Last updated 3 years ago
After some time, we have noticed that small traders of raw materials have difficulties in selling their products
This platform allows small producers to sell their products by connecting them directly to national and international buyers.
This is the total amount allocated to MinConnect.
This platform allows small producers to sell their products by connecting them directly to national and international buyers.
bypasses a host of non-value-added intermediaries in the supply chain from producers to buyers. In addition, this platform helps them obtain seasonal information such as weather conditions, prices in other markets, advice on mining practices and provides them with expertise.
MinConnect is a web-mobile and SMS-USSD platform that connects all actors of the mining sector to markets and mining information (price information, mining weather and advice on technical mining routes in the face of climate change for a sustainable and profitable mining practice).
This platform allows small-scale producers to market their products by connecting them directly to national and international buyers. MinConnect bypasses a host of non-value-added intermediaries in the supply chain from producers to buyers, and helps them obtain seasonal information such as weather conditions, prices in other markets, advice on mining practices, and expertise.
This solution offers to mining companies, cooperatives or small producers' warehouse groups a place on the virtual market "an e-commerce market place".
This platform allows small-scale producers to market their products by connecting them directly to national and international buyers
A comfortable work especece, a little background for the implementation of the functional prototype
We need three months of work to have a working prototype, then 3 more months to deploy our solution in the field
We will need $30,000, to equip our workspace, purchase the necessary tools for the implementation of our solution, but also a part will help us to deploy a team on the field, to properly analyze the problems we want to solve
Victoire SHUKURU: Manager of Victory Company which is a company working in the field of new information and communication technology (web developper)
Trevy Kanda : Bachelor in programming, and mobile developer at victory company
Miriam rukirande : Graduated in communication at the University of Goma, she is in charge of communication at victory company
We will use the Github commits to see the evolution of the project development
The project is profitable and viable, as the mitech sector is not yet exploited in my country and even in most African countries. This means that once our solution is implemented, it will be something extraordinary, which will facilitate small producers, but also create employment for other young people.
 un projet entièrement nouveau
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
bypasses a host of non-value-added intermediaries in the supply chain from producers to buyers. In addition, this platform helps them obtain seasonal information such as weather conditions, prices in other markets, advice on mining practices and provides them with expertise.