Last updated a year ago
Deindustrialization (high aging, depopulation, shortage of engineers in local areas) is serious problem for developed country Japan
We will make acceptance of Cardano based BC technology for local area citizens and government in Japan, which willl extend the ADA use case.
This is the total amount allocated to JP-Regional Revitalization Project.
We will make acceptance of Cardano based BC technology for local area citizens and government in Japan, which willl extend the ADA use case.
We have already held Cardano BC seminar for local area government and Citizens and already received positive reactions including other area.
**This proposal is written by ranket instead of Makoto Harada, who is the chief member of Kittamu project.
(Kittamu is the title of main project related to this proposal in Japan, based on Yoshinogawa City in shikoku area)
The new information on our Project is
The 1st local seminar for Cardano Block chain was already Held and there are a lot of positive reaction.
The project may extend to neighboring area such as Tokushima Pref. and Shikoku Area.
(Potentially, the scale can be grade up more than 10 times larger from initial idea)
We want to start use block chain for local area product such as Plum Liquor and Beef.
Also some special sightseeing token (Hotaru token) or NFT will be started.
We want to be good examples of the solution of local area economics and deindustrialization problems in Japan, moreover, hopefully for world.
The fund will be used for
Making CNFT for product tracing in Kittamu project $4,000
Enhanced Seminar Scale to Shikoku and Tokushima Area (Prefecture class from town class)
Support new citizen project such as Festival based on Cardano Suppport.
Internet Promotion of our project
To expand citizen seminar for Prefecture class
Start NFT for original product (Plum Liquor is first example)
Held new citizen project (Citizen Festival around Kittamu CIty)
■Why did we start this proposal?
We have planned as 3 steps for constructing new Ecology-Economic (ECO2) system based on Cardano block chain on our area (Yoshinogawa city, Tokushima, Shikoku Area in Japan).
The first step of this project is already Funded in Catalyst Fund6.
The TOP voted project in the Category.
We already collaborated with the local government. This is great advantage for grow up Cardano community.
As Dr. Charles Hoskinson say
"community is power! "
Which include the meaning of that the number of ADA holder is quite important for Cardano growth. We considered the acceptance of non-Block chain persons, such as local area citizens. (At least in yoshinogawa area, the number of citizens are nearly 40 thousand!)
Furthermore, if this project is go well, other countries especially near to our area will attend similar project or our system. Finally, millions of people potentially become Cardano community member and may be ADA holder.
And, in fact, the similar project interested our project. So, we want strongly continue and expand our project.
■3-STEP-Milestone...This project will performed in 3 step describing bellow.
●STEP1 (Fund 6, present proposal) Already started.
The Cardano seminor for citizens. (Total 3 times : every month seminar will be held)
$ 3000 (Oct. Nov. Dec.)
As described in attached PDF slide, the understanding of the citizen is quite important in our project.
The Cardano seminor will grow up the member agree with our project.
The key point is the quality of Japan Cardano community member (ADA holder). The Cardano open chat member is now reach to 2400. Almost all members are gently, kindly and having lot of benefit.This is quite special situation compared to other Crypto community. Probably, long-term educational activity inside/outside open chat make this situation.
When, we consider this situation, the economic event for Japanese ADA holder may give benefit to the citizen.
However, there should be attracting things in our area, which is performed/constructed by citizens.
Of course natural and historical resources such as temple, castle and beautiful situation is important.
However, less communication between the citizens and ADA holder cannot continue this new economic challenge based on Cardano.
So it is important to understand of Cardano vision and quality ADA holder for the citizens.
Also for the online event or system, the Cardano vision understanding for the engineer is required.
For these reason, we will grow up the understanding and start education.
From October we will start Cardano seminor.
●STEP2 (Fund 7 $10,000) Present proposal
We will perform test case event using ADA or Cardano system.
Citizens will know Cardano is good and special. Moreover, this system bring benefit for the citizens.
The 1st local seminar for Cardano Block chain was already Held and there are a lot of positive reaction.
The project may extend to neighboring area such as Tokushima Pref. and Shikoku Area.
(Potentially, the scale can be grade up more than 10 times larger from initial idea)
We want to start use block chain for local area product such as Plum Liquor and Beef.
Also some special sightseeing token (Hotaru token) or NFT will be started.
We want to be good examples of the solution of local area economics and deindustrialization problems in Japan, moreover, hopefully for world.
We consider the first step of this project is to appeal "plum liquor" in our area and test the traceability or the liquor from taking plum. The NFT controlled "plum liquor" can attract the attention of ADA holder. In same time, we want to appeal other ordinary Plum liquor product.
Also we want to expand the seminar for local area citizens for neighboring areas and the prefecture (Tokushima Prefecture).
If we can, we want to collaborate beef product in Tokushima.
●STEP3(Fund 8 or later)
The new Cardano eco system with original token (Hotaru : Fire fly Token).
Since our area is recognized as natural monument are for Fire fly. And almost all Japanese consider Fire fly is beautiful but very difficult to meet.
We will held the special Fire fly and related event for ADA holder using Hotaru token.
Since natural monument is quite sensitive, the gently behavior and limited number of people are required. Usually the citizens do not collaborate with other people. However, after understanding Cardano vision, they will accept ADA holder and enjoy close relations with each other.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We have already held Cardano BC seminar for local area government and Citizens and already received positive reactions including other area.