Last updated 3 years ago
Corruption is the most destructive force in government. It can break new and developing governments despite all other efforts.
Allow anonymous flagging, electing, organizing and directing of campaigns to root out corruption through crowd-sourced organized tasks.
This is the total amount allocated to Corruption discovery + remediation.
Allow anonymous flagging, electing, organizing and directing of campaigns to root out corruption through crowd-sourced organized tasks.
Director of technology at Temple U's Ctr. for public health and law research, working with UN and other universities on policy & corruption.
The app is a decentralized framework to allow anonymous users the ability to flag corruption issues within any organization or government. Aside of publicly announcing the issue anonymously, people can volunteer to form campaigns around corruption issues within a few clicks. Once a campaign is created, people can join the campaign or fund it with cryptocurrency. Funds get disbursed across execution of smart tasks based on a funding allocation vote of volunteers who joined a campaign.
While identities are by default, and can remain anonymous, identity history as far as projects an identity volunteered on is not. In this way, identities on the app build up social credit/value when the community successfully marks an issue as resolved that they volunteered on, or, when the identity completes smart tasks they volunteered to complete.
Identities get a multiplier in fund disbursement votes based on social credit/value, which prevents an organization or government from flooding a campaign and misdirecting funds.
Funds cannot be allocated to arbitrary purposes or to pay anonymous entities, instead funds are only able to be used in smart tasks, of which, only certain pre-authorized entities can be paid, which are not an attractive destination to further corrupt. For example, funds can be disbursed to conduct official inquiries, sent to pre-authorized think-tanks, international organizations, paid to cloud platforms to send out mailings or perform other intensive cloud functions, and only after these organizations publically attest on the app that they will use the funds as intended and a smart contract is put in place.
Direction of project so far
Now that Cardano allows smart contracts, the speed and gas fees issues on Etherium are resolving themselves, and we want to revisit the initial intention of making the app itself decentralized so a government or other entity cannot disrupt, disable or silence people flagging corruptive behavior or issues, or take down the app itself.
Definition of Success
**Expected Public Launch Date:**4/15/2022
Broken down budget requirements
Director of technology at Temple U's Ctr. for public health and law research, working with UN and other universities on policy & corruption.