Last updated 3 years ago
Malta is a small nation actively influencing the EU regulation, which is largely shaped in Brussels. Cardano is not yet sufficiently visible
We have excellent access to universities and domain experts in Malta (and Brussels). Our goal is to establish a community-hub in Malta.
This is the total amount allocated to Grow MALTA, Grow Europe !.
We have excellent access to universities and domain experts in Malta (and Brussels). Our goal is to establish a community-hub in Malta.
More than 30 years of industry-leadership experience combined with direct access to an attractive network of domain experts
Summary for Community Advisors:
1) Our Proposal in a Nutshell: Our goal is to establish a very active community Hub in Malta. Malta is aiming to become the European complement of the Blockchain World in Dubai. In addition, Malta has a very active University and a vital DLT-related company landscape. Utilizing the advantage of being a small nation, Malta is a trail-blazer in crypto-regulation' with many innovative approaches now influencing the emerging EU-regulations. In order to cope with the large number of opportunities in Malta, we want to install a lively physical location in proximity to the DLT Center of University of Malta.
2) Impact: A Cardano Community Hub in Malta will allow us to provide a home-place to a very large DLT and Blockchain community on the island. A rather friendly crypto-legislation, the University of Malta with its DLT Center and the substantial number of blockchain-applying companies on Malta are the main reason for the astonishing size of blockchain-knowledgable people. Currently a clear focus is put on BITCOIN and ETHEREUM, but especially University of Malta has recognized the importance of security by design and validation/certification needs when dealing with smart contracts. With a Community Hub we can make sure that more and more stakeholders understand the attractiveness of Cardano's approach to technology and governance.
3) Feasibility: With the core of our DLT360 team located on Malta, we have excellent relationships to University of Malta and key-people in academia, industry and governmental agencies. The alumni organization of the DLT Center of University of Malta alone manages a large network of active students and alumni from all over the world. It is very easy to establish an active Cardano Community Hub and make this to a well-known location within the relevant communities.
4) Audibility: Our Business Model Canvas section outlined below contains major activities, milestones, deliverables, roadmap and costs. Due to various projects being interlinked and due to the overall complexity of proper planning and tracking, we do this in our DLT360 - MIRO environment. We offer on-demand visits to these MIRO boards for deeper-going discussions during the assessment phase. Due to already running a fund 6-funded project, we are part of the Catalyst Coordinator Process and acquainted with the relevant reporting processes.
Please note: We are applying a best-practice Business Model Canvas approach. We have added tags to our details below, hoping that the Catalyst-funded 'The Great Filter' application will be able to identifying the required sections in our text.
Business Model Canvas - Section containing further detail(Our Canvas is maintained in DLT360 MIRO environment, access upon request)
This proposal is part of a bigger picture. Our DLT360 team has started its journey after being funded in fund 6. With this fund 7 proposal, we want to make sure that we are very actively growing our presence on Malta and as a result increase our influence in Europe. Points 1 to 5 of our Business Model Canvas are explaining the bigger picture, while points 6 to 9 and the listed activities, milestones, deliverables, roadmap and costs are kept very specific to this project.
1) Customer Segments / Target Groups
2) Value Proposition
Dependent of the above listed customer-segments, we see our value proposition as following (more details in MIRO):
3) Distribution Channels
Depending on customer-segment and corresponding value-proposition, the following delivery channels will be used:
4) Customer Relationship
Establishing very active role within the DLT/Blockchain community on Malta by providing premium content and value.
5) Revenue Structure
Besides basic funding by Cardano Community of the JAN - JUN 2022 piloting phase. We aim for reaching cost-coverage by organizing premium value events, benefitting from content produced by our various DLT360 products and services and by the proximity to University of Malta.
6) Key Activities
This project requires the following specific key-activities
7) Key Resources
Key-resources for this are coming from our DLT360 core-team located on Malta.
For an always up-to-date-info about our team, please consult our WEB-Site:
8) Key Partners
Catalyst Community, University of Malta, relevant companies and industry organizations
9) Cost Structure for Piloting JAN to JUN 2022
We approach this a piloting during JAN - JUN 2022. Our goal is to proof the value of this activity and scout for sustainable financing after this pilot period. Based on our listed key-activities and key-resources, we plan with the following costs (please note that we are need to follow the strict European tax regulations):
Roadmap, Milestones and Deliverables
KPI Progress and Success Measurement
More than 30 years of industry-leadership experience combined with direct access to an attractive network of domain experts