Last updated 2 years ago
There's a negative outcome from the interaction between energy generation and users in today's modern social structure
Energy with purpose
@energiasocial a Renewable Energy Social Company
A DAO in the CARDANO Blockchain where each KWh generated = USD = ADA
This is the total amount allocated to @energiasocial powered by cardano.
Energy with purpose
@energiasocial a Renewable Energy Social Company
A DAO in the CARDANO Blockchain where each KWh generated = USD = ADA
From the union of @EnergiaSocialAr & Ventus Energía, a renewable energy social company is born with more than 3000 MW installed and presence in 4 countries in the region. A social emterprise where the profits are used for the generation of resources and added value with puspose.
Add purpose (impact) to energy by scaling in LATAM a renewable energy social company in the format of a DAO / Decentralized Autonomous Organization / in the CARDANO Blockchain where each KWh generated by the @energiasocial #GEN_USR community or solar/eolic parks thats represents a USD will be converted into ADA
A renewable energy social enterprise where the profits are not personal, but are used for the generation of resources and added value.
A decentralized autonomous renewable energy social company, transparent, controlled by the organization members that will reinvest profits into research and development of urban sustainable development strategies
Reinvesting in research and technologies in new materials and energy/resource efficient construction systems. R4 Plastic recycling strategies. Acquiring and developing new technologies, expanding the communication and distribution networks of our products and services. Creating new jobs and educating new generations for the jobs of the present and the future.
@energiasocial platform will aloud energy transactions between #GEN_USR in different scales. Generate, consume, sell and transact in 3 scales/formats.
1. Residencial
2. Comutary - Municipal
3. Commercial
1. Residencial
e-commerce / commercialize and installation solar energy residential 2/3 kW systems
The users will generate ADA as the result of his interaction with the energy distribution company. By generating solar energy on their roof house, users will create a flux of income/net balance (KWH=USD = ADA) between the energy he generates, he injects into the grid and he consumes.
Each #GEN_USR will generate a NODE in the CARDANO network bringing a metric of scale to the mainet, a NODE powered with renewable energy, giving scale to the network on a sustainable integrated infrastructure equation.
2. Comutary - Municipal
Community energy consumption can be solved with the integration of solar/wind energy generating plots located in the vicinity of consumption, optimizing the use of the existing infrastructure and reducing the loss in the distribution of energy.
@energiasocial platform will allow municipalities, commerce and residential users without the needed infrastructure/surface to generate their own energy to participate in community investments to develop/install/connect community scale solar farms.
3. Commercial
Contract between private parties in the general energy market.
Comercialize thru @energiascoaial platform energy from existing solar/eolic farms.
Crowdfunding for the construction of solar/wind energy parks that will generate and transact energy to big consumers (commerce/industries/companies).
Find the necessary human resources for the correct implementation and use of block chain technology and the correct development of a secure platform.
Communication / Message / Amplifiers
Technology implementation / User conversion
Scale through partnerships with brand, commerce and industries.
The challenge, to scale in the LATAM market region and become part of the solution towards a sustainable integrated solution for the Latinoamérica community using renewable energy, blockchain as motors and amplifiers of purpose.
In a six month period starting as April 01, 2022, using existing platforms and discord channels within the CATALYST/CARDANO community and SOCIAL MEDIA channels @energiasocial team will reclute CARDANO/PLUTUS software engineers and programmers to create and develop @energiasocial platform within the CARDANO NETWORK and create the @energiasocial #USRER_GENERATOR platform
Six month gol, By the end of september 2022 have a @energiasocial #GEN_USR beta platform online
The budget will be divided in 6 equal parts of U$D 4,166.66
It will be invested in human resources/hrs to develop the #GEN_USR platform
+ #GEN_USR Communication Strategy
@energiasocial team
1 Software engineer / PLUTUS
1 Industrial engineer
1 ecommerce software developer
We will continue working with our allies to generate concrete job opportunities in the areas of renewable energy.
Generating renewable energy, KWH quantifiable unit in CO2 emissions avoided.
Smart contracts between #GEN_USR in the three different scales of consumption.
We will summarize progress monthly on different discord channels within the CATALYST community and on our platform and social networks
Bring balance to the output between energy generation and users
Create tangible sustainable social solutions for LATAM communities development
new proposal
SDG goals:
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
SDG subgoals:
11.3 By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
11.3.2 Proportion of cities with a direct participation structure of civil society in urban planning and management that operate regularly and democratically
From the union of @EnergiaSocialAr & Ventus Energía, a renewable energy social company is born with more than 3000 MW installed and presence in 4 countries in the region. A social emterprise where the profits are used for the generation of resources and added value with puspose.