Last updated 3 years ago
Nature is an externality of our economic system.
The quicker we can take everything from nature, the more profitable we will be.
In life. This life, everything is connected.
Connecting the environment to transactions is difficult?
Can this be done in Cardano?
This is the total amount allocated to Open Source for the environment.
In life. This life, everything is connected.
Connecting the environment to transactions is difficult?
Can this be done in Cardano?
Industrial Engineer, 20+ years development (Database, Web web services, front end and back end)Â
Spent years in e-commerce and business
The first question is how do you integrate the environment with the economy?
The answer is simple. You give nature a spending account, that works in conjunction with your account. (see for more) The truth is that nature has been giving us value for the past 4.5 billion years. Ignoring all that, like we currently do, makes no sense. We can no longer see the environment as an externality.Â
The truth is we are part of nature. We need the sun and clean water more than we need an economic system.
For many years I have been working on a way to integrate nature into the systems that we use.
This is a fine balancing act. It has to be familiar to people in a way that it is easy to use while totally giving all the functionality needed to protect the environment.
As a proof of concept I have developed a centralised version of the software on a database so that I can test all the ideas. Then I went to a school and tested these Ideas.
Currently the system is called Original Issue Currency. OIC for short.
The more you find out about this project the more you will say *Oh I see!". As it unfolds there are a string of Aha moments that just make sense. Â
I started the journey by looking at other solutions that could join the economy and the environment. The best I could find was RBE (Resource Based Economy) as put together by Jacques Fresco from the Venus Project. The main issue there is that you need everyone to agree. There are too many agendas in the world for us all to agree.
OIC does what the RBE does but on a transaction level where people can opt in if they want.
The tokenomics for this project is complex. We can all learn a lot if we can find out if and how Cardano Can handle this?
Thank you to everyone in Cardano4Climate it is magical meeting all of you!
Why am I doing this?
For me this is extremely important moving forward with a project I have spent years developing already.Â
See screenshots of what is done already here:ÂÂ
Key Performance Indicators & Cost breakdown
$ 180 - Creating a web page with objects needed for smart contracts and tokenomics to work
$ 800 - Draw pictures of all the objects with the links between them
$ 150 - Research all the current limitations with the eUTXO model as it applies to OIC
$ 150 - Research the current benefits with the eUTXO model as it applies to OIC
$ 1000 - Create questionnaire about what tokenomics are involved in projects
$ 2000 - Use OIC tokenomics answers to overly and define opportunities and possibilities.Â
This will draw out all the parts of the Cardano network like wallets, addresses, smart contracts, external data, NFT's, Meta Data on NFT's, Fungible Tokens, Dapp's, market places and governess as objects. Defining their limits.
I want to draw out these objects with what they can currently do. People can use it to make decisions about their projects by using guided questions to see the limits. Make this functionality available and open source to anyone else who is looking to see how Cardano can help them. Â
$ 100 - Open Source this to the community so we can improve this together
The end goal and timeline
To help people map Cardano projects and tokenomics with guided questions.Â
This will help to get a structured way to go forward. I want to gather all the information in the first 3 months.Â
After 6 months I want a working model with questions and guides done in Beta.
After 10 months the beta version should become the live version.
Industrial Engineer, 20+ years development (Database, Web web services, front end and back end)Â
Spent years in e-commerce and business