Last updated 3 years ago
People with business ideas / services may not have enough funding to get started
Businesses can partner or run their own SP and offer discounted services for delegating. More if business or ADA used for payment
This is the total amount allocated to Discounted Services for Delegation.
Businesses can partner or run their own SP and offer discounted services for delegating. More if business or ADA used for payment
Have been Cardano follower since 2017 and extensive market analysis in various business opportunities using Cardano
We are seeking about $20,000 to hire resources for setting up the Cardano Node and operate for about 4 months, run a campaign to partner with businesses and establish a discounted system with businesses, and help business run a successful discount to the staked customers to their business. This will give us the foundation for the funds provided, and help us to expand the operations to different businesses and start building the necessary DApps / tools that will help businesses, consumers to manage the discount process and open a whole new opportunities
Detailed Plan
Immediately source and hire a System Admin to establish a Cardano Node and as well in parallel hire a marketing team to partner with businesses to establish the discount system for their business.
Establish & Scale SP As A Service in 3 different stages
Stage 1
We're seeking 4 months in full-time salary wages for two candidates. By Q1 2022, our goal is to establish partnerships with at least 5 businesses to offer Cardano Pool services (Node-As-A-Service) and get paid for setting up and managing the services (and a small % from the rewards). This will give enough cution to expand the business model for other businesses and models.
Stage 2
Help Businesses to issue Business Tokens who has their own SP so that businesses can use them to reward their customers, offer loyalty points and use them for payments
Stage 3
Based on the learnings from Stage 1 & Stage 2, would be exploring the opportunities to expand horizontally and vertically.
Proposal Impacts on Key Metrics
Cardano is one of the most decentralized network with a strong foundation and possibility to expand with no limitations with steady staking rewards to the delegators, no locking period, no limit to the no. of nodes just to name few.
Consumers would love to see their holdings grow / rewarded and get discounts on their purchases
Startups would love to headstart on their idea, and reduce their operational cost; Businesses would love to grow their business and reduce their operational cost
With the combination of SP, rewards & discounts to consumers for their staking to respective businesses will continue to expand and create a win-win platform for everyone.
This model could create a network effect to expand
Have been Cardano follower since 2017 and extensive market analysis in various business opportunities using Cardano