Last updated 3 years ago
Mobile devs who want to integrate Cardano, have to build their own replica of tools, which requires knowledge of cryptography.
Create a software development kit for Android. Lay a foundation for building mobile Cardano apps without knowing cryptographic internals.
This is the total amount allocated to Android SDK.
Create a software development kit for Android. Lay a foundation for building mobile Cardano apps without knowing cryptographic internals.
Two engineers with 20+ years of combined experience gained on multi-million dollar projects.
Android SDK is a tool for mobile developers. It is simplifying production of mobile apps. SDK would do all the cryptographic heavy lifting needed for interaction with the Cardano network, so that Android engineers could focus on building user experience, lower the bar for many developers with great ideas and save time for those who cannot deal with the complexity of Cardano. Unleashing potential creativity and innovation in the mobile Cardano ecosystem and levelling field for everyone.
Most of available solutions today are based on JavaScript, which although it might sound convenient to use, in fact are just another obstacle for engineers who know how to build a builtifull mobile experience, but instead of focusing on building one, have to shift their focus on building bridges between the two languages.
Two engineers with 20+ years of combined experience gained on multi-million dollar projects.