Last updated 2 years ago
There is no site where ADA users can get comprehensive information about security (e.g. hardware wallets) in Japanese.
Create a comprehensive explanation site for security (e.g. hardware wallets) in Japanese + hold 10 meetups
This is the total amount allocated to Hardware wallet site / 10meetup JP.
Create a comprehensive explanation site for security (e.g. hardware wallets) in Japanese + hold 10 meetups
SPO, official ambassador, FUDN2 proponent, EXPO member,Creation of staking explanatory materials
The latest updates will be listed here. The following document contains a summary of the four proposals.(日本語での説明や最新のアップデートはこちらに記載します。以下の文書は4つの提案をまとめて記載しています。)
Update 2021/12/04
This proposal is being offered as part of four overarching proposals Please check the other three proposals.
Introducing 100 Cardano Defi in JP:
Hardware wallet site / 10meetup JP:
Japanese FUD / SCAM Buster 100 :
Survey+Lobbying of Japanese Law:
____ I M P A C T _____
◼️Japan is huge for Cardano.
Japan is important because 95% of presale buyers are Japanese and the average value ADA purchase is 1.8 million ADA.
Whenever trying to do anything(Staking Defi, etc), you need to consider reaching out to Japanese holders if there is a possibility of needing to involve holders with a lot of ADA.
Also, the impact of a Japanese holder losing their ADA due to some kind of fraud or accident is significant.
For some services, not limiting your reach to Japanese holders may be considered illegal by Japanese regulators.
◼️However, in the four areas of tax law, security, FUD, and Defi expansion, the Japanese base is in a weak position.
Security: Hardware wallets are an option for ADA storage that is strongly recommended by Emurgo, IOG, Charles, and many members. However, there is no comprehensive documentation in Japanese on the use of hardware wallets. Therefore, the use of hardware wallets is limited, and some people are storing their huge assets in a very weak security environment. (When asked at a meetup, only one in dozens of people have hardware wallets.)
◼️Therefore, we will strengthen our Japan base with the following KPIs in the four areas of legal tax law, security, FUD, and Defi expansion.
Security: Within 6 months, a comprehensive document on hardware wallets and the first implementation support meetup will be held. The next 9 meetups will be held in sequence, and as far as we can tell, we are aiming to have more than 50 people using the hardware wallet.
____ F E A S I B I L I T Y ____
Common Items:In general, the main proposer of this fund is expected to work on a volunteer basis, and there are no time or financial constraints on this proposal. However, with this funding, we would like to ask Cardano Treasury to cover some of the implementation costs, such as server, venue, phone, etc., and to hire a part-time helper to accelerate the proposal itself. Both proposals involve a rather large amount of work that requires some expertise, but we believe we have set a very modest budget. Most of the proposals are set up on a volunteer basis, but once we are able to manualize these operations and confirm the results, we may revisit these budgets and make a successor proposal in a future Fund.
Security: I use a hardware wallet, have experience creating guides on staking, and have already helped introduce a hardware wallet on a personal, volunteer basis as a Cardano ambassador. He has experience in creating guides on staking and has already volunteered to support the introduction of hardware wallets as a Cardano ambassador.Hardware wallet site creation $500 + support to introduce to 50 people x $30 = $2,000.
____ A U D I T A B I L I T Y ____
Launch date (work start date) = funding date, and the scope of activity is within 6 months from that date. Questions can be sent to "yutacreate@gmail". (However, we will be creating a separate one for FUD Busters.) Each is basically a one-time proposal, and all proposals are complete and do not require ongoing funding. The deliverables related to this activity are licensed under the [Creative Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) License v4.0. We have defined the launch date as above, but we plan to start working on it before that, and even if we don't get funding, we will still do it. funding and progress will be reported when we report to the IOG team.
The KPIs are listed in the Impact section and the budget details are listed in the Feasibility section.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
SPO, official ambassador, FUDN2 proponent, EXPO member,Creation of staking explanatory materials