Last updated 2 years ago
There are not enough digital hubs which serve as a starting point for new people. These are lacking resources to provide active engagement.
Leverage existing projects to create 14 digital hubs and provide some assisting resources for materials and people in precarious situations.
This is the total amount allocated to Build out 14 Digital Language Hubs.
Leverage existing projects to create 14 digital hubs and provide some assisting resources for materials and people in precarious situations.
Educhainment team, which is currently building language based digital hubs to collaboratively create a language database + L2-learning game.
The scope of this proposal is to strengthen existing community projects that are forming digital hubs for access and information about the Cardano blockchain in other languages then English.
Currently, we are creating cultural hubs in the digital space for fourteen different languages. These are of special interest to the short and long term development of the general Cardano ecosystem. The starter set of different languages includes:
Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish, French, Japanese, Swahili, German, Amharic, Oromo, Indonesian, Russian, Hindi and Portuguese.
Each hub has its own website, which strives to be a one-stop shop for all blockchain related information and educational content in that specific language. All hubs are interconnected to each other and share resources for information and education. We want to leverage our translation efforts and research to further develop sensible automatic translation of these language pairs, focused on relevant content for the Cardano ecosystem. E.g.: blockchain, education, finance/realfi, videos/media ...
Who is behind this
We are part of Educhainment, a collective that is dedicated to creating tools and game-based learning Dapps for cultural and intellectual exchange. We were funded in Fund 6 to build a multi-massive-online game for language learning, which is why we grow a linguistically sound and inuitive database for translating. Due to our bottom-up approach, community is the key enabling factor for its success.
Educhainment initiates and assists the formation process for each of these hubs right now.
What is the money used for?
Due to our digital approach, we do not have high running costs and can enable access from around the globe. Educhainment itself is running self-sufficient on its own funding, so these funds will not be used by our team. They are solely to give all hubs a starting ground of resources.
There are four main areas for which we ask funds:
-> 17500 $
Q1 2022: Initiate and grow all fourteen cultural hubs, leveraging language ambassadors and other existing community efforts to connect and collaborate. Linguistic + machine translation research to improve intercultural cross-language translation.
Q2 2022: Grow database for translation. Develop bottom-up ways of connecting inside each hub, presenting relevant information of the general ecosystem and collaborating with other hubs. Assist existing projects with our community efforts and connect different digital resources. DAO formation for all hubs.
Q3 2022: SPOs for all language hubs, create revenue streams for hubs to become self-sustained and expanding.
What does success look like?
All fourteen hubs are running a low-cost and self-sustaining portal for education, information, collaboration and support.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Educhainment team, which is currently building language based digital hubs to collaboratively create a language database + L2-learning game.