Last updated 3 years ago
Most Cardano-related news and resources are delivered in English, presenting a barrier to Chinese speakers.
Cardano Connect is an online English-Chinese dictionary that translates complicated terms, including Cardano-specific phrases, in seconds.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Connect.
Cardano Connect is an online English-Chinese dictionary that translates complicated terms, including Cardano-specific phrases, in seconds.
Our team includes several bilingual members who can provide translation, interpretation, and localization strategies.
First, our team will define the specific terms and keywords on the Cardano website and within Project Catalyst proposals. We will also organize and moderate online discussion sessions during which Traditional Chinese speakers can suggest terms they would like to be included on our platform.
We plan to build the database parallel with the online discovery sessions, adding terms as the project progresses. With this approach, the dictionary database will grow continually as more and more users provide suggestions.
To start, we will hire professional translators to help speed up the translation process. However, our online dictionary and database are built, we channel most of our resources to marketing. We will put ads on cryptocurrency-related apps and news sites and work with Chinese-speaking crypto bloggers and YouTubers to ensure information about our platform reaches as broad an audience as possible.
Budget allocated:
Our team includes several bilingual members who can provide translation, interpretation, and localization strategies.