Last updated a year ago
Most projects in Africa avoid integrating on Cardano given the sharp learning curve that smart contracts and Plutus bring to the developers
Equip and train African developers through Wada's Cameroon hub to master smart contract implementation using Plutus.
This is the total amount allocated to Spread Plutus through Africa.
Equip and train African developers through Wada's Cameroon hub to master smart contract implementation using Plutus.
3 Haskell/Closure/Java Senior Software Engineers and Architects (12+ years teaching experience)
Multilingual team (French + English)
How does this proposal fit into this challenge?
Wada's Cameroon hub is strategically placed in Central Africa in a bilingual country (French and English) making it the perfect launch point for Wada's larger multilingual educational initiative. This initiative will be lead by the Cameroon hub, and will therefore have a heavy emphasis on making all curriculum and materials developed available in both English and French (as a starting point).
How will this campaign add value to our ecosystem?
We will be launching our educational curriculum in both French and English (and will seek to find partners along the way to offer this in as many more languages as make sense). Also we will be taking a project based learning approach (see other proposals for specific projects we will be teaching through developing together as a growing team).
Outlook and future challenges?
With this proposal we are seeking to develop a framework and curriculum that will be shared throughout Wada hubs and will be taught both online and in person (based on needs addressed by local hubs). We will be working on our project based curriculum in conjunction with other projects to train new developers through project development. As we expand and bring more developers onboard we will also expand our outreach campaigns to include other languages specifically local languages so as to engage the whole community into our problem sensing. It is important to our core mission to listen at a local level and provide solutions for and by the people, therefore this language component will be KEY in Wada's future outlook. Our main challenge we anticipate is getting people to buy into the change brought about by the functional programming paradigm. We think that through addressing people in their local/native languages we can more easily tackle this issue.
Reference (Past successes):
Wada has been organizing monthly meet-ups across our hubs, spreading awareness and introductory education on Cardano, Project Catalyst, and Blockhain technology as a whole. We have already established active hubs in: Ivory Coast (French), Ghana (English), Nigeria (English), Cameroon (French & English) and Democratic Republic of Congo (French) that have been participating in these programs.
1. Define and structure curriculum to train the trainers. In this phase we have selected the support and resources for the trainers, and also secured some great relationships with advanced senior Haskell developers willing to help. We have also conducted a lengthy research about the necessary notions of the subject to master in order to build an enterprise ready solutions on the Cardano Blockchain. 15 June - 14 September (completed)
2. Train the trainers (in progress ...) In this phase, we will implement a project based training approach, using this as a chance to start designing and conceptualizing our other related proposal s. As mentioned in the curriculum, we've started with our Haskell base training, and we have completed our first phase and are looking into starting the second. The first phase consisted of an intense Haskell learning journey using the following resources:
3. Implement regular meet ups to engage developers: This will be the phase where we scale-up our community of developers and entrepreneurs, leading up to the final curriculum development and also selection for our Wada developer team. The subjects we plan to teach are the following: Haskell, Plutus, Elm, Distributed Ledger Tecnologies (DLT), Cardano blockchain, Self Soveireign Identity (SSI) & Decentralised identity (DID), and Software Architecture and implementation. The meetups will be run in parallel to both the trainings and Hackathon activities.
4. Hackathon sessions. We plan on providing regular mini courses leading up to our monthly or bi-monthly hackathon sessions (with mini prizes) in order to spark deep interest in Cardano and Plutus. (Starting end of January...)
5. Define and create a curriculum and content for our developer training program. The meet ups will give us the perfect ground to collect ideas making sure we are connecting developers, entrepreneurs, and local communities to ensure the mental model of our solutions make sense within the local context. (Starting 15 May)
6. Launch program across Wada Hubs (completion of the program will include an examination and a Wada endorsed certification) (September 2022)
7. Expansion: Wada's main activity consists of outreach and helping proposers through the submission process. The support we provide needs to have a pathway from funding projects to their implementation. Wada intends to be at that conjunction having our developers equipped to design and implement solutions on Cardano so that we can seamlessly connect funded projects to developers.
Affiliated Projects: Specific projects to guide our learning (project based learning) and additional outreach initiatives
Core Team & Roles:
Wada Hub Trainers & Coordination:
Wada Network:
What success looks like:
Consistent group of devs and entrepreneurs attending meet-ups and engaging in Wada projects. Shareable curriculum template for all of WAda's hubs. Video content produced by main trainers, and discord server for discussions and questions.
Key Metrics:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
3 Haskell/Closure/Java Senior Software Engineers and Architects (12+ years teaching experience)
Multilingual team (French + English)