Last updated 3 years ago
Government provided services often overspend resources and misalign the citizens' needs and the job actually being done.
Create sense-making protocols and transparent funding mechanisms to allow citizens to create, refine, and execute tasks/ jobs.
This is the total amount allocated to Public Task and Job Management.
Create sense-making protocols and transparent funding mechanisms to allow citizens to create, refine, and execute tasks/ jobs.
Developer, entrepreneur, worked with JIRA/ task mgmt/ SCRUM
Develop a Public Decentralized Task Management System
Certain government services and jobs can be broken into the tasks that comprise it. Developing and developed countries alike both need ways to track, fund, and execute tasks that the government is currently not fulfilling and there is a need for. What I propose is hybrid funding, and task management system ( not dissimilar from Project Catalyst or a gig job board). Instead of building things in the cardano ecosystem this system would incentivize irl coordination around infrastructure and quality of life. The goal is to create an ecosystem where citizens can take greater control over the local services being provided.
- Anyone/thing can add funds to any projects
- Some sort of community consensus mechanism around requested work. (Certain amount of funding goal like kickstarter, votes)
- Geographically based. Like craigslist. Locally based tasks
- Payout timeline: determined on a task by task basis. Enough for materials up front, rest upon completion
1. Existing Municipalities (Developing & Developed) - aide govs in providing services
2. City Building (CityDAO) - become the main way to create work requests and execute
Based off Project Catalyst, custom "agile" style process
1. Work Requests
Create requests -> refine -> finalize -> assess -> vote -> fund -> transfer reqs to next funding round
2. Work Execution
Work bid -> Contract acceptance -> Receive 1st funding -> irl work -> update stakeholders -> finish work -> QA inspection -> stakeholder sign off -> Documentation of work completed -> final funding
- Task Manager: Web app front end (Proposals, Refinement, Voting, Active Tasks, Reporting )
- Permissions & user verification: who can vote, create, refine, delete, and edit work requests, locals only (?)
- Verification of work completed (photos, other party checks the work [like a QA step])
- Smart Contract Backend, Rewards
- Messaging system: Discord server for each region + related social media
- Work Requests: Road building, infrastructure fix, trash pickup, disaster relief, water purification, create public resources [parks, workout gear, soccer field], intragovernmental operations, planning, resource management,
- Categories: infrastructure (land dev/ road, electrical, plumbing), status (proposed, in progress, done, etc.)
- Types of work: one off, recurring tasks, maintenance
- Getting governments to sign off on the legality of taking over work, regulations, permitting,
- Getting the right people into moderating, refinement, and working positions (credentialing)
- Proof of quality workmanship (photos) -> smart contract settlement
- Quality controlling work is done to a high, safe standard
- Finding the funding for the work (philanthropic donations, government grants, cardano fund pool, open to other ideas)
- 'The facebook problem' instead of just influencing people's minds, this can potentially be used by hostile actors to pay people to take action that cause instability in the nation
- What happens when someone claims to do work and does not complete it, or half finished jobs
- Create a repository of information about how to best perform specific tasks. The info will be easily accessible by anyone executing a similar work request. Examples of useful information would be best practices, common pitfalls, environmental considerations, making the process "green", material and cost comparisons
- Create a browsable list of all previous work done (sortable by region, duration, date, cost, people involved, related projects, etc.). Community members will also be able to vote on the quality of work + other metrics after the task has been completed.
- Allow users to fund projects from any blockchain, and get paid out in a variety of currencies.
- Create a global task type. Incentivize inter governmental and worldwide collaboration on tasks, bypass"race to the bottom" and other game theoretic traps. Increase funding for global projects
- Connect with ATLA PRISM to create robust profiles with location, work specializations, skills, badges/ rewards (NFTs), messaging, and more.
- Mimic in person SCRUM and government methods: with in person refinement sessions, daily/ weekly/ monthly routines, artifact creation/ sorting/ reporting, and 'town halls' for the final votes
24,000 = 3devs * 1000/month for 8 months
1 web/ ui (me), 2 blockchain devs
Create team, Wireframes, Mockups or small branding guidelines, Create or working on proof of real life work mechanism
Create work requests, Completing work requests and bounties for WR, Security Audit
Launch alpha at the beginning of August
Refinement Process, QA, Voting
Developer, entrepreneur, worked with JIRA/ task mgmt/ SCRUM