GameChanger advisor.
His Linkedin profile can be found at
6 months of work, depending on other proposals interrelated to this one, deliverables will be finished earlier.
Unless upcoming use cases lead us to prioritize something differently, we will address the backlog this way:
1st month:
Revise our social media in search for unspotted user feedback and enrich this backlog further (if posible) under this same budget
research, PoCs, and technical planning
core development, upgrade of libs and corresponding storeless code adaptation to it
core storefull persistance methods, wallet provider classes
internal API refactoring for using any kind of known wallet provider
2nd month:
basic adaptation of UI for the spending password flow, and wallet exports, state management,etc
internal API refactoring for using any kind of known wallet provider. Covering special features such as minting and metadata.
new API connection with Playground IDE and DApp connector.
3rd month:
Finalizing UI adaptation to the new flow, better covering switching between wallets, fixing address endpoint bug, and other related stuff.
Bug fixes
covering new features
QA, and addressing unspotted feedback at the moment of writting the backlog
Key Performance Indicators for the first 3/6 months (KPIs):
3 months:
increase in positive feedback from users in social media
6 months:
increase in new wallets created
increase in liquidity driven through GC Wallet
increase in dapps executed using GC Wallet
Related proposals & other projects:
More information in general about all our participation and co-proposals in Catalyst can be found on our website.
We also want to contribute to the overall Catalyst experience and we have created Project Catapult for all the not-funded proposals and helping on Catalyst Community Tools On-Chain!
We have made GameChanger, our product is a highly humanized and gamified wallet. We are committed to newcomers, students and builders.