Last updated 2 years ago
Cardano small businesses need productivity services to scale and expand the reach of their mission to grow Cardano.
Scale Cafe services, expanding ability of digital hub to support 11 projects connect, onboarding, and educating all Cardano members.
This is the total amount allocated to Growing Cardano’s Small Businesses.
Scale Cafe services, expanding ability of digital hub to support 11 projects connect, onboarding, and educating all Cardano members.
ADA Cafe has been operating for 6+ months, supporting 11 media projects, launching 2 new NFT artists, and pioneering a NFT category (Non fungible visualizations). We've grown our Discord to 630+ people, have 93+ Patron Members, and host several community spaces per day.
The ADA Cafe accelerates the growth of Cardano by making it easier, faster, and simpler for Humans creating valuable, community-based products & services. We are an eclectic group of creators, technologists, and collectors with three areas of focus.
At its core, the ADA Café is a business-to-business community hub. We provide resources and services that eliminate or optimize manual/tedious work for proven projects building on Cardano. This is critical to the growth of Cardano.
Why is this important?
The Café officially opened December 21 of 2021. The cafe now has over 630 Regulars, 93+ of which are Patrons (Members), and contributes to the Cardano Community everyday. Here’s a highlight of successes to date and some unique Cafe Patrons.
Access and Information Sharing
The solution to the organization of Cardano as a Community is by providing reliable data, technical, and financial resources that a) many do not have the skillset today b) shouldn’t be built multiple times. For example, each Twitter Space host should not have to hire technical talent to create analytics or create a guest scheduling app.
Additionally the Cafe already serves as common ground, making it simpler and easier for anyone to have a trusted, welcoming starting point in their Cardano experience.
Connecting People and Groups
We know the projects supported by the ADA Cafe are giving people human connection, purpose, and a place for personal growth. We know helping people find their place in the Cardano Community enriches everyone who participates. How do we know this? We live it and we hear it from our Patrons and Regulars.
The ADA Cafe is supporting projects which engage the public everyday – both existing and new Cardano Community members. This proposal accelerates our ability to connect people and groups by eliminating/minimizing time spent on easily automated tasks, maximizing the time people can participate & grow the community.
The Cafe acts as bridge builders, bringing together people and projects to work together. Our three focus areas allow us to connect and solve for any creative and/or technical need. For example: if one group is working on an educational course platform and another is working on developing workshops we will help bring them together. Or if someone is working on a Dapp or NFT project we will help find people within our network that want to help.
The library of resources, people, and organizations that interact in the ADA Cafe is constantly growing. This growth is exciting and it requires more effort to create systems and structures that scale – something we must do and plan for today!
Organizing the information and data provides a solid foundation to mentor people trying to learn and leverage the benefits Cardano provides us. This proposals ability to free up our Patrons most valuable resource – time – is precisely how we onboard and mentor more people.
By better understanding community member’s needs with new tools, analytics, and time, the ADA Cafe can curate content and efficiently distribute resources. Anyone that comes to the ADA Cafe should be able to find the experience, people, and help that they need to be successful with what they’re pursuing.
Challenges include but are not limited to:
Maintaining Growth of the Community (Network Strength)
Maintaining authentic engagement in any Community is difficult – much less a decentralized global Community with unpredictable growth patterns. We’re addressing this challenge by providing a variety of social and professional outlets.
Carrying the welcoming, supportive, and discerning ethos of Cardano well into the future is one of the main reasons for starting the Cafe. We value learning, respect, and quality even if when we disagree. The only way to maintain and grow the community is to cultivate a supportive and productive atmosphere where people are safe to participate. This is a sustainable and regenerative process; as people benefit from the good will of others a natural sense of community and responsibility occurs.
Executing in a Decentralized Manner
Efficient execution is difficult, even for centralized companies. Given then distributed nature of the ADA Cafe, there is a risk we aren’t able to achieve as much as we are proposing due to the variable nature of working within a global ecosystem.
We are mitigating this risk with this proposal by having the mandate and resources to incentivize people/teams creating our products & services to maintain focus.
Unforeseen Technical Challenges
The ADA Cafe is fortunate to have many talented technical professionals. Nonetheless, creating new products and services always has the potential for unplanned issues that require a lot more time (therefore budget) to complete.
We are mitigating this risk by 1) having highly competent software engineers to contribute 2) iteratively building in small, achievable phases.
Within 3 Months
Build & Test
Within 6 Months
Roll Out & Analyze
Build & Test Phase 2
Within 12 Months
Self-sustaining Community Expansion & Accelerate Growth
Twitter Space Analytics & Dashboard || $5,000
Audio/Video Production & Processing || $12,000
Scheduling System || $1,000
Website Redesign & Improvements || $12,000
Proposal / Governance Team
Cardano 420:
Cardano Guru:
Cardano Waifu:
Patron Support
When people buy the first Non-fungible Visualizations, the Epoch Clock, they y gain access to more resources and channels in the community in exchange for helping us to make this a sustainable effort. There are 93 people that have already epoch clocks and we bring in more Patrons each week!
Creative & Community Team
Cardano Over Coffee
Daily talk show about all things Cardano, including interviews, speakers and news updates.
Cardano RealFi
Subcritical teaches all things Decentralized Finance on Cardano. The space is meant to be an open space to learn, ask questions and develop decentralized finance strategies for financial freedom. Sundays & Tuesdays at 11:30 AM EST.
Cardano Stonerz Club
High-minded conversation that's sometimes about Cardano. The Cardano StonerZ Club has become one of the most unique, community building Spaces within Cardano – including Charles Hoskinson who stops by every now and then.
Cardano Women
A place for the Women of Cardano to connect with and learn from each other. Men allowed. ;)
Real Talk
Every Tuesday, Cinnamon Bunn, KDev, and David King talk about spicy Cardano Topics.
Dumpling Talk
Global, epochly news updates from across the world, including what's going on in the Cardano Chinese community. Dumpling has become the Space discussing and debating the most important topics in Cardano.
Epoch’s End
The oldest regular Cardano Twitter Spaces. It’s Every 5 days, at Epoch's End, we catch up on all things Cardano!
Flawwed Beginnings
Flawwed’s weekly show helping onboard people to Cardano, ensuring anyone can get help and education on how to begin their journey in Cardano.
Lido Nation
Three times a week, Lido Nation hosts a space to ask anything you want about Cardano, blockchain, or anything else
Cardano Nights
Late Night show about all things Cardano every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday! Hosting speakers, interviews and news updates.
Weekly News Wrap Up
An weekly, hour-long news show that provides update and context to 5 important topics to Cardano Community
Programmable.Art Studio
We talk about the ideas, impact, and humanity of programmable art. What does blockchain native art unlock for you, me, and our communities?
Blockchain Learning Center
We’re working towards developing courses and workshops about the blockchain. We’re bringing these courses to people online as well as in person via classroom and streams. By allowing anyone to make a course on our online platform we’re including the community and rewarding content creators.
We will measure the progress and development by regularly recording KPI’s (key performance indicators) as well as documenting work performed on the project via shared document with the team.
Project Management
Success for this project means successfully creating all the products & services stated in this proposal, on time, on budget.
The services eliminate repetitive, manual tasks for all shows and content creators which also provides potential entry-level jobs and work.
The value of ADA Cafe’s services are validate by the market who begin paying the ADA Cafe for some, if not all, of the products & services.
The ADA Cafe is able to sustainably onboard more Community media talent!
Provider marketing / exposure for 100+ Cardano Projects.
Every month, ADA Cafe is onboarding at least 10 individuals and 2 businesses per quarter.
ADA Cafe has been operating for 6+ months, supporting 11 media projects, launching 2 new NFT artists, and pioneering a NFT category (Non fungible visualizations). We've grown our Discord to 630+ people, have 93+ Patron Members, and host several community spaces per day.