Last updated 3 years ago
•Fashion must find a way to be sustainable to fight environmental issues
•Cardano community needs more people with diverse backgrounds
•Fashion can evolve forward by the NFT that guarantees the origin of materials
•Dyeing events can attract diverse people to the community
This is the total amount allocated to INDIGO, NFT & SUSTAINABLE FASHION.
•Fashion can evolve forward by the NFT that guarantees the origin of materials
•Dyeing events can attract diverse people to the community
We have abundant experience in;
Holding dyeing workshop in Paris, Milano, Tokyo...
Making indigo dyed fashion items with component details
Overcoming environmental problems is now one of the most important propositions common to all humankind, and fashion is no exception. There is a need for major changes in the field of fashion. Breaking away from unsustainable fast fashion, which continues to generate large amounts of waste and pollution, is a pressing challenge that must be realized immediately. The purpose of this project is to confront these problems of modern fashion and contribute to a global shift toward sustainable society, by fully utilizing the characteristics of natural indigo dyes and blockchain technologies such as NFT.
As in the case of the debate on the decarbonization of society, the mainstream of recent discussions on how to achieve a sustainable society has been dominated by politically-driven, top-down approaches such as large-scale, industrial structure transformation. However, in many cases, they do not show what each of us can do, which creates a situation where it is difficult for individuals to have a sense of ownership in this matter. It is a severe problem that the urgent issues that affect all of humanity with no time to spare seem to be happening somewhere far away, some years in the future.
Therefore, in this project, we will provide a system where anyone can join the new fashion cycle through the simple and highly entertaining activity of "dyeing your clothes" and lead to the realization of a sustainable society while playing. This is a new mechanism to encourage a grassroots sustainable fashion movement, and blockchain technology, including NFT, will support this mechanism. Information related to the cultivation of plants used as raw materials for dyes, as well as various details about the act of dying, can be guaranteed by the blockchain, which is highly traceable and tamper-resistant. As a result, the value of sustainable fashion created at the grassroots will be guaranteed, and it will be possible to more clearly differentiate sustainable fashion from fast fashion led by large corporations.
For your reference, petroleum-based dyes are used in almost every product on the market today, regardless of the type of material, from organic cotton to high-tech synthetic fibers, but very few people are aware of this fact. However, if this fact that almost all the colors used in one's fashion are petroleum-derived and unsustainable is be generally known, we believe that the need for sustainable dye production automatically increases.
There are various entry points for individuals to participate in the cycle of production and reuse that natural indigo can create: growing the raw material plants, dyeing them, wearing them, dyeing them again, and reusing them. Indigo is an ideal subject for expanding the sustainable fashion movement. It allows people to share their personal experiences with those around them and develop the circle of people. In addition, the cycle created by indigo can be further enhanced by using NFT, which is characterized by its non-replaceability. This can be done by creating NFT to prove the origins of all raw materials, including dyes, and all manufacturing processes up to commercialization, taking full advantage of the blockchain's features of tamper resistance and traceability. While some projects have already been launched to turn wine and luxury goods into NFTs, there is no ambitious NFT project yet that can be linked to creating a new sustainable cycle with individual participation.
By incorporating the potential of natural indigo as part of Cardano's community activities while utilizing ADA's blockchain technology, we can build a new cycle of sustainable fashion that holders can participate in together. Why don't we spread this around the world? Let's walk the roadless path together!
For more information on the Indigo project, please refer to the English translation of the Lexus Magazine article below →
**ACTION PLAN**This proposal will implement in 6 months.
Using 100% natural natural dyes derived from plants, we will hold dyeing workshops around the world at events organized by Cardano and the community so that many people can experience the fun of indigo dyeing.
Through the actual experience of participating in the sustainable cycle through the act of dyeing oneself, we will create a community circle and a topic of conversation, and expand it into a common experience for the Cardano community that transcends national borders.
We believe that our active contribution to building a sustainable society, which is an important global issue, will bring new value to Cardano.
This is an attempt to visualize the true social value of a fashion item by creating an NFT that contains all the information about the material and dye used in the clothing, as well as how it was dyed and its history.
We are also planning to make NFTs of the items dyed in the workshop at the Cardano event mentioned above on the spot. In addition, when fashion goods such as T-shirts are made in the community in the future, we believe that this mechanism can be used as a proof of participation in sustainable activities.
TOTAL 30,000 USD
5,000-10,000 USD per 1 Event
TOTAL 20,000 USD
・Planning 2,000USD
・Promotion Website 5,000 USD
・NFT development(incl.Physical Certification idea)13,000 USD
合計 30,000 USD
1イベントあたり 5,000-10,000 USD
合計 20,000 USD
・企画 2,000USD
・告知用ウェブサイト5,000 USD
・NFT 開発・運用(incl.Physical Certification idea)13,000 USD
We have abundant experience in;
Holding dyeing workshop in Paris, Milano, Tokyo...
Making indigo dyed fashion items with component details