Last updated 3 years ago
Creators have limited access to capital and consumers lack options to invest in them.
Rondevoo: A stock market for creators (who raise capital via tokens) & investors (who earn dividends and redeem tokens for perks).
This is the total amount allocated to Rondevoo.
Rondevoo: A stock market for creators (who raise capital via tokens) & investors (who earn dividends and redeem tokens for perks).
We are currently a team of five - 2 Econ Majors, 2 CS majors, and 1 business major. Have a fair amount of experience in working with content creators and this idea arose after feedback from users of our previous platform.
Rondevoo: A stock market for creators & investors
Creator - Issue tokens, use funds for content creation, return a share to investors
Investor - Buy/exchange tokens, exclusive benefits and perks, earn dividends.
We hope this platform will allow creators access to more capital to pursue their careers while also allowing fans of these creators a chance to invest and interact with them as their communities grow.
Our business model will be to take a commission on each transaction.
A stock market for creators will allow them to raise capital quickly, securely, and easily. No high-interest, growth-suppressing loans. No VCs backing them and influencing their creative direction. Just passionate fans-turned-investors of content creators who want to see them grow their business. Creators benefit from the massive growth opportunities the raised capital will provide as well as their own token appreciation. Investors benefit from dividends and exclusive perks that they are entitled to as token holders.
The main challenge we will face will stem from acquiring the necessary licenses needed in order to be compliant with federal and global legislation.
We are in the development stage of the platform. Building on Polkadot, Cardano, & Ethereum.
Q1 2022: Development started.
Q2 2022: Have platform developed and beta testing begins. Also will have finalized acquisition of most licensing required.
Q3 2022: Fully launch platform
Q4 2022:
We are in the development stage of the platform. Building on Polkadot, Cardano, & Ethereum.
Q1 2022: Project planning and promotion.
Q2 2022: Have platform developed and beta testing begins. Obtain necessary licenses.
Q3 2022: Fully launch platform.
Q4 2022: Continued promotion and expansion into different markets (i.e. other states along with a thorough exploration into NFTs).
Will Hayes - Previously built and background in marketing and content creation
Philip Zanone - Background in accounting and management
Wilachat Weesakul - Background in software development and backend engineering.
Tarun Donipati - Background in business and solidity/plutus
David Hasani - Background in full stack development
To start, progress and development will be measured according to metrics on user signups and committed capital. In the coming months we intend on continuing to promote the product and gain as many email signups from both creators and investors (to be reminded when we launch) as possible. We also plan on setting up the payment aspect of the application as soon as possible, so that we can measure total committed (deposited) capital as well. We will then continuously track user engagement (time spent on app, perks/benefits received, etc.), amount of dividends paid out, and total capital invested on Rondevoo.
By the end of the calendar year, having at least 1,000 content creators using the product with at least 500 investors who cumulatively have invested at least $100,000 into their favorite creators.
Entirely new one.
We are currently a team of five - 2 Econ Majors, 2 CS majors, and 1 business major. Have a fair amount of experience in working with content creators and this idea arose after feedback from users of our previous platform.