Last updated 2 years ago
A lot of investors have lost money because of investing in scam projects and lack of objective information to invest their money effectively
Building a website to help investors self-assess the projects they are interested in through questions to know if the project is good or not
This is the total amount allocated to Project Evaluation Website.
Building a website to help investors self-assess the projects they are interested in through questions to know if the project is good or not
Our team has joined the crypto market since 2017 and have made a lot of webinars about analyzing projects on Cardano and other blockchains.
It is very difficult for investors to find accurate and objective information about a project. Because websites, youtubers or community administrators, often promote good projects for which they are paid whether it is a good project or a bad project. Therefore, investors are very easy to lose money on scam projects if they don't have ability to self-assess project which they are interested in
Investors often do not have a deep understanding of the technology and investment knowledge of blockchain. So they don't know what the key criteria of a successful project are. That's why they cannot systematically analyze the project themselves to make the right investment decision
The crypto market currently has thousands of projects issuing tokens to raise capital for project development. Among them are many scam projects. It is very difficult to detect fraudulent elements of projects if investors do not have tools to self-assess projects objectively and accurately.
We will create a website where everyone can evaluate projects in the crypto market especially Cardano by answering questions about the project. Besides, it will also help people get rid of scam projects. When there are many people involved in the evaluation of a project, there will be a lot of information from different sources. Therefore, Information will be more objective and diverse
- When you access to Website:
Step 1: You will answer a few important YES/NO questions about the project to see if it is a scam project or not. If it is a scam project then you will get a scam alert and why it is a scam project. If not, you will be moved on step 2
Step 2: You will answer questions on a 1-10 scale that are more in-depth about the project. These questions are based on information such as:
You can find information to answer the questions in step 1 and step 2 at:
These questionnaires will be created according to different areas of blockchain such as: Oracle, Defi, Game, Side-chain,...
After you evaluate the project yourself on our website, the project information will be saved and others can access the website to find information about the evaluated projects. This is the information of everyone's self-assessment, so the information will be objective and not be used by marketing tricks to serve anyone's interests.
Everyone can give any comment about questions on the website whether the evaluation questions are appropriate or lacking so that the team can continuously update the evaluation questions fully.
1. Team leader Ms. Hannah – Analyze projects, create questions for website and share website to community
2. Mr. Quang Daniel - Translator
3. Mr. Jimmy Le - Analyze projects, create questions for website
4. Mr. Vu Do - Analyze projects, create questions for website
5. Mr. Giang Phung - Analyze projects, create questions for website
6. Mr. Tony Nguyen – Web Developer & Designer
7. Ms. Ha Nguyen - Analyze projects, create questions for website
8. Mr. Sang Nguyen - Analyze projects, create questions for website
9. Mr. Bao Nguyen - Analyze projects, create questions for website
10. Team Advisor Mr. Do Manh Hung – Verify questions on website and give advice for our team
Our Community and Youtube Channel
Roadmap & KPI: 3 months
- The first month:
- The second month:
Target: 30 evaluated projects with 150 evaluated turn
- The third month:
Target after 3 months: 100 evaluated projects with 500 evaluated turn
What does success look like?
Someone can't answer these question on website because they don't know how to find information about project or they don't have enough knowledge about some technology of blockchain
Some new projects have new technologies. So some questions can't show advantages of project. Some questions maybe not suitable for these projects.
The website can be bombarded by a community with a very active and massive user base. It will make information on website less objective.
Total: 16,875$
Impact: This proposal create objective information from community. It will help everyone get rid of scam projects and find out good projects to invest their money
Feasibility: We have analyzed a lot of blockchain projects and shared a lot of knowledge to community. Beside, The members of our team have abilities suitable for each task
Auditability: Everyone can access our website to self-assess projects. And we are going to update evaluated projects information, number of people self-assessed and reached on our website
More people reach our website more people can get rid of scam projects and find out good projects to invest their money.
So, please VOTE for this proposal to help community have an easy and reliable tool for their investment
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Our team has joined the crypto market since 2017 and have made a lot of webinars about analyzing projects on Cardano and other blockchains.