Last updated 3 years ago
As Cardano ecosystem grows, there is a constant need for educational materials in different languages.
Everstake is ready to create many educational materials about Cardano and distribute them among our customer base
This is the total amount allocated to Educational materials about Cardano.
Everstake is ready to create many educational materials about Cardano and distribute them among our customer base
We are Cardano SPO since Shelly launched, and we have experience with 30+ blockchains.
Everstake is ready to create many educational materials about Cardano and distribute them among our customer base. Our experience (30+ blockchains) shows that the most efficient way to reach out to the maximum audience - is to create useful educational materials, spread organically via social media and messengers.
In addition to simple educational materials, we are planning to focus on more serious guides for developers, which will help to increase their interested in Cardano and to build Dapps on top of Cardano.
Everstake has successful experience with creating such step-by-step guides in several forms:
1. Blog articles (medium), Everstake blog, guest blogs
2. YouTube videos
3. Staking assistant platform by Everstake
4. Articles are translated by Everstake into Spanish and Russian, usually local communities translate to native languages.,'D0%BD-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B6 for exampleB8%D0%B9-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%B8-%D1%8D%D1%84%D1%84%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9-f6976c31ac4f
Distributing materials is the same way important as creating, what's why we use several channels:
Social media: Twitter (Everstakes', Wallets', partners'), LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora
As for example posted by Everstake or Everstake team
Retweeted by wallets and other platforms
Telegram groups
Virus marketing (soon ppl, will try to help each others answering "how to stake" by providing such links)
Targeted Ads (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) / Paid publications
In addition to distributing material in our media, we also use paid advertising and narrowly targeted advertising on social media. This allows us to attract new users or take their attention from other blockchains
We use Social Sprout to track customer engagement and are able to provide reports.
P.S. Depending on the increase in profits from the validation, Everstake plans to use a significant part of the funds for community development, both general and local. This will help us expand the influence not only of us as a validator but of the Cardano blockchain as a whole.
Criteria 1: [KPI and Deliverables]
Create text guides for existing wallets on 3 languages
Create video tutorials
Add Cardano into Everstakes' staking assistant platform
Criteria 2: [KPI and Deliverables]
Spread materials among Everstakes' social channels
Engage partners (Wallets, media) to retweet, redistribute
Publish materials on Everstake blogs
Publish materials on partners websites (partner media)
Try some paid add
Criteria 3: [Reach and potential users]
1. Articles / Blog posts / Guides
For example, a couple of articles can bring in a week: Views: 500 - 1000
In a month: Views: 2000 - 5000
2. Video
For example, a couple of videos can bring in a week: Video Views: 500 - 1000
In a month: Video Views: 2000 - 5000
3. Twitter Promo
For example, 3-5 posts can bring in a week:
Engagement Rate (per Impression): 10% Impressions: 10000 Engagements: 1000
In a month: Engagement Rate (per Impression): 7-10% Impressions: 30000 - 50000 Engagements: 5000
A more accurate prediction for the next months or year can be made after the first month of content creation. As all our activities will attract a new audience to the Near ecosystem, we forecast a weekly increase in subscribers to social networks and blockchain users (creation of new accounts) in 200 - 500 users, respectively 800 - 2500 per month.
We are Cardano SPO since Shelly launched, and we have experience with 30+ blockchains.