Last updated 2 years ago
The current solution for human readable identity lacks both additional utility, as well as due diligence in user mapping.
Create a smart contract for domain registration, locking a domain to a wallet, with built in expiry, and building an API to update DNS.
This is the total amount allocated to .Ada - User, Wallet, and DNS.
Create a smart contract for domain registration, locking a domain to a wallet, with built in expiry, and building an API to update DNS.
The proposers are IT Veterans, with a combined team experience of 45 years in the industry. We have deep knowledge on both blockchain technology, as well as internet routing, and network & server architectures.
Today, there is only one solution for mapping Cardano Wallets to a human readable format. Its limited to wallet mapping only, and had no solution for protecting known people/entities from having their names stolen. With the platform evolving at break neck speeds, there will be important people who join Cardano, only to find that their known name had been taken long ago, and a high likelihood of extortion for getting those names back.
This solution would not only put a checks and balances system in place, it would vastly expand upon this for full user identity, and external internet domain mapping; effectively making it akin to domain registration.
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a smart contract, that creates an easily accessible ledger of registrations. Registrations would be bound to the wallet that creates the registration, thus eliminating any potential for reselling a taken name. It would also have built in expiry, requiring renewal within the term, or the registration ends, freeing it back up.
The high dollar amount being requested would be for ICANN registration of the top level domain .ada. The proposed solution would allow for creation of identities using .ada (i.e. cnfthub.ada). It costs ~$250,000 to complete an ICANN registration, as well as proving a proper infrastructure to maintain DNS servers supporting the top level domain. If this proposal is funded, we would work with IOHK and Cardano Foundation to ensure a complete and scalable implementation.
The process flow is as follows:
1) User/company selects an available domain name, and submits a nomination for themselves to become the holder of the domain. They will pay a nominal fee for their new domain name.
2) Domain name is reserved, with a timeout of 7 days. An API will be created to view all currently nominated names.
3) If there is a conflict, a system will be developed to resolve the conflict. (There are several potential concepts that can be used for this; whether it become an open bidding system, or creating a unbiased council to resolve them, using tokens to approve/decline a registration. If its a council, we would work with Cardano Foundation, and IOHK to develop this council).
4) Upon successful election of a domain name, an entry will be added to the blockchain ledger that assigns the domain to the purchasers wallet for a period of 2 years. Once assigned, the wallet it has been assigned to cannot be changed. This should eliminate scalping.
5) Between the period of 18 months to 24 months after registering, a domain holder can create a request to extend their registration for 2 more years.
Once a domain is registered, it can be used for anything from as little as a human readable address for wallet mapping, to as much as full DNS registrations for a corporation. The additional goal will be to leverage the Atala Prism framework to create a full identity management solution for these registered names.
If an ICANN top level domain can be secured, we would develop an open source API solution, and an open source linux distribution, that can contain the DNS entries for the top level domain .ada. The ongoing funding for maintaining the global DNS server systems will come from ongoing domain registrations. With the code open source, it would be possible for anyone to run their own DNS server for more expeditious domain name resolution.
The wallet that is assigned to the domain will have the ability to update and add DNS entries to the ledger (which will subsequently propagate out to the internet DNS servers via API). This will allow for any type of DNS Entry, A, MX, SRV, etc. This will allow for a corporation to leverage their registered domain like any other pre Web3.0 domain name.
This proposal will create a self service identity management solution, with built in protection from bad actors. It will be both easy to use, as well as fully open source, so that every person has a level playing field for leveraging it. It will allow for the establishment of personal and business usage beyond the walls of the blockchain.
The most significant risk will be completing the ICANN registration for the top level domain ICANN. Because there is a high probability of conflict resolution, we would seek the assistance of IOHK and Cardano Foundation in creating the application for the TLDN. We would also intend for them to become the trusted owner of the same.
Every other element in this proposal is well within the capabilities of the proposers, and no risks would exist for implementing the solution, regardless of gaining the TLDN.
The timeline for delivering on this proposal would be as follows:
0-90 days: Seek council with IOHK and Cardano Foundation, to begin the discussions of needed requirements for a successful implementation, and identifying key requirements for implementing Atala Prism identity in to this solution. Ongoing discussions would be scheduled throughout the entire process. During this phase, we would initiate the process of ICANN registration.
91-270 days: develop smart contract and decentralized blockchain ledger for domain name registrations, that includes conflict resolution, and proper securing of PII.
271-365 days.: Make available solution for user/corporate registration, and establish publicly accessible DNS servers.
Beyond the first year: Ongoing lifecycle management of API's, Servers, and Software used to communicate between the blockchain and public internet DNS servers. Ongoing development of blockchain solution for implementing updates and additions to any contracts used throughout the system.
The cost breakdown for the requested award amount is as follows.
$250,000 for ICANN registration of the top level domain .ada.
$150,000 First year of development from a team of developers.
$100,000 for server infrastructure, to meet ICANN requirements.
Although the costs are very high for this proposal, the benefits far outweigh the capital investment, and is intended for long term permanent usage, as opposed to short term financial gains. The solution would include both testnet and mainnet system design for full life-cycle management.
John "Huth S0lo" Huthmaker - Digital Syndicate
Principal Network Engineer, and Blockchain Developer
25 years of professional IT experience, and numerous engineering certifications
Edwardo "Eddie" Diaz - Digital Syndicate
Sr. Network Security Engineer, and Blockchain Expert
20 years of professional IT Experience, and numerous engineering certifications
Each milestone would be well defined, and would be measurable through peer review. They would include, but not be limited to:
1) Project Management design of timeline and GANTT chart.
2) Depth of Atala Prism Implementation.
3) Ongoing peer review of Smart Contract and open source software creation.
4) Completing ICANN registration of TLDN.
5) Ease of use in both registration and conflict resolution.
6) Adoption.
Success would be in achieving a highly adopted global identity mangement solution, built directly in to the Cardano Ecosystem. Obtainment of Top Level Domain Name .ada. Partnership with IOHK and Cardano Foundation for development of a complete implementation strategy.
This is a brand new proposal
The proposers are IT Veterans, with a combined team experience of 45 years in the industry. We have deep knowledge on both blockchain technology, as well as internet routing, and network & server architectures.