Last updated 3 years ago
Non-English speaker can not access easy information about Cardano and Catalyst
Create a dynamic Q&A section for newcomers in multiple languages
This is the total amount allocated to Multilingual dynamic Q&A.
Create a dynamic Q&A section for newcomers in multiple languages
Business school student an international school, speak 4 languages
As international students, we are not getting exposed to any knowledge about blockchain and specifically Cardano in another language than English. We believe that blockchain will be an important part of the future, and it is important to bring non-English speaking people to learn about it and become active in this ecosystem. Having non-English speakers will grow the community and get more participation in the catalyst.
Solution : To create a Q&A rubric on the platform where people from different countries can ask questions and get informed about Cardano and Catalyst. This will be done with the help of the international class of Bachelor in International Business in Grenoble Ecole de management.
There will be a few steps in order to achieve this goal. (roadmap)
Step 1 : Contact international students from different countries. i.e : Malaysia, Russia, Mexico, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan, Israel... (1 week)
Step 2 : Get these international students well-informed about Cardano and Catalyst (1-4 weeks)
Step 3 : Create the Q&A rubric. The service will be a webpage, but it could be integrated and in collaboration with other community services such as AIM. The platform will include a landing page, where users can choose a language, a subject and write free text of their question. (4-8 weeks)
Step 4 : When a question is asked in a certain language, the student that is concerned will get an email notification and will answer the question in a precise way that will be sent back by email. (from week 8 on going)
Step 5: an open log of all the QA will be visible to all. Key and reputable questions will be translated to multiple manages and shared at centralized QA Page (from week 8 on going)
2 months development and 3 months Q&A
After the 3 months process, we will present the result to the community and suggest how to scale the activities
We are focusing our efforts on new members as this is the phase where multi-language Q&A could be critical for knowledge and integration.
The team will have a shared telegram group where they will consult on the Q&A between them. They will also actively reach out to the Catalyst community and Catalyst school community to ask for information when needed.
Team :
Project manager : Benjamin, speaks 4 languages and lived and travelled in multiple countries
Language support, my classmates : We are a student in one of the best French business schools (, and I am doing a Bachelor in International Business in English track, with an international class from 10 different nationalities.
Project development : Our goal is to develop the web tool with Catalyst team members, for example with the AIM team, or otherwise we already discussed with a web developer
Budget :
- Learning process of the students = $1200
- Creating the Q&A web section = $2000
- Answer the questions = $1500 (for 3 months)
Total budget = $4700
KPI's :
- Reach to over 100 people
- Get at least 20 people to be active in Cardano and Catalyst (proposals, CA's, join communities)
- Have an interaction with at least 3 different languages
- Answer 100 Q&A per month for the first 3 months
Risks and Challenges =
Students will not know how to answer the questions
We can not cover all the languages in the world
Business school student an international school, speak 4 languages