Last updated 3 years ago
We have evolved past our ability to govern each other and should expect more from our technology.
Composable NFTs creating a metaverse where land, property and people can interact under the tenets of blockchain technology.
This is the total amount allocated to The UltraLife Metaverse.
Composable NFTs creating a metaverse where land, property and people can interact under the tenets of blockchain technology.
10+yrs experience troubled project fixing with up teams of up to 30 different Disciplines
A metaverse is a a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.
THIS usage of the word "metaverse" would have all of us interacting with land and each other daily creating a blockchain backed world where all of the transactions of life were searchable and viewable to anyone.
Our personal NFT's would also become our more than IP but our "Biological Property" holders, recoverable, transferable upon death, subject to multi-sig or executors, for any level of self defined transaction, or simple biometrics for the basic daily transactions.
Land NFT's would not focus on the the legal journey of Real Property on the Blockchain, and the current systems of 180+ countries and tens of thousands of jurisdictions, but instead become a genesis for the on chain transfer of the bounties of the land and a database for what that land can be. Focus more on the timber being sold and milled or the carbon credits than the legal land rights. Once the pattern of provenance has been established for years the land can have an origin as to its legality.
As a product begins its journey from land or sea to our consumption it interacts with other NFT's, Land People and Property, to create a chain of its lifecycle. These chains would not only accrue the cost but also any environmental associations as well.
Smart contracts can and should be more than to, from, amount, conditions, they can include the water usage(300 gallons per pair of jeans) and include any of the top ten greenhouse gasses that warm the atmoshpere based on regional weather stations. Full transparency to our daily interactions and the ability to make informed decisions. This "CO2" token would then go in your wallet just like the currency token beside it.
Imagine a plot of land interacting with seeds, fertilizer, water, labor and machinery on-chain for the end consumer to approve the methods with their purchase. Their monies would then flow downstream to the labor, machinery owner, land owner and seed seller, further guaranteeing the pricing structure and eliminating fraud in the supply chain. One step further and you could compare that farmers harvest to all harvests by similar crop, machinery, labor costs, seed yields, so on and so forth. This would create a data set and allow for the optimization the world needs to fully care for our people and keep climate change in check.
This economy on the blockchain, with pricing attributed to each facet of production, labor, equipment, property, and coded by sector would create searchable datasets allowing for further decentralization and security to all participants.
Labor, could find and compare jobs by the last previous wage payed by the property owner. Consumers could pay for the product based on the aggregate of its costs, and see any markup and profit added.
One of the first highly touted benefits of Blockchains was and still is the transfer of monies for fees at a fraction of the Fiat System. Provenance, Security and transparency being the tenets of this technology. Bank transactions at most have two parties profiting off of the transfer of money. If you are lucky enough to purchase something directly form the landowner/grower products match this but most go through 4-6 different entities and the markups associated with their labor and equipment before they reach the consumer. In the Construction industry this raises the cost of items between 40-60%
With the data on transactions and the insight into the labor and tasks of the entire supply chain, the management of the supply chain would drastically be reduced and you could automate the process by having the workers directly bid and execute the tasks needed without the constraints of working for a boss.
Once all tasks were on chain a distribution of monies "taxed" from transactions would be provided to all network participants as a Universal Basic Income. This universal Basic income would be calculated of the transactions happening on chain for the regional amount needed to purchase for consumption the right amount of Calories, proteins, fats etc., for life. This UBI cold be distributed directly to people across the globe for their spending and nurturing of more on-chain transactions in their region.
An additional aspect of digital identities and consumption habits would be a carbon credit market. The developed world isn't leveraging the worlds forests for their excessive Carbon Emission's, it is leveraging the poor around the world. Every person on Earth has a right to the approximately 3 tons of CO2 emissions, that the Earth absorbs per person to remain in equilibrium. This should be added to a marketplace, where any person with a digital identity could offer their poverty and lack of emissions created for sale to an individual who uses more. This transaction at real market rates for Carbon Capture(around $600/Tonne) would add $1000+ annually to most residents of Africa. As the poor or impoverished were funded through this mechanism their tokens would then have value to develop their local economies, in addition to their UBI.
There is so much more to this, healthcare, buildings, land, the oceans, etc., and how they are managed as assets and represented as real world items on the blockchain. If we start a transaction with the land, work through the buildings, equipment and people associated and capture the data surrounding the entire transaction we can make a tremendous difference in how we eat, live, play and make the world a more sustainable place.
A global database of transactions where citizen's control the data and share it for their benefit.
This touches on all the SDG's but multidimensional accounting. We have to understand the impact a factory in Africa creates for the environment, a plane ticket to a conference, even an article or proposal read online. I read a Guardian article the other day that said my footprint for reading was between 0.7grams and 1.2 grams of CO2. That's the kind of accounting that needs to be added to our daily ledgers to make a real change.
This project has a roadmap that's not based on time. Here is a map to get there.
UltraLife Stages of Development
Carbon-Website Launch with DOT, ADA and ETH wallets and the Genesis scope for development
Hydrogen-Personal Non-Fungible Token parameters and creation, specific to each blockchain
Nitrogen-800 Billion tokens created per chain, 400 billion fungible for distribution to Personal Non-Fungible Tokens on Chain and 400 Billion Non-Fungible Tokens created using a mathematical sequence for development distribution and individual purchase.
Oxygen-Non-Fungible Token Creation Engine for the Physical world we live in and the implementation of the machine learning/A.I. component to derive the different values the community wants to track on chain.
Sulfur- Marketplace with the framework for nominating and classifying daily life's transactions on chain.
Phosphorus-Leveraging of "savings" pools against liquidity beyond any realized network consensus to fully fund projects on chain and migrate from the fiat systems in use to lend and mortgage the transactions of life.
97% Completion, or the makeup of life on Earth
112 Development stages(Elements) and counting to fine tune
10+yrs experience troubled project fixing with up teams of up to 30 different Disciplines