Last updated 2 years ago
There is a lack of formalized credit that creates a dreadful and crucial challenge for rural business to grow.
A dApp and smart solution for rural business to manage their business anytime, anywhere and allow them to extend credit for their clients.
This is the total amount allocated to Grow Rural Business.
A dApp and smart solution for rural business to manage their business anytime, anywhere and allow them to extend credit for their clients.
Relevant Experience:
Build a dApp whose main functionalty is digitalize rural business transactions through Cardano´s BlockChain and allow them access to financial products offered by Living Roots Startup.
Main Features:
User Profile.
The product is initially intended to be used by rural business in the agricultural supply chain, mainly those that sell to farmers, such as input or equipment providers, this rural business act as our lender clients by offering finance to small farmers as an add-on to the goods they sell.
Impact for the user group.
The dApp will be a one-stop solution for the user group "rural agribusiness" to manage their business process in a simple, intuitive and eficcient way.
The product will provide transparency about the transactions and expenses made, the main features of the dApp will allow the users improve their business process, cut administrative cost and serve their customer better.
For example the Extend chekout financing for their customer feature will allow increase the average ticket value and reach out more customers and expand to a new business area such as loans.
Addressing the challenge.
The proposal address the challenge because we´re trying to solve a problem "Lack of formalized credit" that faces many rural business, we as a Living Roots Startup propose a B2B solution that is the development of this dApp.
We want to add value to the Cardano´s ecosystem by creating the dApp, attract users who benefit from it, making transactions with ADA, executing financial contracts in the blockchain and digitalize the transactions of rural business.
We will align with challenge KPIs in this way:
We will communicate the outcomes and status of the project in our social networks when they are ready(Discord,Telegram,Twitter) and in our Gitbook.
This social media will be communicate through my personal social media.
Twitter: @CrisRo0787
Discord: crisro0787#3293
Linkedin: Cristian Jair Rojas Velez
Main challenges or risks:
Lack of digital literacy among rural business.
Dependence on the use of cash and personal relationships.
Limited connectivity in some rural areas.
Strategies to mitigate them:
Develop the dApp with a user-centered design, that is, design the product based on the needs and preferences of rural businesses, involve the first users in the development of the product.
Provide rural businesses with correct training on the use of the application and personalized technical assistance during this process of adapting to the new technology.
Adapt the product so that the rural business continues to accept cash payments while we establish a stronger relationship through creating value for the client.
Create strategic alliances with mobile service providers, to offer a better service in terms of connectivity and accessibility to information.
Detailed Plan and Timeline.
We identify some key areas and team members required to implement the proposal successfully.
Key Areas and responsible team member:
This key areas play an important role in the implementation of the proposal, each of them will be on charge of certain activities along the roadmap.
Q3 2022.
Tasks to be carried out:
Product Manager:
Chief Financial Officer:
Chief Marketing Officer:
Customer Experience Manager:
Product Manager:
Chief Financial Officer:
Chief Marketing Officer:
Customer Experience Manager:
Minimun Viable Product.
2 Financial Smart Contracts.(for loan and purchase items)
Logo Living Roots Startup.
Q4 2022.
Tasks to be carried out:
Product Manager:
Chief Financial Officer:
Chief Marketing Officer:
Customer Experience Manager:
Chief Financial Officer:
Chief Marketing Officer:
Customer Experience Manager:
Launch of the product, first release.
Budget breakdown. 6 months
dApp Development. $18000
Salaries Executive team.
Operational costs.( Infrastructure maintenance cost, cloud cost, transportation cost, administrative cost, etc) $6000
Customer Adquisition Cost( Onboarding agribusiness, includes marketing ) $6000
Total : $72,000
if aditional budget is require the executive team wil reduce his salary, besides that we will start working in raise aditional funds for VC or another resources such as incubators.
We think there will be a lot of challenges, but I´m sure the team will be made up of the most professional and skilled people who will know how to overcome the challenges that we face.
We´re Living Roots an Agritech and Agri Fintech Startup with the purpose of support small farmers and agribusiness.
We complete the pre-incubation process in Startup Mexico, Startup Mexico isthe leading organization in Mexico in promoting innovation, entrepreneurial culture and economic development both locally and internationally.
Our proposal "Support Small Farmers in Latam" for the "Grow Cardano, Grow Latin America" challenge was voted and funded for fund7.
Team Members.
Cristian Jair Rojas Velez (Founder and CEO).
Relevant Experience:
Twitter: @CrisRo0787
Discord: crisro0787#3293
Linkedin: Cristian Jair Rojas Velez
I recognize that a team is needed to implement the proposal, for this reason, the first activity to be carried out is hiring the executive team.
From now I will be looking for people with the skills and ideals that align with ours to perform the following positions:
For the technical development of the dApp we are going to work with Joget.
they work with startups and companies to develop decentralized applications in a simple way.
The joget team made a proposal for fund7 in the "Nation building dApp" challenge.
They were the one with the best score with their proposal "Accelerating Enterprise Adoption".
Working with them certainly contributes to the Cardano ecosystem as well.
LIIVING ROOTS is part of the Mexican startup community, which allows us to have support in entrepreneurship issues, legal issues, future financing and most importantly networking with other entrepreneurs in Latin America.
We will measure the progress of the project by using KPIs and the Milestones in the detail plan.
The main KPIs will be:
For the definition of done and project success, we think the KPIs must have certain numbers:
All this measurements will be communicated through our official social media and our official gitbook, I will announce this social media as soon as posible through my personal social media.
Twitter: @CrisRo0787
Discord: crisro0787#3293
Linkedin: Cristian Jair Rojas Velez
This proposal is a continuation of the proposal "Support Small Farmers in Latam" from de "Grow Cardano, Grow Latin America" challenge for fund 7.
This proposal is related to the current one, since the proposed solution was to build a network of small farmers that currently has to do with building a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) of small farmers.
These farmers need to buy inputs and equipment in addition to access to formal credit, the rural agribusinesS that will use the dApp will offer these credits, inputs and equipment to small farmers.
SDG goals:
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
SDG subgoals:
1.1 By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day
1.2 By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
1.4 By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance
2.3 By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value addition and non-farm employment
8.10 Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
2.3.2 Average income of small-scale food producers, by sex and indigenous status
8.10.2 Proportion of adults (15 years and older) with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider
Relevant Experience: