Last updated 2 years ago
Performance-based earners (PBEs): athletes, actors, musicians, etc, are targets for fraud & mismanaged contracts. Smart contracts will help.
Provide smart contract service incl. automated royalty calcs & dispersements on a cost-effective basis for PBEs & organisations globally
This is the total amount allocated to Smart Contracts: Royalty Payments.
Provide smart contract service incl. automated royalty calcs & dispersements on a cost-effective basis for PBEs & organisations globally
Legal: 11 yrs in corporate & commercial legal work (incl. contracts), PR, & advocacy Busines Intelligence: 8 yrs BusDev: 7 yrs in SME space IT Dev: 13 yrs DevOps: 9 years Banking: 15 yrs incl. treasury, capital management, & regulatory exp. (nat. & intl)
LTS currently has two confirmed customers and two major POC projects in play:
LTS is a going business concern, and requires funding to expand our development team to deliver on these POCs, which in turn will be used as a basis for our confirmed customers. LTS's business aim is to deliver an affordable smart contract service for performance-based earners and organisations to better handle their contract requirements. With specific attention to the South African POC leg, we have been mapping and planning this project since mid-2020.
With actual business contracts and POC opportunities in place, servicing projects totaling over USD$50 million in yearly revenue, LTS is well placed to deliver an effective smart contract solution that will address trust and transparency issues in multiple markets in South Africa and North America.
Our solutions would provide a working model for the sports industry, where players are regularly subjected to delayed payments based on manual calculations of performance-based targets, as well as complicated tiering of compensation. Currently, the National Basketball Association spends USD$600,000 annually on contract compliance for player payments.
We currently have one smart contract developer committed, however with the scope of the POCs and existing opportunities, we need to expand in this area.
Our proposal targets multiple KPIs in the B2B:B2C challenge
Our main challenges are around:
Planned delivery milestones (based on successful funding):
Requested amount: 95,000 (USD conversion to ZAR at 15.5 to 1)
Additional smart contract developers - 40,000 (ZAR 620,000)
Full time customer consultation team - 20,000 (ZAR 310,000)
Project Management - 15,000 (ZAR 232,500)
IT Infrastructure - 10,000 (ZAR 155,500)
Administration incl documentation - 5,000 (ZAR 77,500)
Sundry expenses - 5,000 (ZAR 77,500)
Founders and executive team are bootstrapping, with all funding going to additional skills to accomplish goals.
Legal, Comms, and PR Specialist: Sade Lekena ( Specialises in contract and PR law, will oversee customer royalty and repayment contracts, direct overall company communication strategy, and ensure legal compliance regarding international remittances
Director of Business Development: Les Allen ( Currently responsible for negotiating and closing of POC opportunities, secured the first two actual customer commitments
Banking and Regulatory Specialist: Jeanette de Beer ( Team advisory on banking and repayment regulations and procedures nationally and internationally.
CTO and Chief Development: Ricardo Carvalho ( Significant experience with platform development, credentials include the VOD platform for Discovery Channel.
There is a project management provision for the entire POC process responsible for tracking and adherence to milestones, which will include:
We have earmarked a major public event in the first week of September to demonstrate our working MVPs. All milestones will be balanced in lieu of delivery at that event
Success for this project will be the delivery of a working smart contract platform that allows performance-based earners to have trust in the contracts they enter into. Success in the sports POC space will mean the adoption of a smart contract process by a major sports team, which will spotlight the use case of smart contracts for professional athletes.
Success will further be entrenched with a working smart contract covering the performers and artists in our two client commitments - to spotlight that creators will be paid based on their outputs, with trusted smart contract solutions, will further enhance the value of smart contracts in the marketplace.
When it comes to the South African POC - the entertainment industry in South Africa has long been the victim of fraud, mismangement, and lack of visibility when it comes to royalty payments. "Done" will be when a completely transparent royalty collection and dispersement system that is automated and trusted can continue to provide security to performance-based earners in this space.
While this is an entirely new project, we would expect to continue working on the platform and would submit proposals for funding in future phases.
Legal: 11 yrs in corporate & commercial legal work (incl. contracts), PR, & advocacy Busines Intelligence: 8 yrs BusDev: 7 yrs in SME space IT Dev: 13 yrs DevOps: 9 years Banking: 15 yrs incl. treasury, capital management, & regulatory exp. (nat. & intl)