Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano does not have an Automated Market Maker(AMM) for AMMs and a DApp that sends funds to 2 to 500 addresses in one transaction(tx).
We want to build an AMM that gives users access to DeFi products on 1 platform and allows users to send funds to 2 to 500 wallets in 1 tx.
This is the total amount allocated to AMM and Crowdsend DApp.
We want to build an AMM that gives users access to DeFi products on 1 platform and allows users to send funds to 2 to 500 wallets in 1 tx.
BSc Honours in Economics 2015
Introduction to Digital Currencies (2020 UNIC MOOC)
Introduction to Decentralised Finance (2021 UNIC MOOC)
AMM & Crowdsend DApp
Cardano DeFi Proposal Plan
Definition of terms
a. AMM
According to an AMM fully known as an Automated Market Maker, is a Decentralised Exchange (DEX) that performs automated trades without using order books.
b. Crowdsend DApp
This is a Decentralised Application (DApp) that is designed to allow users to send funds/assets to addresses ranging from 2 to 500 in one transcation.
c. Airdrop and Governance app
This a application or wallet can be used for holding tokens distributed from airdrops and airdrop liquidation (exchanging an asset from one form to another), it is also designed to allow for governance of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) platforms. The platform is intended to prevent dumping of airdropped tokens and minting if new tokens.
d. NFTs
Short for non-fungible tokens, digital assets whose characteristics and identity differ one from the other.
e. Crosschain
In blockchain refers to a technology that allows information, assets and value to be moved or communicated between two different blockchains.
f. Algorithimic bridge
A system that is designed to allow swap of tokens/assets from one blockchain to be done with assets from another blockchain either through a 1 to 1 swap or a different ratio.
g. Governance minting
Is a process whereby a request for new tokens is permitted after the community has voted for an issuance, introduction or minting of new tokens.
h. Composibility
Is the ability of a DeFi or NFT platform to act as a building block for various decentralised applications.
2. Market/Demographics
Our market for Layer 1 (L1) products is the whole Cardano Community and that for Layer 2 (L2) solutions is any blockchain whose DeFi products are integrated into our DApp through crosschain features namely:
1. Traders
2. AMMs
3. Projects willing to route their assets to our AMM
4. Airdrop distributors
5. Corporates
6. Bounty managers
7. Anyone willing to incur less transaction fees performing multiple transactions to mention a few.
3. Product
Our core products are a feature rich AMM for DeFi services in the Cardano Ecosystem and a Crowdsend Dapp which will eventually evolve to incorporate crosschain features. Our goal is to save users time and funds by having as many services as they need in one place. The crowdsend DApp is intended to allow a user to send funds to an address range of 2 to 500+ in one transaction.
Since this Dapp will be built with composibility in view, it will also feature; digital recommendations, NFTs for event hosts, planners, book authors and readers and a PanAfrican Crypto-only Offchain Magazine among others innovations.
4. Acquisition
Our AMM will be designed to allow users to access the whole world of DeFi on one platform thus saving time for those who invest in DeFi assets. Our Crowdsend app will save time and costs for users performing bulk transactions. It's uniqueness is that it will use a very secure blockchain that was built based on extensive research based security. The other aspect we respect is that it will be built using function based programming language Haskell.
5. Monopoly
Our AMM and Crowdsend DApp will be the first to be build and function on Cardano Blockchain given access to funding.
6. Budget
Hiring team members
20 000.00
Acquiring hardware and accessories
2 300.00
Marketing & Community building
2 200.00
Adding Liquidity
10 000.00
1 500.00
2 500.00
10 000
48 500
7. Key Performance Indicators/Roadmap
a. Assemble team (Week 1 and 2)
b. R & D (Week 2)
c. Whitepaper Complete (Week 3)
d. Coding begins (Week 3)
a. Website released (Week 1)
b. Social Media Communities building (Week 1)
c. OffChain Crypto Only Web Magazine Launch (Week 3)
d. 100 members Telegram (Week 3)
e. Beta DeFi token released (Week 4)
a. Mainet DeFi token release and routing to AMM (Week 4)
b. DeFi token used as a payment currency on Magazine (Week 4)
c. 500 Telegram Community Members (Week 4)
a. First beta release and testing (Week 3)
b. Bug fixing (Week 3 and 4)
a. Final beta release and bug fixing (Week 1 & 2 )
b. Smart contract auditing (Week 3)
c. Massive marketing campaign ((Week 2 to 4 )
d. 3500 Telegram members (Week 4)
a. Airdrop and governance beta app released (Week 3)
b. Testing and bug fixing (Week 3 and 4)
c. Telegram 3500+ members (Week 4 )
a. Final Airdrop and governance app release (Week 1)
b. Airdrop for 1000 individuals starts (Week 1)
a. Mainnet release (Week 2)
b. Marketing Campaigns (Week 1 to 4 )
c. Official Launch (Week 3)
d. 5 DeFi platforms added (Week 4)
a. NFT capabilities dev starts (Week 1)
b. Airdrop distribution through Crowdsend (Week 4 )
c. 10 DeFi platforms routed (Week 4)
a. Airdrop liqudation bridge opened (Week 1)
b. Governance token minting bridge opened (Week 2 to 4)
c. NFT capabilities beta released (Week 3)
d. Year 2 Layer 2/Crosschain proposal submissions (Week 3 to4)
a. Vetting and proposal finalisation (Week 1 to 2)
b. Voting for proposals (Week 3)
c. NFT capabilities enabled (Week 4)
d. Routing 5+ DeFi platforms.(Week 4)
e. L2 R&D begins (Week 4)
a. L2 R&D continues (Week 1 to 2)
b. L2 Roadmap release (Week 3)
a. Developers
b. Legal Advisor
c. Marketing
9. Intellectual Property Policy
This proposal is an incubation of JUQUES Enterprise Private Limited (a company registered in Zimbabwe) However, no patents, certificates and trademarks have been acquired. Hence we will limit sharing certain information of a proprietary nature until we make use of Nondisclosure Agreements with those we divulge to. Even so, we intend to eventually make this an open source project.
10. Defining Success
We will be successful once we have received F7 funding, endorsements from the Cardano Foundation, have completed the proposed project within the given time frame and seen a daily usage of our AMM by 10% of the members in the Cardano ecosystem in 12 months with a positive growth trajectory.
3 Months
a. Website release
b. DeFi token released and routed to one Dex
c. OffChain Crypto Only Web Magazine launched
d. Beta Release and bug fixing
6 Months
a. Dapp auditing
b. Airdrop and Governance wallet released
12 Months
a. Mainet launch
b. Airdrop campaign, distribution and liquidation
c. Secured more funding for crosschain Dev
d. 20+ AMM integrated
e. Crowdsend NFT capabilities
f. Integration of NFTs and marketplace for event hosts and planners
g. Integration of NFTs and Marketplace for book authors, sellers and readers.
h. Year 2 Layer 2 roadmap
Shelton Mwanza
Nationality : Zimbabwean
Country of Residence: Zimbabwe
Linkedin :
a. Currently doing Introduction to Decentralised Finance - University of Nicosia (UNIC), Massive Open Online Certificate (MOOC)
b. Introduction to Digital Currencies 2020 MOOC - UNIC
c. Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Economics - University of Zimbabwe 2015.
Romeo Musemburi
Nationality: Zimbabwean
Country of Residence: Zimbabwe
Linkedin: N/A
a. Masters in Business Administration (MBA) CIU, Kyrenia Cyprus 2018
b. Bsc Hons Economics UZ Harare Zimbabwe 2015,
c. Certificate in Marketing Geographical Indicators CIU , Kyrenia Cyprus 2017, d. d. Certificate in Human Recources Administration, CIU Kyrenia Cyprus 2017,
Proposed Developers
1. QNG
We propose to work with Quantum Group (QNG) Nigeria (websites: and, )
Lead Dev at QNG: Joshua Erhiga
Nationality: Nigerian
Country of Residence: Nigeria
(personal website:, telegram: email address:, twitter: linkedin: )
Accomplishmentsat QNG
Devs are proficient in both front and backend coding:
a. Forked the PIVX blockchain to build the Qnode Blockchain v2
b. Built the Qnode explorer
c. Forked the DASH X11 Algorithm to build Qnode Blockchain v2
d. Build a Waves Gateway for QnodeCoin
e. Built QND smart contract on Binance Smart Chain, Qnode.defi is the DeFi the Qnode Blockchain
f. Built an algorithimic bridge for QnodeCoin and Qnode.Defi to enable algorithimic swaps between QNC and QND
g. Founder of Fish Farming Protocol an off-chain with
h. Built Fish Factory NFT Froe on Waves Blockchain
i. Built Raspberry Pi Wallet
Telegram community:,
C. Proposed Legal Advisor
Prosper Mwedzi
Nationality: Zimbabwean
Country of Residence: United Kingdom
Masters of Law
a. HM Treasury
A government's economic and finance ministry, maintaining control over public spending and setting the direction of the UK's economic policy.
b. Law Associate Lecturer at University of Portsmouth
c. Government Blockchain Association
An international nonprofit, professional membership association, connecting individuals and organizations with blockchain technology solutions to government requirements
BSc Honours in Economics 2015
Introduction to Digital Currencies (2020 UNIC MOOC)
Introduction to Decentralised Finance (2021 UNIC MOOC)