Last updated 3 years ago
Not all carbon credits are created equally and it can often be difficult to show provenance. Use SPs and the Cardano system to improve this
Use Cardano to show provenance and audit results for verified carbon credit methodologies. SPOs can support generating credits to sell.
This is the total amount allocated to Carbon Credit Methodology.
Use Cardano to show provenance and audit results for verified carbon credit methodologies. SPOs can support generating credits to sell.
Entrepreneur, engineer, sustainability, SPO
Funding will be used to further promote the adoption of carbon neutral stake pool operation. Raise awareness of carbon problem and how current trading is achieved. Integration of carbon credit trading on Cardano. We could offset pools running off of coal powered servers with the efforts of neutral pools running off of bare metal and solar. Provenance and auditable data for Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodologies can be hard to develop and prove adherence to. These are technical documents used by project developers to quantify the GHG benefits of different project types. They also set out requirements for project developers to determine project boundaries. Launch will be as soon as project is funded. Success will be measured at 3,6 and 12 month intervals with updates on research, awareness increases, integration development, SPO involvement and progress with carbon credit standards such as Verra.
Entrepreneur, engineer, sustainability, SPO