Last updated 2 years ago
Only few JP and East Asia companies recognize Cardano as main BLOCKCHAIN! so, it is difficult to adopt CARDANO into the real business world.
We will exhibit at the B.C. EXPO, largest business events in JP, and introduce Cardano to Japanese Fortune 500 and public organizations.
This is the total amount allocated to Exhibit Largest BlockChainEXPO(JP).
We will exhibit at the B.C. EXPO, largest business events in JP, and introduce Cardano to Japanese Fortune 500 and public organizations.
Cardano Youtuber / SPO / DC Spark member / Official Ambassador / Lawyer / Certified Accountant / Atara Prism Pioneers Program member
◆◆I M P A C T◆◆
■Conclusion: We have strong confidence in the I M P A C T of this proposal. because….
(1) Japan is huge for Cardano.
(2) At the same time, however, Japan is a headwind for Cardano in terms of its low profile, its bad reputation, its many misunderstandings, and its strict regulations.
(3) Participation in the Blockchain Expo, the largest of its kind in Japan, is a great opportunity to turn this headwind around.
(4) Based on this, we have set ambitious KPIs (reach 5,000 companies including Fortune 500, 1,000 contacts, reach all exhibitors, concrete collaboration with 300 follow-ups).
(1) Japan is huge for Cardano.
Japan is important because 95% of presale buyers are Japanese and the average value ADA purchase is 1.8 million ADA.
Steeking Defi, when trying to do any thing, you need to consider reaching out to Japanese holders if there is a possibility of needing to involve holders with a lot of ADA.
(2) At the same time, however, Japan is a headwind for Cardano.
Although Japan is the birthplace of Cardano, its profile is still very low.
The listing on the Japan Exchange is a recent event, and even now only two companies are listed there.
Even those who are slightly familiar with Cardano in Japan have the impression that it is a "casino coin" or a "scam.
Even a December 2, 2021 article on a website run by a Japanese listed company introduces Cardano as "an online casino that incorporates blockchain technology.
From the standpoint of taxation and the legal system such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, regulations on blockchain in Japan are extremely strict.
In order to overturn this situation, it is important to conduct expansion activities that will rewrite the image and create many use cases.
(3) Participating in Blockchain Expo is a great opportunity to turn this headwind around.
Blockchain EXPO is the largest blockchain event in Japan.
At the same time, other events such as Artificial Intelligence EXPO, Quantum Computer EXPO, etc. are being held at the same venue.
Many companies from all fields, from Fortune 500 companies to small and medium-sized enterprises, including manufacturing, finance, retail, distribution, energy, and medical, come to the event to discuss business.
In addition, Japanese blockchain companies, from exchanges to mining machine generators and blockchain developers, will also participate in the event and promote the use of Cardano technology.
Increasing the number of Cardano use cases in Japan will lead to reversing the headwind in Japan.
In the business talks, specifically, we identified three targets
Developers and development companies: To help them choose Cardano as their platform of choice, we will explain its advantages and lead them to the Pioneer Program and Plutus training programs.
We will introduce Atala and other products, explain their advantages, lead them to Atala Pioneer, and connect them with Atala Pioneer members in Japan.
(3) Entrepreneurs: We will manage the stake pool, propose the use of Catalyst, and provide support.
(4) Based on the above, we will organize three teams: (A) Exhibition, (B) Sales, and (C) Follow-up, each of which will explore the following KPIs
(A) Exhibit
Distribute 5,000 in-depth brochures on Cardano technology.
Obtain 1,000 follow-up contacts.
(B) Sales
Visit all other booths to distribute flyers and explore needs.
The goal is to distribute 500 flyers and obtain 200 contacts for follow-up.
(C) Follow-up
Follow-up contact will be made without delay.
We will try to obtain more than 300 items that will lead to concrete actions such as number of new stakepools created, number of Catalyst proposals, number of Atala Pioneer applications, number of inquiries about Plutus, number of Dapps created, and number of ADA purchases.
According to the EXPO schedule, (1) and (2) will be completed within 3 months, and (3) will be completed within 6 months.
◆◆F E A S I B I L I T Y ◆◆
■Conclusion: We have strong confidence in FEA SIBILITY. because….
(1) We have achieved our previous KPIs, such as reaching 3,000 people, with great results.
(2) Wide range of strong members including lawyers, SPOs, Atala pioneers, ambassadors and designers
(3) Solid milestones already in place (and proven)
(1) Status of achievement of previous KPIs
Achievement of previous KPIs At the last Blockchain Expo (Autumn) in October 2021, we attracted more than 3,000 visitors and were able to convey the advantages of Cardano.
(2) Strong active members (For details, see
Shusuke Wakuda [Leader, SPO, Youtuber].
Chikara Yamada [General Incorporated Association MAPOFBlockChain].
Yuta [Ambassador, proposer of CatalystFUND2 Japan Governance Association].
Masami Ishikawa [Attorney at Ginza Ekichika Law Office, former prosecutor].
Mariko Ono
Hideki Takeshi [Cardano ambassador, meetup organizer].
Daisuke Ito [ICT Support Staff, SPO].
KUNI [Medical equipment vendor (product planning, DX planning), SPO (LEON POOL)].
BAMBOO [IT engineer, SPO (Bamboo Pool)].
GOSHIKI [Graphic designer, SPO (HANABI stake pool)]]
AKYO [System operation, SPO (WYAM stake pool)].
FINE [SPO, financial institution staff (FINE stake pool)]]
DOW [JapanCommunity manager of dcSpark, in charge of homepage (EXPO stake pool)].
(3) Milestones (For details, please visit
Team formation and entry (securing booths) Completed in December
Selection of projects and companies to exhibit and establishment of collaboration
Planning and ordering of handouts, etc. February-April 2022
Announcement of the event via SNS and meetups 2022/3-May
2022/March-May ・Booth exhibition 2022/May 11-13
◆◆A U D I T A B I L I T Y◆◆
■Conclusion: We have strong confidence in A U D I T A B I L I T Y . Because we have (1) a detailed price breakdown and (2) a high level of transparency regarding the rest of the process.
(1) Detailed amount breakdown
Application amount: $80,000
($55,000 for booth, $15,000 for brochures and goods, $10,000 for transportation, postage, etc.)
(2) Other declarations to ensure transparency of the process
Launch date (work start date) = funding date, and the scope of activities is from there to exhibiting at the Blockchain Expo and completing the follow-up. Questions will be accepted from "". The deliverables related to this activity are licensed under the Creative Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) License v4.0. We've defined the launch date as above, but we plan to start work before that, and even if we can't get funding, we plan to scale it back significantly.
◆◆インパクトI M P A C T◆◆
・同時に同じ会場で他の「人工知能 EXPO、量子コンピュータEXPO…」等が同時開催されています。
◆◆実現可能性F E A S I B I L I T Y◆◆
■結論:私たちは、 F E A S I B I L I T Y に強い自信があります。なぜならば、以下だからです。
(2)強力な活動メンバー(詳細は )
和久田 修右 [リーダー、SPO、Youtuber]
山田 主税 [一般社団法人MAPOFBlockChain]
Yuta [アンバサダー、CatalystFUND2日本ガバナンス協会提案者]
石川雅巳 [銀座エキチカ法律事務所弁護士、元検事]
武子秀樹 [カルダノアンバサダー ミートアップオーガナイザー]
伊東大輔 [ICT支援員、SPO]
KUNI [医療機器ベンダー(プロダクト企画・DX企画),SPO(LEON POOL)]
bamboo [ITエンジニア、SPO(Bamboo Pool)]
伍色(GOSHIKI)[グラフィックデザイナー、SPO(HANABI stake pool)]
akyo(あきょー) [システム運用、SPO(WYAM stake pool)]
FINE [SPO、金融機関職員(FINE stake pool)]
ダウ [ホームページ担当(EXPO stake pool)dcSpark社のJapanCommunityマネージャー。]
(3)マイルストーン(詳細は )
・チームの結成、エントリー(ブース確保) 12月完了
・展示するプロジェクトや企業の選定及び連携構築 2022/1-3月
・配布物などの立案と発注 2022/2-4月
・SNSやミートアップでの開催告知 2022/3-5月
・ブース展示 2022/5月11~13日
◆◆ 監査可能性A U D I T A B I L I T Y◆◆
■結論:私たちは、 A U D I T A B I L I T Yに強い自信があります。なぜならば、(1)詳細な金額内訳と(2)その他のプロセスに関する高い透明性を確保しているからです。
申請金額 $80,000
(ブース$55,000 , パンフレットやグッズ $15,000 , 交通費や郵送費などの諸経費$10,000)
ローンチ日(作業開始日付)=資金提供日で、そこからブロックチェーンEXPOに出展し、フォローアップを完了するまでが活動範囲です。質問は「」から受付ます。当活動に関する成果物は[Creative Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) License v4.0.]の下でライセンスされています。ローンチ日としては上記のように定義しましたが、それより前に作業を開始する予定で、仮に資金調達できなかった場合でも規模を大きく縮小して実行する予定です。IOGチームへの報告時に資金や進捗について報告されます。
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Cardano Youtuber / SPO / DC Spark member / Official Ambassador / Lawyer / Certified Accountant / Atara Prism Pioneers Program member