Last updated 3 years ago
As the Cardano ecosystem and SPO role grow, there is a need for new infrastructure and services.
Cardanomonitor will be open-source analytics platform for Cardano blockchain with focus on business and some new features
This is the total amount allocated to Cardanomonitor.
Cardanomonitor will be open-source analytics platform for Cardano blockchain with focus on business and some new features
Everstake is a team of experienced developers, financial experts, and blockchain enthusiasts, with active presence in 50+ blockchains.
About Everstake
Everstake is a team of experienced developers, financial experts, and blockchain enthusiasts. The company was founded by Attic Lab, an EOS block producer from Ukraine.
We run highly secure and reliable nodes for PoS/DPoS protocols using enterprise-level hardware to ensure maximum efficiency and security.
Everstake is one of the biggest PoS/DPoS blockchain validators with ~ $5b+ total staked assets and 500k+ customers. Since 2017 Everstake has participated in the launch of 50+ blockchains as a genesis validator. Everstake is the biggest validator by the number of active customers, proving that we are building a customer-oriented business.
In Cardano Everstake (Group EVE) is represented by 11 stake pools, and over 529 million of ADA, 2.19% of all ADA staked to our pool. (Data might be little bit different and the time you read this proposal)
As examples for CardanoMonitor - you can take a look at another projects developed by our team: - an open-source analytics platform, where users can monitor and track the most important blockchain data generated on the Cosmos Hub. We have other projects in the Cosmos ecosystem (i.e. Persistence monitor)
Our vision is to build a one-stop-shop platform, which provides reliable, accurate and real time on-chain data, where users can browse transactions, validators, delegators and network proposals.
Our goal is also to help educate our users about the activity occurring on blockchains and how important it is to use on-chain analytics platforms in order to gain valuable insights. The more the market is maturing the more investors, developers and users will be using blockchain analytics platforms as a reliable resource for their due diligence.
Milestone 2 (14 m/d)
maintenance - 2 years
Total timeline:
Total budget:
Total budget: $25880
Metrics and Analytics
To quantitatively measure performance and success we will be using the most important Google Analytics KPIs and metric
The most significant Google Analytics metrics in our opinion are:
Everstake is a team of experienced developers, financial experts, and blockchain enthusiasts, with active presence in 50+ blockchains.