Last updated 2 years ago
Missing real Stake Pool performance Dashboard where SPO's can show live data.
There's a lack of accessible and trusted tools, resources, and data to provide insights on live SP performance for stake pool delegators
This is the total amount allocated to SPO Dashboard for Delegators.
There's a lack of accessible and trusted tools, resources, and data to provide insights on live SP performance for stake pool delegators
SPOCRA board member, Funded proposer, Stake Pool Operator, Stakepool as a Service Provider, SPOs mentor, elected Catalyst Circle member. Fund7 funded proposer.
By my engagement as a SPOCRA board member and SPO Mentor, I am in constant contact with stake pool operators and one of the issues smaller stake pool operators face is the information delivery to Delegators on their stake pool performance as current tools are just mathematically âguessingâ the performance of the pool which works ok with larger pools, but fails with smaller ones.
Working on SPO monitoring tools and talking to SPOs we realized that there is a HUGE need to expand functionality for Delegators to see live data.
This project is an add-on to the Fund7 funded proposal. In this proposal we are focusing on Delegators - so they can make an assessment of the stake pool on real performance data. This gives stake pool operators a chance to provide verified performance data to their delegators. Currently, Delegators have to guess the performance based on âEstimated Blocks in Whole Epochâ which is based on mathematical probability. We are offering real performance data on Assigned blocks per epoch (submitted by SPOs using our Monitoring Platform) and Delegators can see how many blocks the stake pool has Minted and how many failed because of fork, slot battle, or server (SPO) failure to generate the block.
This could include info about how the project will align with Challenge KPIs?
How will the outcomes of your project be communicated or marketed once completed?
As we provide direct services to Stake Pool Operators we target specific b2b use cases within the Cardano ecosystem.
All provided tools and services will be displayed on our Website and via social media, such as Twitter
Changing Market prices for the Development & Project implementation might be the highest risk which would cause delays or failure of a successful execution
Engaging with the Catalyst Community Network to build connections and relations and to have direct access to skilled and committed community members, able to participate in the successful implementation and to lower the risk of failure.
May 2022 (mainly preparing for the project)
June 2022 (Developing / Testing Phase)
July 2022 (Developing Launching Phase)
UI/UX Designer 60h x $45 = $2,700
React/WEB Development 100h x $65 =Â $6,500Â
Backend / API Development 140h x $65 = $9,100
Project Management / consultants  - 480h $20 $9,600.00
As we provide direct services to Stake Pool Operators we target specific b2b use cases within the Cardano ecosystem.
All provided tools and services will be displayed on our Website and via social media, such as Twitter
The Projects evolution will be tracked via Jira, which we are using to track changes and issues (bugs).
The Proposal's success will be measured by a successful proposal implementation, a ready-to-use dashboard for Stake Pool Operators and Delegators, and the number of users using the provided service.
This Proposal is a direct continuation of the funded F7:
SPOCRA board member, Funded proposer, Stake Pool Operator, Stakepool as a Service Provider, SPOs mentor, elected Catalyst Circle member. Fund7 funded proposer.