Last updated a year ago
Documentation for Milkomeda is currently only in English. We want to translate these documents to other languages to grow Cardano
Translate onboarding documents for users & developers to other languages
This is the total amount allocated to Milkomeda documentation(JP, KR, ZH).
Translate onboarding documents for users & developers to other languages
Our team is composed of well known ex-Emurgo and ex-IOHK employees who have been building the Cardano ecosystem for the past several years
Milkomeda launch is planned for December and we hope to have all the documentation in a stable state by January, after which we can work on translation into multiple languages. You can already see documentation at and we plan to create more in-depth guides about how to deploy EVM-powered dApps on Cardano through Milkomeda.
Budget: 4K on three translators & 1 engineer to review. On-going updates will be made as the English version of the documentation is updated.
Depending on the frequency of the updates in the English documentation, stable documentation should be done in 1-3 months after the launch of the English documentation as mentioned above.
Milkomeda is a protocol to give EVM capability to Cardano through a sidechain with ADA as the base asset.
dcSpark is a crypto ecosystem builder company. We build critical infrastructure for promising crypto projects that we are passionate about such as Cardano. dcSpark was founded by three former EMURGO members who have been deeply involved in the Cardano ecosystem for years.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Our team is composed of well known ex-Emurgo and ex-IOHK employees who have been building the Cardano ecosystem for the past several years