Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano is research-based but the immense impact blockchain technology will bring to our society is only marginally reflected in humanities.
I am establishing a dialogue between Cardano and Academia by writing a thesis on CNFTs, building the foundation for future research.
This is the total amount allocated to Researching CNFTs at Uni of Oxford.
I am establishing a dialogue between Cardano and Academia by writing a thesis on CNFTs, building the foundation for future research.
Art History Master Student at Oxford University; engaged with CNFT space; ADA Café host & contributor; expertise to bridge technology & art
The research project – mediating a novel (art) medium
Blockchain technology is introducing entirely new concepts and methods to art production. These changes exemplify how blockchain will reshape the society we live in. It is within our responsibility to own this change and steer it in the desired direction.
I am writing a Master's dissertation in Art History at the University of Oxford about CNFTs and blockchain as a new medium for art, using unsigned_algorithms as a case study. Link to ToC:
This research is being done independently of PC funding. Catalyst funding will allow me to dedicate full time to the entire project and work on features in addition to the mandatory requirements which will specifically serve the CNFT community.
While Cardano is research-based, humanities have been mostly neglected so far – attributing me a pioneering role to represent Cardano in humanistic research, namely in the field of art history. This project can serve as the first pillar of an emerging research field.
Value for community
My research furthers academic recognition of blockchain technology in art history and the humanities. The University of Oxford is currently #5 on the global university rankings. Conducting research at an institution with such a reputation will be of great value for the (C)NFT / Cardano community.
Benefits for the community:
The main challenge comprises easy-to-understand explanations for a non-technical audience on how blockchain technology works and what implications NFTs entail. The technology, but also its utility are complex and in most cases not tangible.
Having written material, on one hand, is crucial. In addition, explanatory visualizations will bring more clarity while representing the subject matter of art on-chain (researching CNFTs while using CNFTs as explanation). Possible examples of such real-time visualizations: epoch time, transaction volume, global distribution of network nodes, etc.
Action Plan
The actual thesis will be written over the course of 3-4 months and submitted in Q2 2022.
Link to ToC:
The following items are meant in addition to the actual research. Funding will allow me to work full time on the research and create more material that is specifically designed for the community.
Regular exchanges with CNFT community
Presenting my own findings, but also gathering inputs and questions from the community. Having this dialogue is key for a contribution to basic research.
Besides that, I offer everyone to have private conversations, but I also engage with other creators and experts to increase the reach of my research.
Bringing information on chain
A conceptually elegant and striking solution when writing about a new medium is to make use of it at the same time. The following pieces of content will be refined and designed in a way that they can be minted as NFT on Cardano and used as educational material. Part of the content is text-based which will require a different solution than image-based NFTs.
On-chain content pieces:
Expected Timeline
now–February 2022
March–April 2022
May 2022
June–July 2022
Key Performance Metrics (qualitative) / Definition of Success
Target Demographic
Budget Breakdown
Own professional work:
1.5 working days/week over the course of half a year (equals the time currently spent on day job)
350 x $40 = $14,000
8 working days for implementation of logbook, dissertation on-chain
60 x $50 = $3,000
Total: $17,000
Art History Master Student at Oxford University; engaged with CNFT space; ADA Café host & contributor; expertise to bridge technology & art