Last updated 2 years ago
Peer to Peer Community Identity can Accelerate onboarding for adoption for self verified groups. Tools need integration pathway
Use verified ID for proof of Life and Work in Ecosystem and Attach to Itala Prism profile to verified Identity.
Verified ID by P2P Methods
This is the total amount allocated to Credentials and P2PDecentralized ID.
Use verified ID for proof of Life and Work in Ecosystem and Attach to Itala Prism profile to verified Identity.
Verified ID by P2P Methods
Experience in Cardano and usage, this proposal is in to help accelerate the onboarding looking ahead to pioneering the identity solutions with prebuilt verified communities.
More token tests - Test "Does Pineapple go on Pizza" VOTE
More Data in test- To Join token test- Please comment below and we will be in touch!!
Funds from proposals will be delegated back towards participates for portion of proposal funds.
Test have been successful in various identity and verification measures. Please see tests and tokens within wallet addr1 submitted.
Participates will steal idea
Tests are not taken serious by "values of token"
disinformation or lack-there-of
This has been tested and has roadblocks of themselves, funding and community support of this identity solution will accelerate adoption.
Budgets will cover costs of setup and flow of tests.
10KUSD cost of launching 5K of tokens for Tests and data accusation of tests
16k internal setup of nodes relays Ip domains and insurance.
All budgets will be associated with building transparency for community's to onboard to prism solutions.
Many participants are needed for this test to be successful,
Looking to do 5k worth of token transactions.
Will run the test with Admin Peter and use challenge teams and proposers for solutions and in community.
Doing these test on chain ensure time and proof of concept for others to use same process.
Proof of concepts developing:
More users try techniques to verify their communities for bigger adoption and utility within itala prism solitons. Tokens and communities will help members use the blockchain and utility inside the tokens.
N2O Pool Circle Treasury Management system. Community Flex, etc
Other POW: tests applicable. for Voting and Governance ID TEST
Both CCADMIN and Catalyst be delegated to a wallet such as Nami to execute pay addr1. can explore other ways of addressing staking key and approve tests. Here is a quick brief Project order. Voting.
Send 5 ADA to DROP
4 tokens
YES -NO- ID token- and Legacy Coin.
*Thank you for Voting in V3 Circle Test Tokens v1 Vote
*Processed during voting-
*Registered Voter XXXX with Addr1 _ SPO 1xNFT
*Election wallet of each candidate and SPOk1
*Yes #token - No #token - are sold or distributed for Every Vote or Member
--Purchase of Yes’s and No’s can also be presold for each candidate by registered staking key and submitted vote if holding 1 Legacy Tokens + 1 proof of work(proposal) + SPO they support
Tokens for Each candidate will be available on the Circle or Admin webpages(NFT maker Pro backend) will cost 10 ADA for participating in Vote. Stacked NFT’s maybe collected for Legacy Members for more No#token votes
If a no vote and Legacy member token- an immediate investigation is called and audit by community VCA and Circle teams. The Admin team will be monitoring actions and listening to concerns of Legacy members and proposal/member.
Staking key for Each ADA domain will be assigned a wallet to activate staking key- Ada will be sent as yes or no vote-(no votes must be sent one at a time towards a candidate or addr1. from a Staked wallet with NFT LEGACY) Each FT from the system sent and delegated will be a tally in the Vote.Dripdropz integrations of voting- For ScalingSet Token for each candidate-
*Designate token to support each running candidate.
Portion of support dripz go to Running member. During vote- Present members with tokens are able to vote. They will receive tokens for presence at meeting in Legacy Tokens. They must have their candidates’ tokens in their wallet for each they support and submit them to the vote with their Yes Vote. NO Votes must be submitted with transactions 1 at a time with Random ADA # value logged
Snapshots of wallets will be taken for event- (Cardanoscan of Policy ID holders of Legacy Tokens and XXXX tokens)
Wallets maybe temporary made for event (Or Nami Wallets of The $CCADMIN and $CatylistCircle)
Dapp contract with a trustless system will come after rounds of proof authentications and accumulations of tokens of member of trust. Gitbook and graphql integrations for submissions and tests Web3 vs Present
Some ADA and Tokens may be give back for participation.
Many people are willing to work in this fashion to help grow and encourage education in the ecosystem.
We must made blockchain voting accessible and transparent with active members. Exhibiting proof of life/presence Proof of Work (proposals, resume, git wallets, linkedin, Active emails, prismid) Proof of Stake(skin in the game)
Proof of Work- Proof of concept.
If Driving Tip Daily Can get 313 votes on adanative tokens, I bet you can get 300k.
Rapid funding for circle and catalyst members by being sent ADA and Tokens for Rewards also receiving portion of drop$@addr1
Driving Tip Daily @drivingtipdaily
@AriannaHanson10 @charlzherding @hoskytoken @CharlzToken @bisoncoin_io We will settle this with a vote. Send 1 hosky, 1 bison, or 1 charlz to addr1. Most in wallet wins.
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Experience in Cardano and usage, this proposal is in to help accelerate the onboarding looking ahead to pioneering the identity solutions with prebuilt verified communities.