Last updated 5 months ago
Governments around the world produce a lot of data, but it is problematic to ensure their integrity in time. is a solution of storing proof-of-existence timestamps, that can be used by the citizens and its government, on Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Open Data Public Notary. is a solution of storing proof-of-existence timestamps, that can be used by the citizens and its government, on Cardano.
We are a team of OG Cardano developers and data journalists, please read our proposal for more information including a community FAQ.
In order to create this brigde of trust, we have been working on a project called Denotarious, a public notary service built on Cardano, for the last few weeks.
This Public Notary service will enable people to create a unique signature of their documents, optionally store them on IPFS and record this unique signature on the Cardano blockchain as metadata.
# Team
This project is being built in cooperation between Five Binaries and an independent advisor, Jan Cibulka.
Five Binaries is an infrastructure development company. We're Cardano pioneers - with the first Cardano block minted on an aeroplane, first stake pool on the ITN and the first Shelley transaction on the mainnet.
We are the creators of We are participating in Alonzo since the Blue testnet and we are Plutus pioneers. We are part of the P2P testnet.
We are trusted by the community, with 24 proposals across several funds already granted in the past. To find out more about our progress on making the Cardano infrastructure better, check out the Catalyst dashboard page at
We are trusted by customers such as Emurgo, Trezor or Cardano Foundation. To get in touch or find out more information about us, please visit
The project joined, as an advisor, Jan Cibulka,, data journalist specialized on FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), open data and public sector transparency. Jan also has developer experience, he uses Python for most of analytical work, in connection with data driven visualizations made in JavaScript.
# Budget
Based on our professional experience, we have estimated the costs as following:
$6,000 (115 engineering hours) core API
$4,000 (75 engineering hours) browser extension developer
$4,000 (80 engineering hours) web based developer
$5,000 (100 engineering hours) to create the Open Data Bridge
$600 for cost related to for hosting the IPFS data for the bridge
$1,200 (30 project management hours) to create the Open Data Bridge presentation
# Deliverables and timelines
As a proof-of-concept, we will create a bridge between and Czech National Open Data registry run by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. We aim to target the documents from the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic. This will demonstrate the critical role Cardano blockchain can play in the proof-of-existence of governmental documents.
This proof-of-concept will conclude in 3 months. After this period, we will present our project to the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
This project consists of several components, we will deliver, as follows, in order:
* Public core API, in two months
* Browser and Web-based client UIs, that will be open source (under Apache License 2.0.) and available to everyone's use, in one month
* The Open Data bridge, in one month, running in production for at least 3 months before presenting it to the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
We aim for the to be eligible for eIDAS ( certification. It stands for electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services, which is an EU regulation of electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Single Market.
This would allow all members of the European Single Market to use this application on Cardano.
# Performance measurement
The most important metric would be the number of stamped documents. We define the success as having a positive trend for 6 months after the launch, with at least 1,000 documents stamped monthly after additional 6 months period.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are a team of OG Cardano developers and data journalists, please read our proposal for more information including a community FAQ.