Last updated 3 years ago
Low awareness about Project Catalyst outside of our community and about the different ways to participate in the funding process.
Short video reels combined with an online campaign to raise awareness about Project Catalyst.
This is the total amount allocated to Outreach Campaign.
Short video reels combined with an online campaign to raise awareness about Project Catalyst.
25+ years combined experience in Marketing and as Entrepreneur
Several funded proposals since Fund 5
Link zu Twitter:
It is proven that short, energetic videos attract attention and interest. That's why we're applying for some resources to increase our capacity to get people excited about Project Catalyst.
Have you seen our trailer for Fund 7 yet (see video above)?
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How does this proposal fit into this challenge?
This challenge is made for proposals that don't fit into any other challenge but thus create value for our ecosystem. Since the community has chosen by voting to not include the proposer outreach challenge again into Fund 7, we have chosen this newly created challenge to keep on going with our efforts to increase awareness about Catalyst.
What problem do we solve?
Despite a very active Community around Cardano, Project Catalyst is still very unknown. And not only Catalyst as a community-driven fund but also the different possibilities to participate in the funding process. In general we are looking for bright entrepreneurs and transforming ideas. But we also need more Community Advisors and ideally more voter participation. We will extend our activities (based on our successful Fund 6 proposal) to raise awareness about Catalyst and the different roles with our campaign (details see description below) and therefore will attract new members to our community.
Outlook of our engagement?
This proposal is based on a successful proposal in Fund 6: Fund 7 + 8 Campaign
Since part of the content is already created/or in progress and we have made some experiences in how to optimize the reach with our activities, the funds can be used more efficiently to reach the set goals in the growth of the community. Also we can rely on an already established collaboration stream to IOG (see Twitter link above) to support each other's initiatives.
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1. Short video-reels (similar to Fund 7 trailer) about Catalyst and the different roles (proposers, CAs/vCAs, voters, etc.) and stages of the Catalyst process.
2. Online campaign to increase the reach of the video-reels and attract the desired target group.
A successful online marketing campaign consists of two key elements:
Great content is the foundation of any online campaign. But the reach and therefore the success of the campaign depends mainly on the way in which the content is implemented and whether the attention can be turned into CTA. Therefore, the creation of content, the generation of traffic and the CTA part must be linked together. To ensure the CTA we will link our video-reels and the campaign to different existing community initiatives and landing pages that already help to onboard new members in our community.
1. Organic reach
As IOG has helped us to increase the reach of the Fund 7 reel on Twitter, we plan to further collaborate to increase the organic reach of our content.
In addition, we as a community can share (post/retweet) the created video on other social media channels to expand the impact of this campaign. I also encourage the community to contact me if there are other use-cases for the reels.
2. Ad spendings
Great content will eventually be found organically, but we should obviously do everything we can to make sure our reels get the attention they deserve. That's why a paid ad strategy is important to get the reach we want. For this purpose YouTube and Twitter ads are a perfect channel to raise awareness about Project Catalyst. These channels reach a very active crypto community. The given options for setting a campaign on these channels enable us to effectively reach our target group, because the reels will be shown next to blockchain-related content. A further advantage of YouTube is the low cost-per-click ratio. And thanks to real-time tracking, adjustments in the campaign can be made at any time.
The budget is divided in three parts: content creation, campaign management and ad spendings:
1. Content creation
Video reels (incl. ideation, storyboard, effects, editing, cutting, sound):
100 hours a $45 = $4.500
2. Campaign Management
Tracking, Ad placements, create postings (for organic reach)
60 hours a $45 (1h per day for 60 days): $2.700
3. Ad spendings:
$200 per day for 60 days during the next funding circle = $12.000
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1-3 month after funding:
Voting results are expected to be announced at mid February 2022, followed by the launch of Fund 8 directly afterwards. For each week we launch videos to inform about the current state of Fund 8 based on the dates, roles and activities defined by Project Catalyst.
All Fund 8 videos are going to be shared on various social media platforms (Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.) and we will ask IOG and Cardano Foundation again to share these reels on their channels as well.
After each campaign, we will publish any figure that is related to the success of the campaign. This information will be available in the monthly cohort report.
The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness about Project Catalyst among the Cardano Community and the blockchain industry. The following metrics and indicators will measure the success of this campaign. The targeted figures are based on experience and are to be regarded as realistic.
Media coverage:
Participation in Catalyst:
_______ F A Q _______
How do we reach the right target group?
Reaching the right audience needs to be carefully built up. The best way to ensure this, is to track conversions which mean that we constantly monitor the impact of different keywords. With the landing page as the second part of the campaign, we can easily track with different metrics if we attract the right people. Also we are currently asking Ideascale what data they can provide us because they can see the activities of new users who sign up through our campaign (e.g. how many new accounts are created, etc.).
Why did we choose Twitter and YouTube ads?
Yes, there are other ways for online marketing. In my experience, YouTube and Google Ads are a very good way to start building a campaign in most cases. Results are easy to manage and costs are much lower compared to other channels. I chose YouTube over Google Ads because video content reinforces the memory of the content being conveyed much more than text or photos. And since we have already created a trailer, this will increase the effectiveness of the funding. In addition, Twitter will allow us to reach specifically the blockchain community and with the support of ad placings we will increase the reach of the reels.
How do ad blockers affect the campaign?
Many people are not familiar with the mechanism of online marketing. The answer here is simple: ad blockers don't affect the reach of the campaign, because you only pay per view or per click (depending on the campaign settings). So for example: Your ad budget is $100 and the cost per click is $1. Then YouTube shows the video to as many users as it takes to reach the 100 clicks. So if someone blocks ads in general, it won't affect the reach. It just means that you don't reach everybody. Which is acceptable, because the target group is much larger than our budget for ad spendings. In addition, this video will be shared on different social media channels. So eventually we will reach those people organically.
____ H A P P Y __ V O T I N G ____
Let's grow together and thus positively influence the development and adoption of Cardano!
25+ years combined experience in Marketing and as Entrepreneur
Several funded proposals since Fund 5