Last updated 3 years ago
Lack of learning resources on the opportunities offered by the CARDANO community for French-speaking countries.
Proposal for a French-speaking web platform to relay the various opportunities offered by the Cardano community.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano French Community.
Proposal for a French-speaking web platform to relay the various opportunities offered by the Cardano community.
Startup working in the design of Mobile, Web and desktop applications; with more than 18 developers
About Cardano French Community
French-speaking developers in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) also seek to know more about the opportunities offered by the CARDANO community, but they find themselves less advantaged compared to the language since many resources on CARDANO are in English.
It is very difficult for French-speaking developers to contribute to expanding the CARDANO community in the face of the language which does not allow them to learn so quickly.
As a Bilngue startup located in a French-speaking country, we often face inequalities in terms of language, which prompts many French speakers to lose interest in the Cardano community. To overcome this, we often hire translators who participate in meetups to facilitate understanding for participants.
However, this is not enough. We need a platform that will be available in real time to give the possibility to a French speaker from any place to learn and at any time.
What we are proposing is the establishment of a web platform in the form of e-learning to share the necessary documentation (texts and videos) on Cardano and its opportunities in French. Francophones will thus be able to benefit from it and have the opportunity to contribute.
The Workflow
To learn more about CARDANO and its opportunities, the user must create an account on the web platform dedicated to the Francohone community.
The availability of resources will be as follows:
On the one hand, a platform administrator will be responsible for updating the platform each time by uploading all the new resources required in French. On the other hand, any user of the platform who is a member of the cardano community can also upload learning resources in French, but these resources will only be visible if you enter their account.
The resources uploaded by the administrator will thus be taken into account the most since they will be checked in advance, while those uploaded by other members of the community can only be visible in their account.
Startup working in the design of Mobile, Web and desktop applications; with more than 18 developers