Last updated 2 years ago
Honeybees are in decline on a global scale due to human activity without getting the economic recognition they deserve.
Create a proof of the honeybees’ work on blockchain to increase and sustain honeybee population.
This is the total amount allocated to Honeybees on Blockchain.
Create a proof of the honeybees’ work on blockchain to increase and sustain honeybee population.
Dr. Margarita Mouza has been working on subjects related to the well being of society including technology, nature and neuroscience. She is a teacher, proposal writer and managed a number of projects funded by EU and UNOPS/UNHR until today.
Honeybees are responsible for $30bn a year in crops but they do not get the economic recognition they deserve. Rather, they are dying in massive numbers due to human activity. Creating a proof of the honeybees work on the blockchain will monetize their work, increase bee numbers, secure sustainability of beekeepers work, expand Cardano’s use in commerce, increase Cardano users/holders, and secure sustainable living for all.
To achieve this, the following steps will be taken:
Proof of honeybees' work
Beekeepers, new to the profession, will be identified and recruited for the project’s purposes from the register of the Ministry of Agriculture in Cyprus. The beekeepers will register to a Cardano wallet and become members of the Cardano community. From then on, they will be identified as the ‘Cardano Beekeepers’. The Cardano Beekeepers will be asked to sign up a number of beehives from their beehive fleet (aiming for 25 for starts). For each beehive a limited edition NFT will be developed. The NFT will be the vehicle to blockchain. Each NFT will be minted on NFT-MAKER and sold. In this way each beehive will be registered on the blockchain and the honeybees’ proof of work will be recognized. For the project's purposes 25 NFTs will be developed but since sustainability is important, more unique NFTs will be developed even after the project is completed for future sales. Continuous sales of NFTs will help Cardano beekeepers sustain the beehive fleet and protect the honeybees.
Campaign & Sustainability
NFTs will be promoted and sold through a Web page. CRM technology and social media will be utilized for promotion and sales. The campaign will be ongoing to raise as much awareness as possible on honeybees, thus achieving the sales target. Each individual that buys an NFT will be informed about the details of the beehive she/he adopts (location, progress, honey production etc). The NFT promotion will concentrate on Cardano’s environmental protection philosophy. ADA earned from selling the NFTs will be deposited to the beekeepers’ wallet. The purpose of the earned ADA is to secure sustainability of the honeybee communities, and the beekeepers’ work. This will in-turn increase the honeybee population. (Note: The webpage will remain active for sustainability purposes even after the project is completed, continue future sales and raise awareness on honeybees).
Upon completion of the project, results will be disseminated to the Cardano Community as well as to the general public through the ongoing campaign in an effort to increase awareness on the bee problem caused by us humans.
Blockchain is powerful and Cardano has the means to bring on board anyone that wants to be part of it, including the bees and their keepers. Honeybees on Blockchain seeks to generate a high impact on businesses, startups, as well as professionals and entrepreneurs. Seeks to show that even daily life situations can be on blockchain and by removing the middle man and automating processes, blockchain solutions are even more powerful.
By integrating the bees work on blockchain, beekeepers enter a global competition and have access to modern tools to expand their role and their business without the middle man. Putting the bees' work on blockchain opens the way to other small businesses and professionals aiming to become part of Cardano's family through innovative services offered on the blockchain. As such, the promise of large-scale benefits of this technology will be closer to fulfilment.
The risks and challenges foreseen are:
Due to the instability of the bee population, the number of beehives that will be assigned cannot be secured. If such a problem is encountered, cooperation with beekeepers located in Greece will be an option.
Beekeepers might be reluctant to the idea of blockchain just out of ignorance. Prior to signing up the beehives, beekeepers will be informed about Cardano and the benefits of entering a new world of business that will also benefit their work.
NFT buyers might be reluctant to spend Cardano thinking that the bee population of the beehive they will adopt may die, thus losing their investment. This is an ethical issue. Supporting a beehive is not a for profit investment, it is an investment on ones future in this world. You invest in the bees, you invest for your future.
Months 1-4
1. Identify beekeepers new to the profession of beekeeping located in Cyprus, through the Register of the Ministry of Agriculture. Raise awareness on Cardano community
2. Cardano Beekeepers assign the number of bee hives to be registered on blockchain
3. Cardano Beekeepers onboard the Cardano Community by acquiring a Cardano wallet
4. Preparation of limited edition NFT designs
5. Preparation of a webpage to whitelist and campaign NFTs of Honeybees
Months 4-9
1. Campaign begins. Promote NFT collection through the webpage and CRM whilst also raising awareness on the importance of bees in our lives - videos of beehive locations, interviews of beekeepers etc.
2. Develop and mint the unique NFT collection on NFT-MAKER
Months 9-10
Disseminate the achievement of Cardano community to acknowledge the contribution of honeybees in our lives and recognize proof of their work by:
Promoting the beehives and the linked NFT in social media
Promoting the outcomes of the project (e.g. videos, posts, pictures, beehives in nature, bee products and their nutritional value, etc.)
1.NFT art work $1200
Limited edition art work 25quant
2. Webpage development $3500
Development, graphics, domain, hosting, add ons, NFTs etc. all inclusive)
3. Marketing $3400
Digital marketer (9months x $130 PT), CRM cost, social media ad costs, youtube etc.
4. Onboarding of beekeepers $3400
Travel costs
Content development & awareness raising material
Group meetings & presentations
Personal meetings & ADA wallet creation guidance
Administration & other indirect costs
5. Campaign $4600
Video of Interviews of beekeepers at locations
Meetings for website development
Content creation
Travel costs
Administration & other indirect costs
6. Dissemination $2200
Content development
Exposure of project results and Cardano Community
Administration & other indirect costs
7. Project management & Coordination $3340
(9monthsx $360PT)
8. Miscellaneous (hidden costs) $560
TOTAL $22200
All team members are new to Cardano Community in an effort to expand Cardano's family as well as introduce young generations to the world of Cardano. Gender parity has been also taken into consideration:
1.Project Management & Coordination: Dr Margarita Mouza - the proposer (99+) Dr. Margarita Mouza | LinkedIn (full cv attached)
2.Web Development: Vangelis Panagoulia (full cv attached)
3. Campaign & Marketing: - Digital Marketer Georgios Chrysostomou Digital Marketing (cv attached)
4. NFT graphics: Elena Yioti - Graphic Arts (Pastel Institute) & team (3 total young artists) .
Months 1-4
Months 4-9
Months 9-10
Primarily, success for the project would mean for bees to assimilate with blockchain. Secondly, have a sustainable number of full beehives, thirdly, introduce beekeeping in new business areas and increase engagement of stakeholders beyond the ordinary. In conclusion, meeting success criteria of this challenge: innovative products and services that increase efficiency, transparency, and stakeholder engagement as well as expand business to new areas.
This is an entirely new project.
SDG goals:
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
SDG subgoals:
15.5 Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
15.5.1 Red List Index
SDG goals:
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
SDG subgoals:
2.3 By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value addition and non-farm employment
2.b Correct and prevent trade restrictions and distortions in world agricultural markets, including through the parallel elimination of all forms of agricultural export subsidies and all export measures with equivalent effect, in accordance with the mandate of the Doha Development Round
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
2.3.2 Average income of small-scale food producers, by sex and indigenous status
Dr. Margarita Mouza has been working on subjects related to the well being of society including technology, nature and neuroscience. She is a teacher, proposal writer and managed a number of projects funded by EU and UNOPS/UNHR until today.