Last updated 3 years ago
The F8 Challenge Team community lack a single source of information and documentation.
Provide and maintain a single source of information and documentation for the F8 Challenge Team community.
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst Fund 8 Challenge Team Hub.
Provide and maintain a single source of information and documentation for the F8 Challenge Team community.
Stephen Whitenstall is current Circle representative for Funded Proposers & a member of the F6 Improve and Grow Auditability Challenge Team.
"Community defined challenges are critical for Cardano community self-governance, and generate a unique way to achieve Cardano's mission."
Background to problem
In Fund 6 the Catalyst Community began to organise Challenge Teams to advise. Guide and mentor proposals submitted.
Challenge Team presentations took place at Catalyst Town Halls on the 17th and 24th November 2021 and a Challenge Team Telegram group was created. Discussion in the Telegram group highlighted a need for a single location to access basic Challenge Team information.
Solution to Fund 7 problem
In response to this request Stephen Whitenstall setup a "Catalyst Fund 7 Challenges" GitBook (linked in the weblink of this proposal) to collect together all relevant, high-level information.
This includes :
a) An overview - that sets out the Challenge Team concept, provides a link to the Telegram group and the public Google Sheet which was formally the sole source of information.
b) Catalyst Challenges GitHub - details of a GitHub Organisation that contains a repository for each Challenge in Fund 7.
c) And pages for : 1) - A.I. & SingularityNet a $5T market: $500,000, 2) - Boosting Cardano's DeFi: $500,000, 3) - Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms: $250,000, 4) -Community Events: $200,000, 5) - Connecting Japan Community: $50,000, 6) - DAOs Love Cardano: $500,000, 7) - DApps & Integrations: $250,000, 8) - Disarm cyber disinformation attacks: $100,000, 9) - Gamers On-Chained: $250,000, 10) - Global Sustainable Indep. SPO's: $100,000, 11) - Grow Latin America, Grow Cardano: $500,000, 12) - Improve and Grow Auditability: $100,000, 13) - Lobbying for favourable legislation: $75,000, 14) - Mini/Low-Budget Dapps &Integrations: $200,000, 15) - Miscellaneous Challenge: $200,000, 16) - Multilingual resources: $100,000, 17) - Nation Building Dapps: $600,000, 18) - New SPO Business Opportunities: $250,000, 19) - Open Source Developer Ecosystem: $200,000, 20) - Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs: $350,000, 21) - F7: Fund8 challenge setting.
Solution to Fund 8 problem
Stephen Whitenstall @swhitenstall - will setup a "Catalyst Fund 8 Challenges" GitBook to collect together all relevant, high-level information. And a Catalyst Fund 8 Challenges GitHub Organisation with repositories for each Fund 8 Challenge. Training will be provided for up to 4 users who volunteer to maintain the GitBook and GitHub with remuneration shared between contributors.
Quasar @quasar - will liaise with the Challenge Teams to collate contact data, presentations and supporting material. Communicate and publicise the Challenge Team Hub on social media.
Measures of success / Roadmap
March 2022 - Setup of a Fund 8 Challenge Team GitBook, GitHub Organisation and repositories for each Challenge Team.
March / April 2021 - Training sessions to cover GitBook and GitHub use
March to May 2022 - Maintenance of Fund 8 Challenge Team GitBook and GitHub repositories.
Expected public launch date
The project launch date will be in March 2022 to coincide with the formation of Fund 8 Challenge Teams.
Fixed Costs
1A - GitBook subscription per user per month - $7
4 users for 4 months - (4 X $7) X 4 = $ 112
2A - Setup of a Fund 8 Challenge Team GitBook (Overview, general information and links, a page for each challenge that includes their presentation, team details, link to Ideascale challenge description). - 7 days
2B - Setup of a Fund 8 Challenge Team GitHub Organisation and Repositories (GitHub organisation ownership setup, coordination repository setup, challenge team repository setup). - 7 days
3A - Fund 8 Challenge Team GitBook (). - 1 day per week for 3 months - approx 36 days
3B - Fund 8 Challenge Team GitHub Organisation and Repositories (). - 1 day per week for 3 months - approx 36 days
Training sessions to cover GitBook and GitHub use - 2 days (preparation and training)
Subtotal - 88 days at $50 hour = $4400
Marketing, communication and liaison with Challenge Teams
Subtotal = $4400 + $2500 = $6900
Total - Plus fixed costs of $112 = $ 7012
Potential risks and their mitigation
No one to maintain a single source of information - it is risky to depend on a single person to maintain documentation and GitHub organisation.
Mitigation - Training will be provided to people who want to support this project and payment for their contribution is budgeted for in this proposal.
How this proposal will impact the challenge metrics
1) How many new Hubs were launched in the next 6 months?
This proposal will set up one new hub for Fund 8 Challenge Teams.
2) How many new users of Cardano were onboarded?
This proposal will reach over 20 Challenge teams and enable a ready made means of documentation and communication for Catalyst members.
3) What was the total reach of the Hub's initial marketing launch?
All Fund 8 Challenge Teams (over 20 Teams).
4) How many external organizations did this community-focused challenge bring into the Cardano ecosystem?
The proposal will draw its participants from as many organisations as are involved in Challenge teams.
Stephen Whitenstall is current Circle representative for Funded Proposers & a member of the F6 Improve and Grow Auditability Challenge Team.