Last updated 2 years ago
We want to make Cardano carbon neutral and climate positive. If we know Cardano's carbon footprint, we can make the shift to positive.
A Cardano greenhouse gas accounting standard verified by independent specialists, the Cardano Foundation, SPOs and delegators.
This is the total amount allocated to The Cardano Carbon Footprint.
A Cardano greenhouse gas accounting standard verified by independent specialists, the Cardano Foundation, SPOs and delegators.
We are climate scientists, environmental and computer engineers who run several stake pools and help organise
Introduction and impact
Blockchain has a chance to replace many massively wasteful financial processes with a decentralised, permissionless and democratic infrastructure for digital money, exchange and smart contracts. This is driving phenomenal growth, and that growth creates both a danger and an opportunity. The danger is that proof-of-work mining has huge energy costs and a negative climate impact. The opportunity is that a proof-of-stake chain with built-in community-controlled treasury and cheap smart contracts can actually swing the balance the other way and make the technology climate positive. We think Cardano is positioned to make this shift; this project will show how to take the next step in the process.
In addition to the positive environmental impact the project will draw the significant numbers of people who are interested in the environment towards Cardano. By showing exactly how much environmental cost Cardano has, and how it is moving towards being climate positive, we will attract a new layer of people to our ecosystem.
All human activities have an impact on the climate. A few of them are beneficial: tending forests, planting trees, sustaining natural ecosystems. To make Cardano climate positive we must first measure its negative impacts (the cost of running stake pool servers, or of heating the house of a plutus developer, for example). Then when we invest in projects that have positive impacts we will be able to build a transparent strategy to get us to zero carbon and beyond. When the balance swings beyond neutral then we're beginning to contribute to a safer future for us, our children and the whole Cardano Community.
We have done an initial carbon footprint calculation for the impact of electricity consumption of Cardano stake pools ( This has already provided an idea of scale and positive impact for projects like the Cardano Forest (
While doing the initial carbon calculations we have learned that there is no methodology or clear scope to determine the impact of Cardano's decentralised ecosystem. It is unclear which institutions need to be included, or how much of their activities are dedicated to Cardano. How much of the personal carbon footprint of a Stake Pool Operator (SPO) should be associated to Cardano, for example? How do we verify the real contribution of carbon offsetting projects? (Just counting the number of trees we plant is misleading: it needs to be the right trees, in the right place, involving the right people for the right reasons, or else carbon drawdown may not happen or may even go into reverse!)
Action Plan and Outcomes
We have commissioned 'My Carbon Zero' (, a project of The Pond Foundation (, as an independent expert partner organisation that can help us answer these questions. Together we will determine a solid methodology of carbon accounting for our community which is transparent and can be used continuously while Cardano grows. We will work to collect and estimate the required information from our community and create a live model of our impact.
KPIs and audit:
What will success look like? How will we measure progress? The ultimate prize is the rise of climate positive blockchain technology in all its forms, and an irreversible shift away from both wasteful proof-of-work and wasteful Big Finance. Key indicators for the (small, initial) steps of this project will be:
(For scheduling specifics see next section; public launch will be 6 months from start.)
Transparency and audit: we work best i nthe open, and all output from the project will be pushed to a public GitLab repository, and all work will be conducted in the open with public backlog/sprint/done lists on GitLab boards. Our carbon accounting partner and our outcomes will both support industry standard carbon accounting audit. Our team covers all the software engineering (20 years open source experience), cardano community and carbon accounting skills we need.
Cardano's social mission makes it the ideal vehicle to combine climate action with blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. This project will spread that message and will initiate development of the toolbox that climate NGOs, SPOs and the Cardano Foundation will use to tip the balance from negative, through neutral and into positive.
Beyond this, we believe that Cardano is making a step towards a world where new mechanisms of decentralised cooperation and consensus can start to replace the cheap-at-all-costs and business-as-usual structures that are degrading the world we live in. There's a lot to play for! Join us?
We will use an agile development approach, iterating over four activities:
We plan for between 4 and 6 iterations over the project lifetime (depending on the speed with which we collect the data we need and allowing for unexpected obstacles and risk management). We aim to publish results continuously and make major milestone deliveries every 3 months. We will complete all the main milestones within a 6 month period. By 12 months we should have a self-sustaining footprinting culture in place within the community, and be well on the way to a carbon positive blockchain!
About us
The proposal is submitted as a joint project of pools of the Climate Neutral Cardano Stakepool Operator group ( The applicants are Stefan Rehfus, environmental engineer and SPO of CO2POOL, and Dr. Christian Unger (environmental scientist) and Prof. Hamish Cunningham (computer scientist and software engineer), both SPOs of SHIFT Pool. We are committed to a climate neutral Cardano Blockchain and have been collaborating with the Cardano Foundation and Veritree on the project of the Cardano Forest to plant one million trees (
The budget breakdown mirrors the action plan. Our costs cover three activity streams:
We have estimated the costs (total $28k) of these three activity streams (essentially labour time of the scientists, engineers and modellers in the project team) based on what we believe to be realistic for a project of this type.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Cardano is focused on social, economic and environmental issues and this proposal specifically tries to address two of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG 13: Climate Action
Knowing the Cardano Carbon Footprint will better identify our impacts and enable the appropriate climate actions. This will also encourage the use of clean renewable energy and spread awareness with blockchain users around the world.
For more information on SDGs the Cardano Community has developed a specific SDG tool that helps you to link your Catalyst proposal to these goals:
Note: We also participate in and support the proposal on 'A world map of green Cardano' in F7: Global Sustainable Indep. SPO's:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are climate scientists, environmental and computer engineers who run several stake pools and help organise