Last updated 2 years ago
Our current trading systems are damaging the environment. We are putting profits above people and the environment 🌍
Thank you for reading🙏
Use the power of Cardano to create a B2C trading platform where people and the environment are more important than profits.
This is the total amount allocated to B2C Trade for Life ❤.
Use the power of Cardano to create a B2C trading platform where people and the environment are more important than profits.
Industrial Engineer. Developer. Plutus Pioneer, Business Architect. I have built some of the most amazing systems like full end to end online virtual retail system that combines multiple warehouses and suppliers into one system integrating payment and automating all logistics.
Cardano was made for this. For the people. As Charles said: “If you do not like the way the economy works, change it”
As a collective we are at a crossroads. Many environmental tipping points are on the brink of happening. With our current systems we will destroy the ability for humans to live on earth as we have done. It will become more difficult.
The base building block of the economy is the transaction. If we want to combine money and nature then we have to change the way transactions takes place.
When the transaction takes place we can calculate and respond to the impact that transaction has on the environment.
To make this work we need a trading environment to do the environmental calculations and alter the transaction.
At the very least. If we are going to destroy the environment, lets do it consciously and not by accident, like we are currently doing, in the name of profit.
There are some crucial ingredients to make this transaction work. They are:
Here is an explanation of how we can bring nature back into our consciousness: is the technical working of the system: basic tokenomics is explained here: Google Slides with video about how the project works technically
This is a complex topic. There are more video's on the YouTube channel (SupportOIC) of the above link going back 7 years explaining the problem and the solution: The basic Idea has always been the same. But after the trial at the school there is a realisation that this must be on chain to make any real impact.
"How can Cardano-based solutions help meet real business needs and what would be their impact?"
This is a process improvement and shows just what Cardano is capable of by meeting real human needs for both sellers and buyers.
This is a complete Business to Consumer solution that could have great benefits for Cardano and blockchain. This will highlight how trading this way can protect the environment and improves greatly on our current trading system. This system can remove the middle men. Improve transparency and trust.
Cardano was made for this. It is an environmentally sustainable chain. Perfect for this trading system. Low fees and with all the scaling solutions in the works this is going to be magic.
The only way to make this work is by using smart contracts.
Another part where Cardano will shine in the future is with governance. There are two main aspects where this will become a crucial component. These are fraud and setting up of the environmental questions for each transaction.
When we get this working we can create better options for people and business with a tangible way for all actors to be more profitable by protecting the environment.
This system will put eco back into the economy and bring consciousness to our trading actions.
Being paid to protect everything we love will bring alignment and this is only possible with Cardano.
This challenge is a prefect fit for this trading solution and checks the boxes.
The project being technically to complex. To combat this:
Scale of the project:
OIC currently has a complete centralised version that is working. This proofs that the concept works but needs to be on the blockchain. We did a trial at a school to prove that the system works as designed. See
Also see Attached images for more screenshots
As for Timing: When I get funding I need three months to quit and hand over my current job and code. Then I will have one year to work on and collaborate with others to make this project to a place where all the basic functionality works.
The project is complex. It has many angles. On chain and off chain. Although most of the project is scoped and understood there are areas that is not clear yet. That are going to be aspects that still needs figuring out. This is the very nature of breaking new ground.
Here is a list of the items that needs to happen (Key performance indicators):
0 - 3 Months: KPI - Front end working and set up tokens
3 - 6 Months: KPI - Set up working smart contracts
6 - 9 Months - KPI - Interaction with smart contracts for payment
9 - 12 Months - KPI - Can add variety of products and services.
I have already spent thousands of my own hours on this project and have a complete proof of concept up and running to show for my effort.
I needed to understand so much about human behaviour and why we do what we do, without judging us.
I will continue to spend time on it even if I do not get funded because I have kids and other people that I love.
Lots and lots of people support this project. But when I sit down and work on it I have been the only one paying to make this a reality. I pay financially but also with my family and connection time.
So maybe I am the only one that wants to combine money with the protection of nature?
With funding I can free up time to be totally committed to making this trading platform appear. Need to collaborate, share and inspire others to get involved. Getting a project like this funded has been so tricky in the past because it is not profit driven. The project is people driven and highlights everything Cardano stands for. A better life for all. I do not want to dilute the cause.
To move this project forward I need to quit my job and replace my current yearly salary of $ 63,500.
I stay in South Africa. Then I will be able to complete the project. Well I need to do it anyway with or without funding. I have started this process now.
It is important to note that this has never been done before. Two tokens working together to make one transaction. It needs some experimentation and exploration. In my experience having too many people involved makes this process slow and difficult. But once the base has been figured out it will be great to get more people involved. For years I have been hoping that someone would come up with a solution so that I do not have to.
Many things have happened to me to get me to this point. Money things, Family things and technology things.
My name is henno. I have an industrial engineering degree and I have technically done some amazing work in the past. For example I created a company called improWEB ( that automated the complete sales chain online. This was sold to a company called Esquire that now uses it to run hundreds of e-commerce websites each individually styled with the ability to change almost anything on there. There is also a whole management system in the back end to automate logistics and ordering with the suppliers. Here is a promotional video they made for their resellers:
I had to develop everything. Courier systems the whole lot. This was in the early days of e-commerce. days I feel like everything that has happened in my life prepared me to do this environmental trading project.
The only way to do this project is to celebrate every small success, in the key performance indicator list, on the way to the big goal. This has to be done by joyfully working on this project and loving the process. I feel this project has a responsibility from a development point of view.
Some specifics to measure will be:
After 3 months show working front end and tokens
After 6 months show smart contracts working to create month end functionality
After 9 months show payment and interaction with smart contract
After 12 months show adding and selling of products on the platform.
Success is when the trading platform is usable and works both for both products and services in a way that the environmental community can use the trading platform.
Stopping the destruction of the environment we need to live is the most important issue we could be working on right now. Cardano is make for projects that bring the best out in us and the ultimate success is when the world sees this.
When this project goes live it can be used by everyone who wants to protect the environment like Extinction Rebellion and Greta. Imagine how great it would be for Cardano if we get support from them. This will also bring other environmental projects to Cardano.
This sector is just going to grow as the environment deteriorates.
This is the moment. This is our opportunity to make Cardano shine in the way it was designed to shine.
This project has not been funded before.
I am not going to do this because It will not only include every sustainable development goal that is in the list except where profit and sustaining business is involved. It will make this page very long and difficult to read.
Industrial Engineer. Developer. Plutus Pioneer, Business Architect. I have built some of the most amazing systems like full end to end online virtual retail system that combines multiple warehouses and suppliers into one system integrating payment and automating all logistics.