Last updated 2 years ago
Traditional cultural tourism is always considered expensive for the majority of the world population. Its prone to unforeseen force majeures
Create the first cultural metaverse “KemiLand”,where culture restoration and investment are together based on Cardano blockchain
This is the total amount allocated to Cultural Tourism - Beyond Borders.
Create the first cultural metaverse “KemiLand”,where culture restoration and investment are together based on Cardano blockchain
Since our establishment in 2012, PTS has emerged as a main provider of managed services, project management, technology solutions provider and digital transformation enabler . In 2022, we have a strategic direction to build and manage secure and valuable investment.
KemiLand is the first cultural and historical metaverse in the world and its built on Cardano blockchain.
Why placing a metaverse proposal in B2B and B2C challenge?
KemiLand is not a game or typical social metaverse, Its a paradigm shift for cultural tourist industry. Its a completely new business model that will disturb counterpart traditional business model. We picked business solution challenge to place our proposal as KemiLand is business opportunity for both B2B and B2C and the B2B and B2C challenge is considering metaverses as proposal.
What is KemiLand?
Kemit is the old name for Egypt that why its we picked the name KemiLand. KemiLand metaverse modeling Ancient Egyptian civilization restoration, this metaverse will contain virtually restored civilization's attractions and simulate the way of life for the restored civilization. This will provide an alternative for cultural tourists to learn, discover and experience a civilization.
Why selecting Egypt?
Ancient Egyptian civilization was picked to be restored due to its cultural heritage, history and accessibility to the monuments for our team.
Are you planning to restore other civilizations?
Yes, The information and experience we collect during Ancient Egyptian restoration shall be publicly available via a foundation established for similar projects. This foundation shall assist in any future civilization restoration initiatives.
What does restoration mean?
The restoration cycles include monuments visits, creating mockups and finally converting to its digital counterparts. A monuments could temple, site, or even a group of monuments.
How KemiLand will disturb its counterpart traditional business model?
Providing much cheaper and easier mean for Ancient sites seeing for everyone in the globe
How KemiLand will combine investments and restoration?
KemiLand will sell its digital assets to fund restoration cycles. KemiLand digital assets are parcels and avatars only. Stacking KemiLand digital assets will allow a share from KemiLand revenue.
Why KemiLand is unique compared to other digital restoration initiatives?
Other digital restorations including pictures, 3d simulation , games or other restoration initiatives always lack a joyful user experience. Joyful means user loved the experience and wish to repeat again. KemiLand will achieve such joyful experience to learn more check how KemiLand is addressing the challenge.
What is this proposal exactly for?
This proposal is targeting first restoration cycle(RC-01)(for more information about restoration cycles please check [FEASIBILITY] section) where we aim the following
What is Cardano blockchain role?
The project will capitalize on the strength of ADA/Cardano ,it worth to mention we forecast a huge circulation and demand for ADA over the project based on our conservative scenarios for number of visitors and citizens in the project.ADA is the coin of choice in KemiLand and minting/staking the project NFTs will be using Cardano.
What are the benefits for Cardano Community?
KemiLand will target the public not only blockchain enthusiast, It will target ordinary people attracted by Ancient Civilizations, artist , celebrities' and everyone that interested on the Antient Egyptian Civilization. In addition, KemiLand publicity in Egypt, north Africa and middle east will position Cardano as public blockchain that should be used for future blockchain dependent projects
We are looking forward to capitalizing on the strength and the maturity of the Cardano community .
The joyful experience in KemiLand
A joyful experience happen only when people love and dream to return back to KemiLand
How KemiLand will achieves a joyful experience ?
Joyful experience is the goal for KemiLand and to achieve this hard decision were taken.
Will KemiLand force people to buy expensive VR, XR and other devices to enjoy KemiLand attractions?
The simple answer is No, But to explain KemiLand users are splitted into two categories Visitors and Citizens. Visitors shall enjoy a short trip to KemiLand(15 or 30 min) via KemiLand Ambassadors(Type of KemiLand Citizens). KemiLand Ambassadors are located globally. KemiLand Ambassadors will established facilities for such joyful experience. and charge tickets according to local market condition. KemiLand shall only receive 1 ada for each visit. The complete citizens social structure will be reveled when Papyrus(whitepaper) is published.
Visitors vs Citizens, can you elaborate more?
Visitors are families, couples, groups, that wish to enjoy a trip to KemiLand. They shall enjoy site seeing and learn during such trips. Usually they have a tendency for short trips to KemiLand and its attractions. Citizens are holding KemiLand digital assets and therefor contributing and profiting from KemiLand. To become a citizen you must hold one of limited number of pre-minted KemiLands avatars
But other similar initiatives already completed by Huge Enterprises and foundation like IBM, Microsoft, etc
Yes, But still those initiatives lack first joyful user experience and second the dynamic of attractions KemiLand provides. Here comes the rule of decentralization and the power people have to impose for continues KemiLand evolution.
Due to the end to end ecosystem requirement for single civilization restoration, A self-sustained community for funding, maintaining and operating will be established. The community will be responsible for promoting and attracting citizens and visitors.
Low awareness About blockchain and its impact in north Africa and middle east
North Africa and middle east are the least contributor in blockchain advancement. We will support local comminutes in order to start exploring the power of blockchain(especially cardano) and decentralization. The support will be by guiding individuals/companies, providing online sessions and creating blockchain community hubs. Part of our efforts is to teach and convince local regulators on the fast growing changes in the global markets and how this could benefits their local comminutes.
Global awareness campaigns for the digital restoration of civilization.
A detailed marketing plan was prepared marketing team to define market segments, timing to approach and tools to approach.
Acquiring top quality teams to digitally restore the unique civilization again.
Already process started and we are seeking qualified and passionate candidates.
Building an end to end ecosystem to create a sustainable community.
Our starting point was Cardano community and we started communicating already with leading VR hardware manufactures welling for partnerships and other technology partners. Eventually we will extend our ecosystems for comminutes, NGO and organizations welling to contribute in digital restorations of civilizations.
A complete decentralized Platform
While this can't be achieved in the earlier versions from the platform, our road map is considering complete decentralization of the platform in the future versions from the platform.
Completing Papyrus(whitepaper)
Papyrus(Whitepaper) is still in progress including currently valuable inputs from Egyptologists, solution architects and other stakeholders.
0-3 months restoration cycle 01(RC-01) (Planning , minting and talent acquisition)
Complete Roadmap
Warning! A Complete roadmap is work in progress according to the finding of restoration cycle 01(RC-01). The below explain our initial approach for future restoration cycles and not to be considered a final or confirmed detailed roadmap.
Project Phases
The project is divided into four phases with each phase consist of four restoration cycles. The planning is considered to keep development of features in progress.
*Khufu , Khafre , Menkaure and Sakara are the biggest and heights Pyramids in Giza Plateau.
The Khufu Phase(Establishment)
Lunching KemiLand and building teams, experience, publicity and relations. Main deliverables of this phase is a beta version from the platform.
The Khafre Phase(Into the new world)
Platform performance and enhancements and the start of community initialization . We expect first version from the platform will be ready by RC-06(Restoration Cycle 06). Visitors and citizens will start journeys for so far restored monuments. Citizen start contributing and building ecosystems.
The Menkura Phase(People are the Power)
A Complete decentralization for the platform and community preparation. Second version from the platform with complete decentralization should be available by RC-10(Restoration Cycle 10). Citizens start proposing KemiLand regulations and future meanwhile operate the complete platform.
The Sakara Phase(The Human Transformation)
More realistic humans actions simulation in the platform and community decisions enforcements.
A Restoration Cycle
A restoration cycles are the iterative cycles to complete monuments restoration, developing platform and introducing governance tools.
For Restoration cycle 01(RC-01) :
Restoration cycle 01(RC-01) required team:
The Passionate Team
Mohamed Mahmoud
25+ years of experience in the technology field, bringing the true values of enterprise digital assets. Recently focusing more on the emerging technologies and their social applications.
For more information please check my linkedin:
Tarek Mohamed
21+ years of technology related and capital markets experience . Held Senior management roles in various multinational holdings and groups with diversified expertise in technology and investment in over 20 countries .
For more information please check my linkedin:
Maha Mandor
C-Level experienced executive with 15 years of experience in the Business of Information Technology for both enterprise and startups.Managing a wide variety of partnership relationships and direct sales channel partnerships as well as large scale projects worth more than 1B$ in last 5 years within the Real Estate, Telecom, Banking and Military sectors.
For more information please check my linkedin:
Ahmed Darwish
Managing Partner for multiple brands in the field of education, entertainment, food & beverage. Strategic Procurement, Business Development & Marketing leader with 20 years of experience in multinational Telecom companies and Business Consultancy firms
Ahmed Adly
Ancient Egyptian enthusiastic and experienced cloud engineer
Ahmed created a serious of video's about Ancient Egyptian lost civilization.
Watch Ahmed videos' from here: Hosny
Working as a developer in creating interactive architectural visualization, digital twin, and smart city. He also published papers on "Performance Optimization for Standalone Virtual Reality Headsets"
Nahla Samy
She is creative and detailed-oriented 3D artist. She is highly passionate about art, computer graphics and creative process involved in 3D modeling, texturing and rendering.
And PTS Group of companies teams
For Restoration cycle 01(RC-01) :
For the complete project:
The project is divided into iteration of restoration cycles(estimated 2-5 months for each), as we advance in the project each cycle will be the basis to measure the complete project progress. After the completion of a restoration cycle it will be evaluated against the following criteria:
A detailed report containing the above criteria will be publicly published once a restoration cycle completed.
The success will be:
SDG goals:
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
SDG subgoals:
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
11.7.1 Average share of the built-up area of cities that is open space for public use for all, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
8.2.1 Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
Since our establishment in 2012, PTS has emerged as a main provider of managed services, project management, technology solutions provider and digital transformation enabler . In 2022, we have a strategic direction to build and manage secure and valuable investment.