Last updated 3 years ago
Dedicating pool rewards to one organization is limiting the impact of a Pool and its ability to attract a diverse audience of delegators.
Introduce a voting mechanism / governance token to control delegation.
Dynamic margin to be chosen by delegator.
This is the total amount allocated to Governance for Rewards donation.
Introduce a voting mechanism / governance token to control delegation.
Dynamic margin to be chosen by delegator.
Single Pool Operator, Software development since 20yrs, Product Development, Marketing Experts. Plutus & Atala Prism Pioneer.
Develop a blueprint Token & Smart Contract for a voting mechanism & implementation.
Develop a detailed Documentation on how to use the Token and voting mechanism.
The implementation and source code can then later be used & implemented by SPO who are interested.
Attached is a Picture to Explain the voting mechanics.
Dynamic Margins will need an update on the Cardano Protocol - we will work on a CIP which defines the Process.
How does it address the challenge QuestionThe described mechanic will make it easier for a Pool to donate to more than one Organisation / Sponsored Individual. This will multiply the Audience which a SPO can attract to find Delegators.Â
The possibility to receive Tokens and influence the Reward spending will be attractive to Delegators.
Definition of success
3 Month: Concept for Token & Smart Contract developed in Detail.
6 Month: Smart Contract is developed and tested in Testnet. Ready for roll out.
12 Month: Successful implementation in Mainnet. Code & Documentation is available as in public Repository.Â
Budget Requirements
Technical Concept Development by Blockchain Architekt: 5000$
SMART Contratct & Utility Scripts 9000$
Documentation 1000$
**Expected Launch Date:**1.11.2022
About the TeamÂ
Jochen Leinberger:
Stakepool operator of [AZUL]. UX Design & SW Development, Digital Product Development & Toolchain management at German Car manufacturer, Telekom new Products & Innovations Department Bonn (Smart Home, Entertain, Retail Solutions, Payment).
Tim BrĂŒckmann:
Co-Founder and stakepool operator of [AZUL], co-founder and former CEO of wunderwerk eco fashion & wunderwerk e-commerce, 25 years marketing and sales expertise, expert in sustainable lifestyle products, 10 years climbing partner of Jochen CTO, 25 years coop with Tim CEO, PADI Divemaster, winner Bundespreis ECOdesign, winner PETA award.
Marc Majewski:
Co-Founder and stakepool operator of [AZUL], 22 years of performance marketing & content commerce. Founder of tech & marketing platform advanced store, B2C platform mycashbacks, and more than 6 years into blockchain (investor, advisor, entrepreneur, user).
Single Pool Operator, Software development since 20yrs, Product Development, Marketing Experts. Plutus & Atala Prism Pioneer.