Last updated 2 years ago
An ERP solution currently does not exist to encourage and excite mass commercial and government adoption of the Cardano blockchain.
Cardano ERP (CERP), built with the Cardano blockchain as its backend, will drive perpetual growth and adoption of the Cardano ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano ERP (CERP).
Cardano ERP (CERP), built with the Cardano blockchain as its backend, will drive perpetual growth and adoption of the Cardano ecosystem.
The Founders are international ERP consultants. Each possesses 30+ years of ERP solution scoping, testing, implementation, support, training, customization, and hosting experience for leading ERP solution vendors. They have implemented and supported hundreds of organizations.
The project scope includes Phases 0-3 and can be viewed at
The purpose of this proposal is to fund Phase 0.
Phase 0 – Planning phase. There is a plethora of industry vertical and governmental minutia and nuances which will need to be explored to ensure the entire system will be built to accommodate all scenarios and modules which will eventually depend upon and integrate with CERP. This will require the adoption and creation of standards. Extensive research into existing open-source and proprietary ERP solutions; meetings and discussions to identify, assemble, and ready teams; and the creation of comprehensive development plans and timelines will be performed.
This phase may involve travel and extensive coordination of globally dispersed participants and is therefore expected to require up to 6 months to complete, barring travel restrictions or unforeseeable delays.
After Phase 0 has been delivered, the Founders may apply for full funding from the Cardano Foundation (would greatly expedite delivery of all scoped Phases) or submit individual proposals for each subsequent Phase during the next and/or future Project Catalyst funding rounds.
The ways CERP will address the challenge are innumerable. They include, but far exceed the following benefits:
• Self-sustainable significant driver for the adoption of Cardano for businesses, industries, and governments of all sizes
• Massive perpetual growth and engagement of the global Cardano ecosystem and community
• Innumerable opportunities for innovation and creation of modules, tools, and providing support
• Multiple opportunities for SPO participation and additional revenue streams
• Define, innovate, create, and shape commercial and governmental standards
• Provide for Catalyst Fund recipient accountability and transparency
• Creates many opportunities for partnerships internal and external to the Cardano ecosystem
• Will motivate thousands of experienced developers to train and develop solutions on Cardano
Other use cases and benefits can be viewed at
The #1 challenge will be to find enough ERP experienced developers at reasonable wages. We will mitigate this challenge by assembling a core team of experienced ERP developers and pay them to complete the IOHK endorsed training programs for Haskell, Plutus, and Rust. There is a risk some of them (those with whom we do not share a previous relationship) may join other projects after completing training. We will mitigate this risk by offering the incentives outlined in the detailed Vision Paper, screen for loyalty (to the extent possible), and execute stay agreements as appropriate.
The purpose of this proposal is to fund Phase 0. We will submit for additional funding after having proven ourselves capable of delivering as promised. There is no guarantee future funding requests will be received. Should we not receive funding for future phases, then Phase 0 efforts would be rendered moot. We will mitigate this risk by delivering on Phase 0 (as previously described) on time and on (or under) budget. Doing so should establish sufficient Cardano community credibility to successfully obtain funding for subsequent phases 1-3 as described within the Vision Paper.
The purpose of this proposal is to fund Phase 0. Phase 0 will be delivered within 6 months from date funds are received.
The deliverables of Phase 0 will be the identification, engagement, and training (Haskell, Plutus, Rust, etc.) of an initial dedicated project team (may include both individuals and organizations) having significant ERP domain experience; a website hosting comprehensive development plans, timelines, and other relevant information; required Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs); final Vision Paper; list of complimenting project ideas and Project Catalyst draft proposals for the Cardano community to pursue and develop in parallel; and Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The MVP is expected to demonstrate various robust and flexible chart of account features; posting a trial balance and GL transactions to the blockchain via smart contract(s) and manually via a simple web browser interface; and the generation of a very basic PL and BS within the web browser from those posted on-chain transactions.
At 3 months:
• A robust website ( to transparently host comprehensive development plans, timelines, progress updates, and other relevant information.
• Identification, engagement, and training (Haskell, Plutus, Rust, etc.) of a core dedicated project team (may include both individuals and organizations).
• Identification and engagement of an initial dedicated Cardano community relations team (social media, interviews, presentations, etc.).
At 6 months:
• Complete development plans, timelines, and other relevant information transparently published to website.
• A MVP to demonstrate various robust and flexible chart of account structures; posting a trial balance and GL transactions to the blockchain via smart contract(s) and manually via a simple web browser interface; and generating a very basic PL and BS within the web browser from those posted on-chain transactions.
The purpose of this proposal is to fund Phase 0 for up to 6 months and anticipates receiving additional funding to continue uninterrupted into Phases 1-3 with the retained personnel and/or entities. Anticipated budget items include:
Teams - $350,000
Meetings & Travel - $100,000
Administration & Overhead - $150,000
Requested funds in USD - $600,000
Phase 0 deliverables include comprehensive budgets for Phases 0-3. Figures provided are rough, ballpark estimates for Phase 0 only. Please see the Vision Paper section “Initial and ongoing costs of legacy ERP systems compared to anticipated CERP cost” for budget context and perspective.
The initial project Team will be identified during Phase 0. The Team is expected to be comprised of engaged entities and individuals having domain expertise within the scope of ERP solutions development, implementation, and support; Cardano architecture and development, and requisite project administration skill sets.
The Project Founder, R Jay Jackson is an accomplished, retired (early), former international ERP consultant possessing 30+ years of ERP solution scoping, testing, implementation, support, training, and hosting experience for leading ERP solution vendors. He has implemented, supported, and advised well in excess of 100+ ERP customers globally, spanning the gamut of most industry verticals and has held various verifiable, relevant certifications (including CPA, MCSE, PMI, etc.) throughout his career. He has extensive multi-national departmental level and team level management experience. He is an active supporter of the Cardano mission and vision who engages and participates where he can. His vast ERP experience, background, credentials, initiative, and “If it can be imagined, it can be done!” approach and way-outside-the-box thinking when identifying and implementing solutions to problems make him the ideal person to lead this ambitious endeavor. He will oversee project administration and overall project direction.
The Project Manager, Gopakumar T. Nair, Founder/CEO of ArrowHead Technologies, PL (India), is an accomplished, internationally recognized ERP consultant and developer possessing 30+ years of ERP solution scoping, testing, implementation, support, training, and full-stack development experience for leading ERP solution vendors, multi-national organizations, and governmental entities across almost every industry vertical including supply chain, manufacturing, and financial services. He has extensive team leadership and mentoring experience, having assembled and successfully lead teams in completing “impossible” projects across Asia, Africa, and Europe. He has held or currently holds several verifiable, relevant certifications. He will oversee all aspects of product development.
CERP Core Team Structure
There would initially be 5 teams of 3 persons each, 1 lead per team, with some overlap. CERP is an open source effort. Therefore, the core Team will be augmented and supplemented by members of the open source community, other development teams/projects, and independent contractors as required. It is anticipated most will be based within developing countries.
CERP Project Tracking and Reporting
A leading robust legacy ERP solution will be employed to provide transparency as to how received funds are used to accomplish the successful delivery of Phase 0 objectives. Reports generated from this system will be periodically and transparently posted to Project administrators possess expertise using this system.
As Phase 0 is a planning stage, progress will be measured as aforementioned deliverables and timelines are met.
The purpose of this proposal is to fund Phase 0, a planning stage. Success for this project would be the successful delivery of all aforementioned deliverables.
This is an entirely new project. We expect to submit additional funding proposals for future phases.
The Founders are international ERP consultants. Each possesses 30+ years of ERP solution scoping, testing, implementation, support, training, customization, and hosting experience for leading ERP solution vendors. They have implemented and supported hundreds of organizations.