Last updated a year ago
There is little social infrastructure, where communities take the lead & individuals act as agents of change to revitalize the local economy
We offer a sustainable social infrastructure based on a circulation- based community revitalization that uses points and cryptocurrencies.
This is the total amount allocated to Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst].
We offer a sustainable social infrastructure based on a circulation- based community revitalization that uses points and cryptocurrencies.
SYMONS is developing and operating a sustainable, circulation- based community revitalization system nationwide. This system has been adopted as a platform for one of the tourism promotion activities of the Japan Tourism Agency.
Conclusion: The Izanami Project is a sustainable, circulation-based community revitalization system that uses point system and cryptocurrency to create a digital infrastructure for society.
We are currently at a historic turning point in creating the financial structure of the future. SYMONS Co., Ltd. provides solutions by developing a social infrastructure, where communities take the lead and the individuals in these communities act as agents of change to revitalize the local economy.
SYMONS Co., Ltd. has established a new “Symons Lab” and is in process of building a sustainable digital social infrastructure, based on a circulation- based community revitalization system. The “Symons Lab” is focused on expanding this system in a more flexible and sustainable way and creating a decentralized local economy.
Currently, the Cardano ecosystem in Japan has very few projects aimed at businesses that promote the use of Cardano and ADA.
The introduction of a sustainable circulation-based community revitalization system, a business model unique to Japan and provided by SYMONS Co., Ltd., to the Cardano blockchain will enable the promotion and diffusion of Cardano from Japan to the world.
We also believe that the point business is a unique and scalable business model that will have a huge impact on the crypto economy.
The document describing the Izanami Project is available at the following URL: "Izanami Project: White Paper Light Version Beta".
(1) The Izanami Project will promote the introduction of a circulation-based community revitalization system using the Cardano blockchain technology to the 1,718 municipalities across Japan. Creating a cryptocurrency ecosystem and promoting community development through cryptocurrency economy will let us integrate the decentralized society and community development from the grassroots in Japan.
(2)Donation of expired points generated through the use of the Cardano blockchain-based decentralized system for circulation-based community revitalization to social or charitable activities brings security, transparency, and scalability to the Izanami Project. It also provides a governance model that empowers each and every community member, resulting in the creation of a truly decentralized community.
(3) Long-term vision
We will develop an unconventional microfinance business by incorporating other. payment methods such as points, tokens and cash. Through this development, we will build a new social contribution model (integration of donation and financing) on the Cardano blockchain.
We will also standardize this business model and expand it to overseas regions. We will also support multi-blockchains.
(1) Out of these municipalities, we are currently targeting a little more than 1000 municipalities for business.
(ⅰ) Outline
The proposed "sustainable recycling-based regional revitalization system " is a next-generation system that can be expected to revitalize the region's decentralized economy by combining Symons' 20 years of experience with the Cardano blockchain-based DeFi.
Through the use of points, previously untapped regional characteristics can be quantified in the form of data and can be used for revitalizing stores and service providers, as well as for local communities as a whole.
(ⅱ) Rationale
Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, for example, is a city that has now introduced the sustainable circulation-based community revitalization system of SYMONS Co., Ltd. Out of total population of about 60,000, 20,000 citizens are now using this system. Additionally, there are another 20,000 members living out of the city.
(In addition, there are 20,000 members outside the city, who live in the Tokyo metropolitan area, etc.).
With 40,000 members in total, the annual sales turnover is about 1 billion yen. On the assumption that the average local city population is 60,000 (similar to Kesennuma), expanding the system to 100 municipalities (10% of the targeted municipalities) would result in 2 million members in these municipalities, as well as another 2 million outside, totaling 4 million new members.
If 20% of these members become heavy users of the system’s cryptocurrency, Izanami token, a crypto community of about 800,000 will be generated by the Izanami Project.
Of the total number of municipalities, 63% have a population of between 10,000 and 200,000, and the population of these areas is about 55.6 million, which accounts for about 44% of the total population of Japan. We believe that these areas are the best targets for the Izanami Project (See attached data: the 2020 Census results).
With the mutual exchange between points and the Izanami tokens, we can expect an increase in the diversion of points to tokens, and also a rapid increase in the number of members specializing in the token business.
(2) Donation of expired points
Donation of expired points generated through the use of Cardano blockchain-based decentralized system for circulation-based community revitalization to social or charitable activities brings security, transparency, and scalability to the Izanami Project. It also provides a governance model that empowers each and every community member, resulting in the creation of a truly decentralized community.
In the loyalty-points business, donating expired points (miscellaneous income), instead of using them for profit, is almost a so-called “prohibited strategy,” which can destabilize the corporate management. This strategy was also said to be absolutely unacceptable for small or medium-sized companies, even if potentially acceptable for large companies.
(3) As a long-term vision, we will develop our system as follows;
We will build an integrated system through the mutual exchange of points and Cardano tokens to develop Japan's first microfinance business. At the same time, we will build a social contribution model in which points are donated on a larger scale than before.
We will also standardize this business model and expand it to overseas regions.
(ⅰ) Microfinance
Eventually, we will develop an unconventional microfinance business by incorporating other payment methods such as points, tokens and cash. Through this development, we will build a new social contribution model (integration of donation and financing) on the Cardano blockchain.
The Izanami Project will develop SYMONS' "sustainable and revitalized community" on the Cardano blockchain, which has already been deployed and materialized. The project will unlock the inherent potential of the Cardano blockchain technology to create a truly decentralized digital infrastructure that will bring a successful model of a cryptocurrency economy to the world with a more safe, scalable, and powerful cryptocurrency ecosystem.
(ⅱ) Overseas expansion
In addition, the business model using points in Japan has become an unparalleled model in other countries as far as its issuance, partnerships, the wide range of exchange, and the development of the points economy. In the future, expanding the Symons business model overseas has the potential to greatly expand the new points economy.
Ultimately, this project will develop the following
Izanami points and Izanami tokens: Support sustainable community development by creating an ecosystem based on a cryptocurrency economy utilizing “Izanami points (stable points or stable coins)" and "Izanami tokens" that can be used as governance tokens and for asset management.
Izanami point issuance system: Allows service entities to issue their original points by providing a point system for services provided by local governments, companies, and communities
Marketing tool for Izanami Point usage trends: A tool that divides customer trends associated with the points of each service entity into five layers (national, prefectural, municipal, corporate, and service provider/store) to understand member behavior patterns at each layer and utilize them for marketing purposes
Management of personal information of Izanami Point users: A management system of. member information with privacy protection using a decentralized ID system
Client application: A tool that provides membership services and commerce where. customers can use Dapps (decentralized applications) to manage and redeem their points
Microfinance: Provides microfinance services using the Izanami points and tokens which. will be introduced to decentralized applications by having partnership with various Dapps projects
The proposal for "Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]" is in the scope of the Overall design/design Izanami point issuance system.
The proposal for "Expands to 1000cities in JP[APP]" is for a Client application.
現在私たちは、『金融未来の歴史的な転換点』にいます。Symons Labは、地域が主体となり、地域の一人一人の行動が、あなたの地域経済を活性化させるための社会インフラとしてのソリューションを提供しています。
例えば、現在株式会社サイモンズの循環型地域活性化システムを導入している宮城県気仙沼市を例に取りますと、人口は約6万人で、うち市民2 万人が利用しています(別に市外の会員が 2万人おり、これらの外部会員は首都圏等に在住しています)。合計4万人の会員で年間約10億 円の売り上げを計上しています。
仮に、地方の平均的な市レベルの人口を気仙沼市同様6万人と想定し、ターゲット対象としている1,000の地方自治体の約1割100の市町村に新システムの導入・展開ができたとしますと、 市町村会員が200万人、外部会員が同じく200万人となり、合計で400万人の会員が新規メンバーになります。
このうちの2割(ヘビー ユーザー)が暗号資産(イザナミトークン)を利用することになれば、約80万人のイザナミによる暗号資産コミュニティが誕生することになります。 自治体総数のうち、人口が1万人以上20万人未満のシェアーは全体の63%であり、この地域の人口は全体の約44%(約5560万人)にもなります。
イザナミプロジェクトのターゲットして、まずは、これらの地域が最適であると考えます(添付資料参照:2020年度国勢調査結果)。 ポイントとイザナミトークンとの相互交流により、ポイントからトークンへの流用の増加が期 待でき、またトークンビジネスに特化するメンバー も急増することも想定されます。
失効ポイント(有効期限切れのポイント)は、他企業の場合当該ポイント発行企業の利益(雑収入)になっています。一方、サイモンズでは、地方自治体との相談して寄附先を決定し、こ の失効ポイントを寄附しています。今後は、地域社会がこの寄附先を決定して寄附するという 住民の意志を尊重した方式を提供することが可能になります。
このようにイザナミプロジェクトは、すでに展開され実現しているサイモンズの『持続可能な活性化された地域社会』をパブリックブロックチェーン上で展開させ、ブロックチェーンが本来持つ可能性を引き出し、真の意味での分散型デジタルインフラを構築することで、より安全 で、拡張性 の高いパワフルな暗号通貨エコシステムにより暗号通貨経済の成功モデルを世界 にもたらします。
また、日本におけるポイントを活用したビジネスモデルは、その発行、提携、交換の裾野の広さ、ポイント経済圏の発展等を見る限り、海外に例を見ないほど発展したモデルとなっています。将来的に、サイモンズのビジネスモデルを海外展開することは、新しいポイント経済圏を さらに大きく拡大する可能性を秘めています。
イザナミポイント発行システム : 地方自治体や企業、コミュニティが提供するサービスにポイントシステムを提供し、サービス主体が独自ポイントを発行できる。
イザナミポイント利用動向のマーケティングツール:各サービス主体のポイントに紐づいた顧客動向を、国、都道府県、地方自治体、企業、サ ービス提供者・店舗の五つのレイヤーにわけ、それぞれのレイヤーで、会員の行動パターンを把握し、マーケティングに活用するツール
イザナミポイント利用者の個人情報管理: 分散型IDシステムを利用したプライバシー保護による会員情報の管理システム クライアントアプリ:会員サービスを提供するツール。ポイントを管理とそれを利用できるコマースや会員サービスを提供するDapps
マイクロファイナンス : イザナミポイントとイザナミトークンを活用したマイクロファイナンスサービスの提供。さまざまなDappsプロジェク ト提携し、イザナミポイントとイザナミトークンを分散型アプリに導入する。
「Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]」の提案は、Overall design/design Izanami point issuance systemが範囲になります。
「Expands to 1000cities in JP[APP]」の提案は、Client applicationが範囲になります。
The details of each will be announced below.
KPIs will be presented.
Number of CardanodApps supporting business solutions: 1
Number of partnerships/joint ventures created between companies: 1000
Additional funding from other sources for funded proposals: 2
Has Daily/Monthly Active Wallet (DAW / MAW) increased as a proxy measure of momentum and engagement? Estimated increase by: 800,000 users.
Do you have any good feedback on the progress, failures, and successes of funded projects that can help us understand the nuances of deploying Cardano solutions across East Asia? : Symons' website:
What is the novelty and relevance of your solution? : The attempt to implement regional points with blockchain is novel and blockchain is appropriate in terms of governance of expired points and cost reduction by eliminating intermediaries.
Are we well on our way to improving the lives of people using Cardano in East Asia? Yes!
勢いとエンゲージメントの代理指標として、デイリー/マンスリーアクティブウォレット(DAW / MAW)が増加しましたか?:80万人の推定ユーザーによる増加が見込まれます。
Risk that adoption on the Cardano blockchain will be difficult in terms of fees and processing speed
We will mitigate this risk by using batch processing and off-chain.
The scope of work for this proposal is "Phase 1.0".
Phase 1.0: Aiming for 4Q 2022 release.
Prototype of Izanami point issuance system: Allows service entities to issue their original points by providing a point system for services provided by local governments, companies, and communities
Prototype of Client application: A tool that provides membership services and commerce where. customers can use Dapps (decentralized applications) to manage and redeem their points
Phase 1.5: Aimed for release in Q2 2023 or later.
Release of Izanami point issuance system: Allows service entities to issue their original points by providing a point system for services provided by local governments, companies, and communities
Release of Client application: A tool that provides membership services and commerce where. customers can use Dapps (decentralized applications) to manage and redeem their points
Phase 2: Aiming for release in 2023.
Marketing tool for trends in the use of Izanami points: The customer trends associated with the points of each service entity can be analyzed by the government, prefectures, local governments, companies, service providers and stores. A tool to understand the behavioral patterns of members at each layer and utilize them for marketing purposes.
Personal information management for Izanami point users: A system to manage member information by protecting privacy using a distributed ID system Client application: A tool to provide member services. Dapps that manage points and provide commerce and member services that can use them.
Phase 3: Aimed for release in 2024 or later.
Microfinance: A microfinance service that utilizes Izanami points and Izanami tokens. Partner with various Dapps projects to introduce Izanami points and tokens into decentralized applications.
イザナミポイント発行システム :地方自治体や企業、コミュニティが提供するサービスにポイントシステムを提供し、サービス主体が独自ポイントを発行できるシステムの試作
イザナミポイント発行システム :地方自治体や企業、コミュニティが提供するサービスにポイントシステムを提供し、サービス主体が独自ポイントを発行できるシステム
イザナミポイント利用動向のマーケティングツール:各サービス主体のポイントに紐づいた顧客動向を、国、都道府県、地方自治体、企業、サ ービス提供者・店舗の五つのレイヤーにわけ、それぞれのレイヤーで、会員の行動パターンを把握し、マーケティングに活用するツール
イザナミポイント利用者の個人情報管理:分散型IDシステムを利用したプライバシー保護による会員情報の管理システム ステークプール運営 :ISPOによるSPO各地方自治体とSPOの共同参画によるステークプールの運営『イザナミ・トークン+ADA』
マイクロファイナンス :イザナミポイントとイザナミトークンを活用したマイクロファイナンスサービスの提供。さまざまなDappsプロジェクト提携し、イザナミポイントとイザナミトークンを分散型アプリに導入する。The scope of worThe scope of wor
The proposal for "Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]" is in the scope of the Overall design/design Izanami point issuance system.
The proposal for "Expands to 1000cities in JP[APP]" is for a Client application.
(1) Overall design/design: $20,000
(2)Prototype of Izanami point issuance system: Allows service entities to issue their original points by providing a point system for services provided by local governments, companies, and communities : $80,000
(3) Prototype of Client application: A tool that provides membership services and commerce where. customers can use Dapps (decentralized applications) to manage and redeem their points.: $50,000
「Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]」の提案は、Overall design/design Izanami point issuance systemが範囲になります。
「Expands to 1000cities in JP[APP]」の提案は、Client applicationが範囲になります。
(2)イザナミポイント発行システム :地方自治体や企業、コミュニティが提供するサービスにポイントシステムを提供し、サービス主体が独自ポイントを発行できるシステの試作:800万円
(3)クライアントアプリ:会員サービスを提供するツール。ポイントを管理とそれを利用できるコマースや会員サービスを提供するDapps の試作:500万円
(1)The company is led by Mr. Saikawa, who has created a cross-industrial network system using frequent flyer miles, and is strongly trusted by government agencies for regional points in Japan.
(ⅰ)Achievements of Mr. Saikawa and Symons, Inc.
Symons Corporation, headed by Mr. Saikawa, who created a cross-industry exchange network system using frequent flyer miles for a major airline, has already A sustainable, circular regional revitalization system utilizing the point system is being developed and operated nationwide, and has been adopted by the Japan Tourism Agency as a platform for one of its tourism promotion measures.
Mr. Saikawa's leadership in the point system industry and the significant contributions he has made over the years, as well as his wealth of experience, will be utilized in a new project that will further develop the usefulness of the point system. The゙ect will significantly transform the community money and application system currently in place in the region.
(ⅱ) Characteristics of the company's point business
The company is characterized by the following three solutions based on its unique marketing philosophy (an initiative structure that results in a win-win-win-win situation for the community, residents, and organizations such as companies).
Utilization of point usage data:
Through the use of points, previously unseen regional characteristics will be quantified as data and used to revitalize not only each store and service provider, but also the region in which they collectively operate.
*points in this context have the same meaning and function as local currency.
Utilization of expired points:
Expired points will be reinvested in local revitalization to realize a sustainable circulation of "information" and "money" in the community.
The points can be used for a variety of activities:
The database will be used to track the consumption activities and behavior of "citizens" and "tourists," enabling the development of strategic regional policies and tourism marketing.
With these three solutions as pillars, we are able to provide optimal measures not only for regional revitalization, but also for all situations, such as corporate customer marketing and sports team fan club management, based on our extensive experience and know-how, which is the best in the industry.
(ⅲ) Affinity and passion for the vision of introducing blockchain
This is a model that has grown into a social infrastructure by integrating the experience and know-how of the "point system" that has been cultivated over many years and introducing a unique marketing method. It makes sense to develop a ゙-lock chain.
Symons has established a corporate philosophy of "from competition to symbiosis" and has built a business model with social contribution in mind, which is exactly what the blockchain is all about. This is also the main reason for the high affinity with the chain. The company's efforts to "revitalize the local community," its main business area, are bearing fruit, driven by the times, and the introduction of the blockchain is a key element in this effort. We believe these efforts will be further accelerated.
In addition, Symons is helping to create local communities by "donating expired points to the local community" based on the ancient Japanese concept of "sampo yoshi," and providing a solution that Now that it is complete, it is the perfect time to introduce blockchain.
The introduction of blockchain is also a project with more than enough potential for further growth curve and expansion of the business model. The project is also a project.
In a New Year's greeting blog post by Mitsuru Saikawa, President and CEO of Symons, Inc.
In the point business, donating expired points (miscellaneous income) instead of turning them into profits is a so-called "forbidden practice" (which can be said to make corporate management more unstable).
It was said that this would be unthinkable in a small or medium-sized company, let alone a large one.
To realize this idea, the introduction of governance, decentralized financial systems, and the token economy is a great way to bring more openness, transparency, and sustainability to the project. It is a business model.
(2) Experienced stake pool operators and ambassadors participate.
1) Participation of experienced members of the SIPO Pool and other Cardano Blockchain-related organizations will enable efficient implementation of the Cardano Blockchain.
Symons Lab Advisors and Advisors:
SIPO Pool Management:
SITION Representative:
SundaeSwap Certified Scooper
YUTA (in charge of advising on how to submit Catalyst)
Official Ambassador :
CatalystFUND2 Proposer
大手航空会社でマイレージを活用した異業種交流ネットワークシステムを創り上げた斉川氏が代表を務める株式会社サイモンズは、すでに、そのポイントシステム を活用した持続可能な循環型地域活性化システムを全国に展開・運用しており、観光庁の観光振興施策のひとつとしてのプラットフォームに採用されています。
たポイント業界でのリーダー的存在感とこれまでの多大な貢献、また豊富な経験を活かし、ポイントシステムの有用性をさ らに発展させる新プロジェクトは、現在地域のコミュニティマネーおよびアプリケーションシステムを大きく変貌させることでしょう。
・ポイントの利用データの活用:ポイントを通じて、今まで見えていなかった地域特性をデータとして数値化し、各店舗やサービス提供者はもとよ り、その集合体である地域の活性化に利用します。
・さまざまな活動にポイントに絡める:『市民』や『観光客』の消費活動や行動動態をデータベース化し、戦略的な地域政策や観光マーケティング 展開を可能にします。
これは長年培ってきた『ポイントシステム』の経験とノウハウを集約させ、独自にマーケティング手法を導入したことで、社会イ ンフラとも言えるモデルに成長しており、これをブロックチェーン展開することは理にかなったものです。
企業理念を『競争から共生へ』と定め、社会貢献を念頭に入れたビジネス モデルを構築してきた株式会社サイモンズの思想は、まさにブロックチェーンと親和性が高い最大の理由でもあります。同社の主なビジネス領域である 『地域の活性化』の取り組みは、まさに時代の後押しによってその実 を結びつつあり、ブロックチェーンの導入はこれらの取り組みを更に加速させると考えています。
また、サイモンズが日本古来の「三方良し」の考え方をもとに「失効ポイントを地元に寄附」することで、地域創生を手伝い、そのソリューショ ンを提供することが完成している今、ブロックチェーンを導入することは絶好のタイミングとなっているのです。
株式会社サイモンズ代表取締役社長である斉川 満氏の新年御挨拶ブログ記事では、次のように述べられています。
「ポイントビジネスにおいて、失効した ポイント(雑収入)を利益に回すのではなく、寄附するということは所謂「禁じ手」に近い 行為です(企業経 営をより不安定にさせることと言えましょう)。大企業ならいざ知らず中小企業ではあり得ない行為とも言われました。 」
こうした思想を実現するために、ガバナンスや分散型金融システム、トークンエコノミーを導入することは、よりオープンな透明性と持続可能性 をプロジェクトにもたらすことになる絶好のビジネスモデルとなっているのです。
Symons Lab顧問・アドバイザー:
公式アンバサダ :
Launch date (date of work start) = date of funding, from which work begins until the completion of the scope of the roadmap described above. Questions may be directed to SymonsLab at The deliverables related to this activity are licensed as follows The launch date is defined above, but work will begin before that date and will be scaled back to a more modest scale in the event that funding is not obtained.
The success of this project means that the following two prototypes have been completed and the code is ready to be released to the public subject to audit.
Prototype of Izanami point issuance system: Allows service entities to issue their original points by providing a point system for services provided by local governments, companies, and communities
Prototype of Client application: A tool that provides membership services and commerce where. customers can use Dapps (decentralized applications) to manage and redeem their points
The proposal for "Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]" is in the scope of the Overall design/design Izanami point issuance system.
The proposal for "Expands to 1000cities in JP[APP]" is for a Client application.
・イザナミポイント発行システム :地方自治体や企業、コミュニティが提供するサービスにポイントシステムを提供し、サービス主体が独自ポイントを発行できるシステムの試作
The succe・クライアントアプリ:会員サービスを提供するツール。ポイントを管理とそれを利用できるコマースや会員サービスを提供するDapps の試作
「Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]」の提案は、Overall design/design Izanami point issuance systemが範囲になります。
「Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]」の提案は、Overall design/design Izanami point issuance systemが範囲になります。
「Expands to 1000cities in JP[APP]」の提案は、Client applicationが範囲になります。
This is a new project on Catayst that has never been funded by Catalyst before.
The proposal for "Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]" is in the scope of the Overall design/design Izanami point issuance system.
The proposal for "Expands to 1000cities in JP[APP]" is for a Client application.
「Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]」の提案は、Overall design/design Izanami point issuance systemが範囲になります。
「Expands to 1000cities in JP[APP]」の提案は、Client applicationが範囲になります。
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
SYMONS is developing and operating a sustainable, circulation- based community revitalization system nationwide. This system has been adopted as a platform for one of the tourism promotion activities of the Japan Tourism Agency.