Last updated 3 years ago
There isnt allot of tangible items that can bring more attention to Cardano.
The Digital Syndicate team, owners of Cardano Budz, are looking to create the first Blockchain Strain, called "Cardano Bud".
This is the total amount allocated to Real world products.
The Digital Syndicate team, owners of Cardano Budz, are looking to create the first Blockchain Strain, called "Cardano Bud".
cNFT creator, tied to Cannabis Culture. Previous cannabis grower. IT Expert.
The goal is to create our very own strain of Cannabis. We would leverage the Cardano Budz mascot, which is easily identifiable, and has always been well received. We think its unique and fun design will catch allot of attention with cannabis buyers. We've already had a stunning amount of commentary from people who see our mascot, and want to know more. By creating the first Blockchain Strain, specifically named Cardano Bud, we can attract attention to Cardano. We've found that a very large number of Cardano enthusiasts are also Cannabis enthusiasts. We would anticipate that cannabis buyers would be very interested in joining the blockchain, if they knew of its existence.
Creating a new strain of Cannabis is a moderately long term endeavor, taking roughly 12-18 months to achieve. Males and Females have to be segregated, requiring multiple grow areas. Once plants are crossed, they have to be grown to maturity, and then their seeds grown out. The plants need to be put through stress to ensure they remain stable. This requires many grow cycles to identify plants with solid stable genetics.
If funded, a physical location would be identified to work from. I personally live in a state where this is legal, and have a currently valid endorsement to do this. However, I would go through the rigorous state licensure to scale out to cultivator status once that becomes necessary. The funds recieved would go directly to the operational costs for 18 months of this project.
The timeline would be: 1 month - lease on space established. 2 months - All physical setup completed, and first grow cycle started. 4 months - First grow cycle completed, and second cycle begins. 6 months - First seeds selected as candidates for the successor strain. 8 months - First grow cycle complete with candidate seeds. 10 months - second grow cycle with rigorous stress testing. 12 months - stable plants identified, and first seeds created. 12-18 months - Seed production fully established, and marketing underway to bring it to market.
Hardware for setup $8,000 x 1
Rent - $2000 x 18 = $36,000
Electricity $600 x 18 = $10,800
Supplies $250 x 18 = $4,500
State licensure $2000 x 1
Marketing $5000 x 6 = $30,000
Misc Slush Fund $8,700
Total $100,000.
cNFT creator, tied to Cannabis Culture. Previous cannabis grower. IT Expert.