Last updated 3 years ago
Unreliable infrastructure and high cost of setting up a robust Cardano testnet in developing nations for aspiring SPO's and developers.
Creating a computer lab space that provides hands-on practical knowledge on how to set up, run and maintain a Cardano stake pool.
This is the total amount allocated to SPO Training Lab in Uganda.
Creating a computer lab space that provides hands-on practical knowledge on how to set up, run and maintain a Cardano stake pool.
IT and software professionals based in Uganda and Canada with experience running businesses and facilitating technical training in Uganda.
A facility that offers hands-on and practical education for students, tech professionals and individuals seeking to change careers.
The educational material will include lessons based on the Cardano Stake Pool course and prerequisite lessons on skills stake pool operators require. These practical classes will be held in a computer lab setup with at most 2 bare metal servers running VM'S, 10 Raspberry Pi's and a Cardano Testnet.
Learners current skillsets will be considered before admission. For example an individual working in IT will go straight to the stake pool operator program unlike a high school student who will have to first learn Linux (if i could turn back time to my high school i would attend this class :))
The educational material will be both documented, video recorded and translated as well to suit different languages (English and Luganda to start).
Percy: A Cardano Community member, works full time as an IT System Administrator at a Construction & timber retailer in Victoria BC, Canada with experience in a variety of IT Areas like System Administration, Technical Support & Day to day IT Operations Management and entrepreneurial ventures in Uganda like Retail (Beauty Cave Ug - instagram page @beautycaveug - the ultimate hub for authentic beauty cosmetic products).
Jerry: Currently the Open Source Community Africa, Kampala Lead. He has a substantial amount of programming experience within Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. He also has experience facilitating technical sessions at Code-Hub UG.
Stake pools are a key part of the Cardano network. This facility will provide much needed access to practical training and resources for aspiring stake pool operators, existing stake pool operators & related businesses around the world.
We will also be giving back to the Cardano Community of stake pool operators by addressing the issues our students have encountered, suggesting edits to the official documentation and answering queries in Cardano forums (Cardano stack).
Once successful with this model of training we hope to do something similar for aspiring Dapp and DAO Developers.
This will help grow the Cardano ecosystem with the technical talent needed by businesses that will be built on the Cardano blockchain.
We see some potential SPO Business opportunities as we grow.
1. Paid Study courses on Introduction to Linux, Server Administration, Introduction to Cardano and Blockchain, and Stake Pool Operations
2. Affordable monthly subscriptions for access to the computer lab to test & practice concepts taught or work on personal projects and tutors for learners to practice their new found skills in partnership with.
This business model can also be replicated to other parts of the world where the cost of getting computing equipment is expensive.
----- KPIs / Objectives ------
On Going
0 - 3 Months
Expected Lab launch date: April 2022
3 - 6 months
6 - 12 months
2+ years
-----Budget breakdown-----
How feasible is the execution of your proposal, are needed tools for the implementation of your proposal available, does your team have the required capacity to build your solution ?
Leveraging our previous experiences and personal connections in the Technology, education and business space in Uganda, we will be able to find interested tech savvy people, students and stake pool delegators.
Jerry has experience starting up and running a successful boot camp for Girls in STEM named Code Hub Ug a registered NGO in Uganda.
What success looks like ?
IT and software professionals based in Uganda and Canada with experience running businesses and facilitating technical training in Uganda.